Obs Virtual Cam Versions Save

obs-studio plugin to simulate a directshow webcam


6 years ago
  • Camera resolution will set to same as OBS setting now if you run OBS and start output first.
  • Fix : Set resolution function (some software like VLC provide this function) will work now if you set a 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio resolution.


6 years ago

First Release

  • Use Installer Download OBS-VirtualCam-Install.exe and launch it
  • Manual Install
  1. Unzip OBS-VirtualCam.zip and put it to your obs-studio install folder
  2. Run CMD as Administrator and register 32bit directshow source

ex: regsvr32 C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\32bit\obs-virtualsource.dll

  1. Do it again to register 64bit directshow source

ex: regsvr32 C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs-virtualsource.dll