Open.HD Versions Save



1 year ago
  1. ardupilot rejected the mavlink rc override messages - fix
  2. some rtl8812au frequencies above >=5700Mhz were rejected - fix
  3. wifi hotspot now uses fixed ip's - this fixes issue of ethernet being buggy when wifi hotspot is activated. When logged in the pi's wifi hotspot, the pi is now always at
  4. On some camera streams, gstreamer did not properly terminate, resulting in the need to restart openhd when changing camera settings - fix
  5. performance (rpi) - under some circumstances, rpi cpu & other frequencies did not dynamically scale up to the maximum even though used / overused which results in dropped frames by the decoder and high latency - fixed. Note that we do not overclock the rpi hw - we only set the max from rpi specs if needed. New features:
  6. Add mavlink out on ground via serial for tracker - off by default, needs to be enabled via param, baud rate is fixed to 115200 there
  7. changed openhd settings path (camera, interface,NOT QOpenHD) - A lot of (rpi) users complained that they cannot change settings manually anymore. Even though this is not recommended, we want to support that - and since on rpi image only /boot shows up under windows in the file reader, we had to change the path in this regard. Shouldn't create any issues on linux, since we are root, we can just cretae the directory at run time
  8. Preliminar support for changing binary gpio pins on rpi via mavlink params (only gpio2 for now) Other CI: Execute OpenHD as air and ground for 10 seconds in the ubuntu22 build test CI, then terminate properly Work in progress - seek thermal camera support Disable video recording on boot - needed for new ui element (since it doesn't infer a enabled / disabled status on startup). Report free space available

See the release notes in the official channel(s) for a complete overview


1 year ago

Dear community, We’ve been working on OpenHD-evo for almost a year now, open and documented on GitHub, but without a public release. After getting a lot of positive feedback from our most experienced users, we finally decided to make the first public (beta) release. Please note: There are a lot of new features, but also a few missing ones – read below for a comprehensive list.

We would like to thank everybody involved who made this release possible – our lead developers Constantin and Raphael , who have put in hundreds of hours to give you a completely reworked and mostly rewritten version of OpenHD. We would also like to thank Careyer for his work in problem solving and communication with companies. In addition to that we thank Luke and Roman for their contributions to the code base. And we also want to thank our testers group of about 30 individuals, who helped us detect bugs and make important decisions. A special thank you to Norbert , Marcel and Sebastian for their constant help and expertise.

We are also excited to announce that we have started an official partnership with Arducam and Veye-Imaging, which are currently supplying our dev team with prototypes, information, and even access to closed-source code. This will enable us to support more modern cameras and help these companies design cameras which are more suited for the drone environment. Now, let’s go into more detail about what OpenHD-2.3-evo (beta) is. As previously mentioned, we have done a complete rework of the old OpenHD. This means that we now have a completely rewritten version of OpenHD written in consistent C++ code with standardized MAVlink telemetry and settings. We have also reworked the build structure so that it compiles end-to-end winthin online CIs in a transparent and reproducible way. Additionally, we have made sure that the entire code base is optimized and well-documented for easier access and modification. Here are some of the most important changes: • Extended camera support, including Libcamera, raspivid, gstreamer, and Veye support. • Integrated h.265 and MJPEG support* • Extended WiFi support, including 8812AU, AR9271, 8812BU and 8188EUS • Extended SBC support, adding x86 support and Jetson Nano as TX • Updated settings, which can now be changed without any config files inside QOpenHD and LIVE – note that this replaced the OpenHD-settings-1.txt file. • Updated Wifibroadcast with better FEC, 40MHz channel width and RC support • Channel scanning inside QOpenHD (*on supported devices)

Please note that since we have rewritten most of OpenHD, not every function is currently implemented. Currently, we do not have: • Apps for Android/Windows/iOS (we have already started working on them) • More advanced multi-camera support (currently, we only allow 2 cameras, and switching requires a reboot) • Advanced camera settings (currently only MMAL allows for brightness, exposure, etc. changes) • VR/3D support • Easy IP Camera support Furthermore we decided to remove support for ARM6, which means that we no longer support the Pi Zero, Pi1 and Pi2(v.1) due to a lack of features and performance in these boards. We are also still working on the UI and trying to make things easier for the user. The current state is stable to fly and should be free of major bugs. This version is designed to let the user try almost everything. OpenHD will not check if the settings are sane or even manageable by the hardware, so please be warned. For more information, please visit our wiki: After all this information, let’s start using evo! Simply install the OpenHDImageWriter (currently only available on Windows and Linux) and flash OpenHD to your device.

