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🪐 Jetpack Compose Multiplatform library that allows you to implement dynamic transition animations such as shared element transitions.


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/skydoves/Orbitary/compare/0.1.1...0.1.2


1 year ago

🎉 Orbitary 0.1.1 has been released! 🎉

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/skydoves/Orbitary/compare/0.1.0...0.1.1


1 year ago

🎉 Orbitary has been released! 🎉

🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition.

Note: This is an experimental library that demonstrates various animations with Jetpack Compose. Please make sure that your project uses Jetpack Compose 1.3.0-alpha01, Compose Compiler 1.2.0, and Kotlin 1.7.0.