Openshot Qt Versions Save

OpenShot Video Editor is an award-winning free and open-source video editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows, and is dedicated to delivering high quality video editing and animation solutions to the world.


6 years ago

Openshot-qt (full list of changes)

  • Fixing small regression with translation website URLs when using default/en_US
  • Fixing small bug in Export dialog where profile and quality get blown away when changing format
  • Ignoring history update messages, since libopenshot doesn't care about them
  • Simplifying export progress, reducing # of signals being emitted
  • Integrating current language into website URLs and simplifying a few translations (removing HTML tags)
  • Removing unneeded UTF8 encode method, which caused certain project paths to fail when loading (solves crash on Windows trying to open non-English project file paths)
  • Fixing a big race condition on initial launch of OpenShot, which causes certain JavaScript calls to fail (so default profiles, snapping mode, and few other things set on launch would fail sometimes)
  • Adding keyboard shortcuts for toggling 'Transform' and 'Insert Keyframe'. This improves the animation work-flow, and no longer requires a bunch of mouse clicks / context menus for animations.
  • Preventing overwriting an input file with the export dialog, and updating export progress on export window title (thanks Peter)
  • Updating translations and contributor credits

Libopenshot (full list of changes)

  • More experimental critical sections trying to prevent race conditions on high CPU core systems
  • Additional omp critical sections around adding frame images
  • Experimental codec lookup by name in FFmpegWriter, which should solve a few issues (such as xvid support). Thanks Peter!
  • Fixing regression (I think) with rotation origin. Things should always rotate around the center of an object (until I add in keyframable origin points)
  • Setting timebase on video stream in FFmpegWriter... a bit experimental
  • Improving playback smoothness on high framerate videos, especially when the video frames need to jump forward to keep up with the audio
  • Removing throw statements from header files (thanks Peter)
  • Reducing # of scale operations to 1 per layer on the timeline.
  • Fixing 16 thread limit on FFmpegReader
  • Fixing a cast from long to int64_t
  • Big update! Updating all "long int" frame number types to int64_t, so all 3 OSes will produce the same depth and precision on frame numbers.
  • Removing variable bitrate support (for now), since it causes more problems than it solves.


6 years ago

Improved stability, improved undo/redo system, new freeze preset menu, new export settings (video only, audio only, image sequences)


  • Bumping version to 2.4.0 (min libopenshot version 0.1.8)
  • Protect file menu from invalid file_id
  • Protect timeline dropEvent from empty item_id
  • Cloaking timeline body until Angular loads fully (so we don't see the occasional pop-in debug layout)
  • Updating translations and supporters
  • Improving undo/redo support. Now the last X number of undo/redo actions are stored in the project file. The number can be adjusted in the prefences, under the auto-save tab. This also vastly improves the usefulness of the auto-save system, since it saves your undo/redo history as well.
  • Fixed Image Sequence exporting. Supports PNG, JPG, PPM, BMP and a few others. Also added 'Audio Only' and 'Video Only' export options.
  • Adding new Freeze and Freeze & Zoom presets, to quickly insert freezes into clips. Removing 'show waveform' from separate audio menu, to increase speed of separating audio. Bumping version to 2.3.4-dev3. Adding new translation templates.


  • Bumping version to 0.1.8 (SO version 13)
  • Prevent crashes related to too many threads (on 24+ thread systems)
  • Migrating tr1 to std, adding C++11 support to build scripts, fixing crash in FFmpegReader (caused by shared_ptr, buffer, and last_video_frame corruption). Much improved stability with this change. Thanks to Craig and Peter for the help!
  • Fixing crash on Ubuntu build server
  • Fixed a strange bug related to exporting image sequences. The filename property was not being set on the AVFormatContext. Also fixed a bug when exporting to JPEG image sequences related to max_b_frames and certain codecs.
  • Fixing issue with incorrect image size caches, which results in blurry/smudgy scaling on certain things.
  • Fix issue with loading time curves that are never processed (i.e. have no values)
  • Adding additional locks when adding/changing audio data. Reducing FrameMapper to a single frame at a Fixing crash on Time keyframes where it would sometimes calculate an invalid frame number.
  • Fixing audio pops when stacking multiple clips with different offsets (pretty big issue for some people, just depending on your source framerates and position/start of clips).
  • Removing nested OMP processing from FrameMapper. Adding lock inside time mapping (to prevent crashes when speeding up/slowing down clips). Adding omp critial lock to Frame GetAudioChannelsCount() and GetAudioSamplesCount() methods.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago

This tag is for our experimental daily releases - please disregard the source code attached to this tag. I am only using this as a bucket for daily installers / app images / etc...


7 years ago