Direct Downloads can be found here: please add a "air.txt" or a "ground.txt" to the openhd folder when flashing it manually


2 years ago

We are expecting some bug Please Report them via issues on Github!

KNOWN ISSUES- -android adsb aircraft icon missing -possible inconsistent mission waypoint order/lines on map

QOPENHD APP Changes- -ardupilot only flight mode change via flight mode widget -ardupilot only RTL command via home widget -ardupilot only Mission widget. Total waypoint count and current waypoint -ardupilot only mission waypoints on map -ardupilot only arm/disarm via throttle widget -FC reboot command via power page -Total rewrite of ADSB widget. Now agregates sources (David Contribution) -in app veye camera control (Daniel Contribution) -ALL widgets positioned via long press and settings. Tap/click opens "actions" if available -Widget names in popup (Daniel Contribution) -Configurable Mavlink sysid in general -blackbox playback fixed (not enabled in release build) -Autopilot info requested on connnect (internal to app) -GPIO widget layout fixed -Data Logger class added (internal to app and disabled in build) -UAV position track history draws on map (efficiently recycles 100 points) -Horizon width control now more fine -FPV widget default size increased -Declutter option from old OSD now added to multiple widgets and is configurable via settings popup -GPS widget layout cleanup -i2c and Veye changes related to app setting Veye controls (Daniel Contribution) -Raspberry Cam controls via the app (Daniel Contribution)

OPENHD CHANGES- -new pi4b model added -unknown pi models default to assuming dual hotspot band ability


3 years ago

This is likely the last release of the 2.0.x series. OpenHD 3.0 is a complete rewrite and should be released in a few weeks.


Changes in 2.0.8

Test notes

  • The font dropdowns in QOpenHD may not update in both locations when you change the font
  • In some cases QOpenHD might freeze on the ground station, this isn't a bug in the app itself but appears to be an issue with the Raspbian Buster 4.19.x kernel. We're testing an updated kernel to fix it.
  • Air-side power stats (voltage/current from external sensors) may not be arriving in QOpenHD at the moment
  • The boot screen may flicker for a moment when a TX is connected to the ground, this is expected at the moment (there is a bug in a system library we use)
  • The first few messages may not show up on the boot screen at the moment
  • The size of OSD elements in QOpenHD is fairly small on high resolution screens, HiDPI is not currently being detected automatically. If necessary you can increase the scale in the QOpenHD settings panel under App->Screen, you can also edit /boot/qopenhd.conf and reboot
  • Video may stutter or freeze when ground recording to SD card is enabled with VIDEO_TMP=sdcard
    • This is an old problem, the settings file has had a note about it for probably a year or more
    • A temporary solution is to use VIDEO_TMP=memory instead
    • Will be resolved soon by separating the recording system from the rest of the video pipeline so it can't affect live flight
  • Some parts of the old OSD may be reversed when Vector Open Telemetry is in use (#283)


3 years ago

This is likely the last release of the 2.0.x series. OpenHD 3.0 is a complete rewrite and should be released in a few weeks.


  • Stretch
    • Still provided for people using the old OSD
  • Buster
    • Required for Compute Module 3+, or Pi4, but works on all pi models

Changes in 2.0.7

  • Fix Ralink RSSI display
  • Fix Ralink single USB/IP cameras
  • Update QOpenHD to 0.4.0b16
    • Fix ADSB data from SDR devices (Luke Shanks)
    • Fix to ADSB aircraft rotation with map orientation (Luke Shanks)
    • Add error reporting for ADSB issues (Luke Shanks)
    • Optimize the horizon widget (Luke Shanks)
      • Should reduce CPU load and improve video rendering as a result
    • Optimize the FPV widget (Luke Shanks)
    • Add option to limit FPV vertical/lateral limits (Luke Shanks)
    • Add setting for flight controller Mavlink SysID (Luke Shanks)
      • Note: You DO NOT normally need to set or change this, the system will do the right thing by default
    • Add ground station power widget (Jelle Tigchelaar)
      • There will now be 2 power/battery displays on screen, one for the flight controller and one for the ground station
      • They are marked with Air/Gnd
      • If you don't have any ground power sensors attached you can disable the widget in the settings file or settings menu
      • The design of those power widgets is likely to change soon to make it easier to see them all, due to the number of different sensors and sources of data
    • Internal changes
      • Jetson nano build support for OpenHD 3.0

