Ocelot Versions Save

.NET API Gateway


7 months ago

Read the Docs: Ocelot 19.0

ebe70fd7 - Raman Maksimchuk - Merge pull request #1695 from ThreeMammals/develop a90664b4 - Raman Maksimchuk - Release features #1499 #1663 (#1660) (#1693) 346df03d - Tom Pallister - Update README.md 433dfcaf - Justin Middler - fixed up required spacing in README (#1499) 6ca54fe0 - Raman Maksimchuk - #1660 Huge logs because of StyleCop.Analyzers warnings (#1663) bc25f4e8 - TomPallister - push code coverage for main and develop branches


1 year ago

fdc761c3 - TomPallister - updated docs 3bd0f8d5 - Tom Pallister - updated report generator (#1648)


1 year ago

b9cc313c - TomPallister - updated nuget package icon url


1 year ago

Read the Docs: Ocelot 19.0

46b12a2f - TomPallister - updated cake syntax 4db816af - TomPallister - updated Cake.Coveralls dec610d1 - TomPallister - updated csmacnz.Coveralls 66d09e3d - TomPallister - updated csmacnz.Coveralls b2ec1650 - TomPallister - updated eddiewebb/[email protected] 312f1c6b - Tom Pallister - tests passing on debian 10 (#1647) 07263be5 - TomPallister - Merge branch 'RaynaldM-upgrade-to-net7' into develop 89208364 - TomPallister - +semver: major updated build c444c254 - Ray - last packages update 4afdea35 - Ray - code cleaning 96a3fd82 - Ray - First step


2 years ago

Read the Docs: Ocelot 18.0

36ad6e1e - TGP - use the DotNetNuGet cake code b6b789c3 - TGP - add nuget to cake as a tool 565968a8 - TGP - use xplat nuget package for cake 822a0b0d - TGP - add nuget tool for publish to cake script f1db0257 - TGP - install net5.0 in correct place in container c07e6ee4 - TGP - use new base image for build & release 69bd9a85 - TGP - fix test and use latest coveralls tool 52555fc7 - Tom Pallister - switch to main for default branch (#1559) e5ee57bf - Tom Pallister - Feat/net6.0 upgrade (#1558)


2 years ago

Read the Docs: Ocelot 17.0

3dcc6b6d - TGP - Merge branch 'feat/fix-build' into develop ba4b7672 - TGP - use new deletedir api 47a024b8 - TGP - fix cake.json version 096f94d9 - TGP - update nuget packages to reference ocelot logo from GitHub ff6f6e38 - TGP - update nuget packages to reference ocelot logo from GitHub 77c6c30e - TGP - add ocelot logo to repo 3ef6abd7 - TomPallister - +semver: breaking bump to version 17.0.0 b46fedac - TomPallister - rename authorisation to authorization b2dd70f5 - TomPallister - release process note ede71c48 - TomPallister - updated release process ab3533bb - TomPallister - bring back develop f62ed72d - TomPallister - all packages upgraded and tests passing 17b0555f - TomPallister - tests passing 32551624 - TomPallister - wip tests failing 6eed692c - TomPallister - more package updates ebf85326 - TomPallister - removed rafty and updated more packages b356539c - TomPallister - update nuget packages and graphql example fdad2bb3 - TomPallister - update circle build image 9bc5ad1c - TomPallister - dont need this a39b5fd5 - TomPallister - dont need .config bdefa2de - TomPallister - dont need .config 03c8cd6a - TomPallister - works on linux de0f4f97 - TomPallister - build finally working....MAGIC 94ce0224 - TomPallister - wip 3a8d55f7 - TomPallister - Merge branch 'feat/net5upgrade' of github.com:ThreeMammals/Ocelot into feat/net5upgrade 6e1dc3fd - TomPallister - wip f4131028 - TomPallister - wip 7e2b312f - TomPallister - Merge branch 'feat/net5upgrade' of github.com:ThreeMammals/Ocelot into feat/net5upgrade 730c940c - TomPallister - wip ef69429d - TomPallister - mono complete 71a1053d - TomPallister - build works on windows a5a1606c - TomPallister - upgrade dotnet test and coverages packages 1185576b - TomPallister - wip 0fab351c - TomPallister - move to dotnet tools for cake 4b23e0ce - TomPallister - line endings f16cdd86 - TomPallister - fix tests and line endings c1776fb5 - TomPallister - fix warnings 7f49bf5f - TomPallister - wip a9eec31a - TomPallister - fix code broken after net5.0 upgrade 1c6bfc33 - TomPallister - add make and build tools to image 7254d4d1 - TomPallister - +semver: breaking upgrade base build image to net5.0 708b5758 - TomPallister - upgrade csproj to net5.0


3 years ago

Read the Docs: Ocelot 17.0

9abd47b0 - Tom Pallister - +semver: breaking bump to version 17.0.0 (#1392)


3 years ago

Read the Docs: Ocelot 16.0

b74a1197 - Tom Pallister - +semver: upgrade to net5.0 (#1390)


3 years ago

c3a0cf11 - TomPallister - Merge branch 'kjellegafvelin-master' 2b8c8727 - TomPallister - Revert "Feat/opentracing (#1243)" 865520f2 - Tom Pallister - Feat/opentracing (#1243) 21b9d73c - TomPallister - tweaks 56fe7b5b - TomPallister - wip


3 years ago

Read the Docs: Ocelot 16.0

3439be89 - Tom Pallister - Rename all ReRoute to Route to move closer to YARP +semver: breaking