Test notes

  • The font dropdowns in QOpenHD may not update in both locations when you change the font
  • In some cases QOpenHD might freeze on the ground station, this isn't a bug in the app itself but appears to be an issue with the Raspbian Buster 4.19.x kernel. We're testing an updated kernel to fix it.
  • Air-side power stats (voltage/current from external sensors) may not be arriving in QOpenHD at the moment
  • The boot screen may flicker for a moment when a TX is connected to the ground, this is expected at the moment (there is a bug in a system library we use)
  • The first few messages may not show up on the boot screen at the moment
  • The size of OSD elements in QOpenHD is fairly small on high resolution screens, HiDPI is not currently being detected automatically. If necessary you can increase the scale in the QOpenHD settings panel under App->Screen, you can also edit /boot/qopenhd.conf and reboot
  • Video may stutter or freeze when ground recording to SD card is enabled with VIDEO_TMP=sdcard
    • This is an old problem, the settings file has had a note about it for probably a year or more
    • A temporary solution is to use VIDEO_TMP=memory instead
    • Will be resolved soon by separating the recording system from the rest of the video pipeline so it can't affect live flight
  • Some parts of the old OSD may be reversed when Vector Open Telemetry is in use (#283)


3 years ago

There are still a handful of little issues that need to be resolved, if you see anything wrong either open an issue on Github or tell us about it in Telegram.


  • Stretch
    • Still provided for people using the old OSD
  • Buster
    • Required for Compute Module 3+, or Pi4, but works on all pi models

Changes in 2.0.6

  • Fix RC briefly using default values when RC or the ground station restarts
    • If your TX accidentally disconnects, whether you're aware of it or not, this should allow it to resume control as soon as it connects again
    • If your drone is in RTL and your ground station reboots (intentionally or otherwise) the drone should remain in RTL, previously this might have caused Ardupilot to think the flight mode had been changed
    • This also switches away from using SDL and uses the standard Linux joystick interface instead
  • Auto calibrate Seek Compact thermal camera at power on
    • This reduces thermal image noise, in some cases significantly
    • You should hold something thermally flat and non-reflective in front of the Seek when you turn the drone on
    • Keep it there for a few seconds after video appears on the ground station or hotspot devices
    • You'll know if you didn't wait long enough, there will be a "burned in" image instead of clear thermal video
    • The auto calibration is a significant enough improvement that it is always enabled at the moment, if needed we can make it an option
  • Enable support for saving video/telemetry to exFAT usb drives after flight
  • Update QOpenHD to 0.4.0b15
    • Disable remote drag-and-drop from Android
    • Update camera preset lines for buster
    • Set flight mAh for Vector telemetry
    • Set RC RSSI for Vector telemetry
    • Fix Mavlink telemetry reception for flight controllers where the sysid is changed
      • This includes flight controllers like Pitlab
      • Note: those of you who are connecting multiple drones to the same Mavlink channel, we're going to add a way to manually specify which one you want telemetry from, and in the future we'll have each detected drone listed so you can easily pick the one you want
    • ADSB support (Luke Shanks)
      • This works with both plain internet access or an SDR device connected to the ground
      • Aircraft will show up in the map
      • You will also see/hear warnings if there is an aircraft within close distance
    • Fix for home position loss after app restart (Luke Shanks)
    • Add ESC and IMU temperature widgets (Felipe Machado)
    • Fix log level filter (Felipe Machado)
    • Add option for battery percent from flight controller calculation (Felipe Machado)
    • Remove warning message from home Mavlink message (Felipe Machado)
    • Automated cell count if telemetry provides it (Felipe Machado)
    • Add Efficiency in mAh/KM widget (Felipe Machado)
    • Fix Issue with battery percent in divisions of 5% (Felipe Machado)
    • Increase mAh/KM widget size (Felipe Machado)
    • Fix incorrect color in air battery widget (Felipe Machado)
    • Update widget detail sizes on air battery, home distance, and roll widgets (Felipe Machado)

Test notes

  • The font dropdowns in QOpenHD may not update in both locations when you change the font
  • In some cases QOpenHD might freeze on the ground station, this isn't a bug in the app itself but appears to be an issue with the Raspbian Buster 4.19.x kernel. We're testing an updated kernel to fix it.
  • Air-side power stats (voltage/current from external sensors) may not be arriving in QOpenHD at the moment
  • The boot screen may flicker for a moment when a TX is connected to the ground, this is expected at the moment (there is a bug in a system library we use)
  • The first few messages may not show up on the boot screen at the moment
  • The size of OSD elements in QOpenHD is fairly small on high resolution screens, HiDPI is not currently being detected automatically. If necessary you can increase the scale in the QOpenHD settings panel under App->Screen, you can also edit /boot/qopenhd.conf and reboot
  • Video may stutter or freeze when ground recording to SD card is enabled with VIDEO_TMP=sdcard
    • This is an old problem, the settings file has had a note about it for probably a year or more
    • A temporary solution is to use VIDEO_TMP=memory instead
    • Will be resolved soon by separating the recording system from the rest of the video pipeline so it can't affect live flight
  • Some parts of the old OSD may be reversed when Vector Open Telemetry is in use (#283)


3 years ago

There are still a handful of little issues that need to be resolved, if you see anything wrong either open an issue on Github or tell us about it in Telegram.


  • Stretch
    • Still provided for people using the old OSD
  • Buster
    • Required for Compute Module 3+, or Pi4, but works on all pi models

Changes in 2.0.5

  • Fix HDMI output on pi zero
  • Increase CPU speed on all pi models
  • Allow QOpenHD to switch 2nd camera from PiP to fullscreen with RC camera switching
    • There's no extra setting for this, as long as camera switching is set up and working and the RC levels match your TX
    • Double check the RC levels in the settings file (Camera2ValueMin etc) if you can't get one of the RC levels to trigger switching
    • The temporary ENABLE_QOPENHD_PIP setting is removed and no longer necessary
  • Update the default RC camera levels
    • These are the Camera2ValueMin, Camera2ValueMax values
    • They control what happens when your camera switching channel hits a specific RC value
    • Ordinarily, a 3 position switch will use 1000, 1500, and 2000 RC levels
    • If you need to update your old settings file, see here
    • Level 2 does PiP, level 3 switches the 2nd camera to full screen on HDMI (not on Android yet)
  • Add documentation for VEYE camera settings
  • Update VEYE imx290/imx307 camera driver
  • Add new VEYE camera settings
    • Saturation, brightness, sharpness, WDR AE, etc
    • If you need to add the new settings to your old settings file, see here
  • Update Seek thermal driver
    • Package now includes the FFC calibration command (for advanced users, will be handled automatically in 2.1)
  • Internal changes
    • Replace dump1090-fa with dump1090-mutability

Test notes

  • The font dropdowns in QOpenHD may not update in both locations when you change the font
  • In some cases QOpenHD might freeze on the ground station, this isn't a bug in the app itself but appears to be an issue with the Raspbian Buster 4.19.x kernel. We're testing an updated kernel to fix it.
  • Air-side power stats (voltage/current from external sensors) may not be arriving in QOpenHD at the moment
  • The boot screen may flicker for a moment when a TX is connected to the ground, this is expected at the moment (there is a bug in a system library we use)
  • The first few messages may not show up on the boot screen at the moment
  • The size of OSD elements in QOpenHD is fairly small on high resolution screens, HiDPI is not currently being detected automatically. If necessary you can increase the scale in the QOpenHD settings panel under App->Screen, you can also edit /boot/qopenhd.conf and reboot
  • Video may stutter or freeze when ground recording to SD card is enabled with VIDEO_TMP=sdcard
    • This is an old problem, the settings file has had a note about it for probably a year or more
    • A temporary solution is to use VIDEO_TMP=memory instead
    • Will be resolved soon by separating the recording system from the rest of the video pipeline so it can't affect live flight
  • Some parts of the old OSD may be reversed when Vector Open Telemetry is in use (#283)


3 years ago

There are still a handful of little issues that need to be resolved, if you see anything wrong either open an issue on Github or tell us about it in Telegram.


  • Stretch
    • Still provided for people using the old OSD
  • Buster
    • Required for Compute Module 3+, or Pi4, but works on all pi models

Changes in 2.0.4

  • Fix buster on pi zero
  • Fix air temperature on pi zero
  • Fix screenshot save path
  • Fix race condition in Seek thermal driver
  • Use bone color map by default on seek
  • Don't rotate Seek image by default
    • You can still rotate if you need to in the settings file
  • Fix 2nd camera streams on Buster
    • They were working before, but only if you had ENABLE_QOPENHD=Y set manually
  • Allow single USB/IP camera to be the main video stream with QOpenHD
    • There is a temporary setting called ENABLE_QOPENHD_PIP
    • If you set it to N, the video will work like the old OSD including switching between the primary/secondary camera
    • This fixes single USB/IP camera on Buster

Test notes

  • The font dropdowns in QOpenHD may not update in both locations when you change the font
  • In some cases QOpenHD might freeze on the ground station, this isn't a bug in the app itself but appears to be an issue with the Raspbian Buster 4.19.x kernel. We're testing an updated kernel to fix it.
  • Air-side power stats (voltage/current from external sensors) may not be arriving in QOpenHD at the moment
  • The boot screen may flicker for a moment when a TX is connected to the ground, this is expected at the moment (there is a bug in a system library we use)
  • The first few messages may not show up on the boot screen at the moment
  • The size of OSD elements in QOpenHD is fairly small on high resolution screens, HiDPI is not currently being detected automatically. If necessary you can increase the scale in the QOpenHD settings panel under App->Screen, you can also edit /boot/qopenhd.conf and reboot
  • Video may stutter or freeze when ground recording to SD card is enabled with VIDEO_TMP=sdcard
    • This is an old problem, the settings file has had a note about it for probably a year or more
    • A temporary solution is to use VIDEO_TMP=memory instead
    • Will be resolved soon by separating the recording system from the rest of the video pipeline so it can't affect live flight
  • Some parts of the old OSD may be reversed when Vector Open Telemetry is in use (#283)


3 years ago

There are still a handful of little issues that need to be resolved, if you see anything wrong either open an issue on Github or tell us about it in Telegram.


  • Stretch
    • Required for Pi Zero at the moment, Buster will not work on that board
    • Still provided for people using the old OSD while we port it to Buster and resolve some other issues with the pi zero
  • Buster
    • Required for Compute Module 3+, or Pi4, but works on all pi models except the pi zero (a temporary issue)
    • Only supports the new QOpenHD OSD at the moment, the old OSD is being ported and will be there soon

Changes in 2.0.2

  • You no longer need to use the exact same OpenHD release image on air and ground
    • You can use stretch on the air side and buster on the ground (in fact for pi zero you must use stretch on the air side right now)
    • You can also use different versions on each side, as long as they are both 2.0.2 or newer, older versions can't be mixed this way
  • Recorded video is now stored separately from telemetry
    • Telemetry should no longer be affected by video recording space becoming full
  • Add OSD warning message if RC TX accidentally disconnects from the usb port (they can be loose sometimes)
  • Removed the joystick "quirk" setting
    • It was originally intended to fix Raspberry Pi USB issues with particular joystick boards like the GeekPi, but we've fixed those issues in the kernel now so the old workaround is no longer necessary
  • Internal changes
    • Add security service (in 2.0.2 it has very few responsibilities, but in 2.1 it will do a lot of things)
    • Add RTLSDR ADSB receiver support in the ground station (Ask Luke in Telegram if you'd like to help test it)

Test notes

  • The air CPU temperature may show as 0 on Pi Zero, however the real temperature should also be significantly lower anyway due to reduced CPU use
  • The font dropdowns in QOpenHD may not update in both locations when you change the font
  • In some cases QOpenHD might freeze on the ground station, this isn't a bug in the app itself but appears to be an issue with the Raspbian Buster 4.19.x kernel. We're testing an updated kernel to fix it.
  • Air-side power stats (voltage/current from external sensors) may not be arriving in QOpenHD at the moment
  • The boot screen may flicker for a moment when a TX is connected to the ground, this is expected at the moment (there is a bug in a system library we use)
  • The boot screen and QOpenHD may not show up on Raspberry Pi Zero on the Buster releases, this is not intentional it will be resolved in a minor update (2.0.x) once 2.0 stable is released
  • The first few messages may not show up on the boot screen at the moment
  • The size of OSD elements in QOpenHD is fairly small on high resolution screens, HiDPI is not currently being detected automatically. If necessary you can increase the scale in the QOpenHD settings panel under App->Screen, you can also edit /boot/qopenhd.conf and reboot
  • Video may stutter or freeze when ground recording to SD card is enabled with VIDEO_TMP=sdcard
    • This is an old problem, the settings file has had a note about it for probably a year or more
    • A temporary solution is to use VIDEO_TMP=memory instead
    • Will be resolved soon by separating the recording system from the rest of the video pipeline so it can't affect live flight
  • Some parts of the old OSD may be reversed when Vector Open Telemetry is in use (#283)


3 years ago

There are still a handful of little issues that need to be resolved, if you see anything wrong either open an issue on Github or tell us about it in Telegram.

Pi zero users must use the Stretch release, but it should work very well now

This is a temporary problem, the result of fixing the long term performance and stability issues on the pi zero. It should work very well now on Stretch, however the fixes conflict with some of the other parts of Raspbian Buster (not anything in OpenHD itself, just the base operating system), so Buster will not boot on a Pi Zero in 2.0.1.

This presents some (temporary) issues for certain users. If you use a Pi Zero on the air side and a Pi4B on the ground, or for other reasons are using Buster on the ground side, and you rely on SmartSync or the 2nd camera system, you may want to wait for 2.0.2 which will make it possible to use different images on the air and ground.


  • Stretch
    • Still provided for people using the old OSD while we port it to Buster and resolve some issues with the pi zero
  • Buster
    • Required for Compute Module 3+, or Pi4, but works on all pi models
    • Only supports the new QOpenHD OSD at the moment, the old OSD is being ported and will be there soon

Changes in 2.0.1

  • Fix pi zero kernel CPU use and USB timing issues
    • Should significantly reduce lost packets, interference, and overall reliability
    • CPU use should now be around 25-30%, down from 60-70% or higher
    • The fix only works on Stretch at the moment, so you MUST use the Stretch image on the Pi Zero for now
    • This presents some compatibility issues if you need or want to use Buster on the ground, 2.0.2 will address these
  • Fix air recording in openhdvid
  • Fix RC transmitter not finding wifi cards in certain cases
  • Fix autocorrect of USBCamera lines on Buster
    • If you still have issues with using an older config with a USBCamera line on Buster, let us know
  • Switch USBCamera line defaults so they work on Buster
  • Change default datarate to 3
    • Preferred by a lot of people, can be changed in the settings file
  • Reduce default power levels for Atheros/Realtek
    • The defaults were a little high, and some OpenHD users with very long flight records are using this lower power level already
  • Reduce default bitrate percentage
    • Should keep the bitrate from spiking near the radio limit, can be changed in the settings file
  • Add ground station Mavlink filtering for antenna trackers that can't handle high telemetry rates
    • Thanks to Stefan Arbes for the trackermavfilter program! :)
    • To enable this, set TELEMETRY_OUTPUT_SERIALPORT_GROUND_FILTER=Y in the openhd-settings-1.txt file
    • Once enabled, only Mavlink messages your antenna tracker actually needs will be sent out the ground station UART pins
    • This should significantly improve the performance/lag of some antenna trackers
  • Update QOpenHD to 0.4.0b14
    • Fix map center position moving around unexpectedly
    • Fix lower edge of home arrow on ground station
    • Fix incorrect battery gauge color levels
    • Internal changes
      • Expose all utility functions to QML, including the battery percentage functions
      • Fix some OpenSky/ADSB issues in preparation to enable it for releases

Test notes

  • The air CPU temperature may show as 0 on Pi Zero, however the real temperature should also be significantly lower anyway due to reduced CPU use. will be resolved in 2.0.2
  • The font dropdowns in QOpenHD may not update in both locations when you change the font
  • In some cases QOpenHD might freeze on the ground station, this isn't a bug in the app itself but appears to be an issue with the Raspbian Buster 4.19.x kernel. We're testing an updated kernel to fix it.
  • Air-side power stats (voltage/current from external sensors) may not be arriving in QOpenHD at the moment
  • The boot screen may flicker for a moment when a TX is connected to the ground, this is expected at the moment (there is a bug in a system library we use)
  • The boot screen and QOpenHD may not show up on Raspberry Pi Zero on the Buster releases, this is not intentional it will be resolved in a minor update (2.0.x) once 2.0 stable is released
  • The first few messages may not show up on the boot screen at the moment
  • The size of OSD elements in QOpenHD is fairly small on high resolution screens, HiDPI is not currently being detected automatically. If necessary you can increase the scale in the QOpenHD settings panel under App->Screen, you can also edit /boot/qopenhd.conf and reboot
  • Video may stutter or freeze when ground recording to SD card is enabled with VIDEO_TMP=sdcard
    • This is an old problem, the settings file has had a note about it for probably a year or more
    • A temporary solution is to use VIDEO_TMP=memory instead
    • Will be resolved soon by separating the recording system from the rest of the video pipeline so it can't affect live flight
  • Some parts of the old OSD may be reversed when Vector Open Telemetry is in use (#283)