Objectbox Java Versions Save

Java and Android Database - fast and lightweight without any ORM


1 year ago
  • Windows: using a database directory path that contains unicode (UTF-8) characters does not longer create an additional, unused, directory with garbled characters.
  • Query: when using a negative offset or limit display a helpful error message.
  • Processor: do not crash, but error if ToOne/ToMany type arguments are not supplied (e.g. ToOne instead of ToOne<Entity>).
  • The Data Browser has been renamed to ObjectBox Admin. Deprecated AndroidObjectBrowser, use Admin instead. AndroidObjectBrowser will be removed in a future release.


2 years ago

This release only contains bug fixes for the Android library when used with ObjectBox for Dart/Flutter.


2 years ago

This release only contains bug fixes.

  • Fix incorrect unique constraint violation if an entity contains at least two unique properties with a certain combination of non-unique indexes.
  • Data Browser/Admin: improved support when running multiple on the same host, but a different port (e.g. localhost:8090 and localhost:8091).


2 years ago

Read the blog post with more details and code examples for the new flex properties and query conditions.

  • Support Flex properties. Expanding on the string and flexible map support in 3.0.0, it is now possible to add a property using Object in Java or Any? in Kotlin. These "flex properties" now allow to store values of various types like integers, floating point values, strings and byte arrays. Or lists and maps (using string keys) of those. Some limitations apply, see the FlexObjectConverter class documentation for details.
    data class Customer(
        @Id var id: Long = 0,
        var tag: Any? = null
    val customerStrTag = Customer(tag = "string-tag")
    val customerIntTag = Customer(tag = 1234)
    box.put(customerStrTag, customerIntTag)
  • The containsElement query condition now matches keys of string map properties. It also matches string or integer elements of a Flex list.
  • New containsKeyValue query condition to match key/value combinations of string map and Flex map properties containing strings and integers. Also added matching Query.setParameters overload.
    val customer = Customer(
        properties = mutableMapOf("premium" to "tier-1")
    // Query for any customers that have a premium key in their properties map
    val queryPremiumAll = box.query(
    // Match only customers with specific key and value map entry
    val queryPremiumTier1 = box.query(
        Customer_.properties.containsKeyValue("premium", "tier-1")
  • Add ProGuard/R8 rule to not warn about SuppressFBWarnings annotation. #1011
  • Add more detailed error message when loading the native library fails on Android. #1024
  • Data browser: byte arrays are now correctly displayed in Base64 encoding. #1033


  • Add BoxStore.awaitCallInTx suspend function which wraps BoxStore.callInTx.

Gradle plugin

  • Do not crash trying to add dependencies to Java desktop projects that only apply the Gradle application plugin.

Read more in the docs


2 years ago
  • Fixes the ObjectBox plugin crashing when applied to an Android project that does not use the Kotlin plugin.

See the 3.0.0 release notes for a list of important changes.

All release notes & docs


2 years ago

Note: this version contains a bug that prevents usage with Android Java only projects. Use 3.0.1 instead.

  • A new Query API is available that works similar to the ObjectBox for Dart/Flutter Query API and makes it easier to create nested conditions. #201
    // equal AND (less OR oneOf)
    val query = box.query(
          User_.firstName equal "Joe"
                  and (User_.age less 12
                  or (User_.stamp oneOf longArrayOf(1012))))
  • For the existing Query API, String property conditions now require to explicitly specify case. See the documentation of StringOrder for which one to choose (typically StringOrder.CASE_INSENSITIVE).
    // Replace String conditions like
    query().equal(User_.firstName, "Joe")
    // With the one accepting a StringOrder
    query().equal(User_.firstName, "Joe", StringOrder.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
  • The Gradle plugin will now warn when an @Entity class is missing a no-arg (easy to add) or all properties (best for performance) constructor. #900 Example for an all properties constructor:
    public class Order {
        private long id;
        private ToOne<Customer> customer;
        private ToMany<Order> relatedOrders;
        // All properties constructor for ObjectBox:
        // - make sure type matches exactly,
        // - for ToOne add its virtual ID property instead,
        // - for ToMany add no parameter.
        public Order(long id, long customerId) {
            this.id = id;
        // TODO getters and setters for properties
  • Subscriptions now publish results in serial instead of in parallel (using a single thread vs. multiple threads per publisher). Publishing in parallel could previously lead to outdated results getting delivered after the latest results. As a side-effect transformers now run in serial instead of in parallel as well (on the same single thread per publisher). #793
  • Support annotating a single property with @Unique(onConflict = ConflictStrategy.REPLACE) to replace an existing Object if a conflict occurs when doing a put. #509
    data class Example(
            var id: Long = 0,
            @Unique(onConflict = ConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
            var uniqueKey: String? = null
  • Support @Unsigned to indicate that values of an integer property (e.g. Integer and Long in Java) should be treated as unsigned when doing queries or creating indexes.
  • Store time in nanoseconds using the new @Type annotation:
    var timeInNanos: Long;
  • Package FlatBuffers version into library to avoid conflicts with apps or other libraries using FlatBuffers. #894
  • Kotlin: add Flow extension functions for BoxStore and Query. #990
  • Data browser: display query results if a property has a NaN value. #984
  • Android 12: support using Data Browser if targeting Android 12 (SDK 31). #1007

New supported property types

  • String arrays (Java String[] and Kotlin Array<String>) and lists (Java List<String> and Kotlin MutableList<String>). Using the new containsElement("item") condition, it is also possible to query for entities where "item" is equal to one of the elements.
    data class Example(
            var id: Long = 0,
            var stringArray: Array<String>? = null,
            var stringMap: MutableMap<String, String>? = null
    // matches [“first”, “second”, “third”]
  • String maps (Java Map<String, String> or Kotlin MutableMap<String, String>). Stored internally as a byte array using FlexBuffers.
  • Flexible maps:
    • map keys must all have the same type,
    • map keys or values must not be null,
    • map values must be one of the supported database type, or a list of them (e.g. String, Boolean, Integer, Double, byte array...).


  • The generated JSON model file no longer contains Java-specific flags that would lead to errors if used with Sync server.
  • Additional checks when calling client or server methods.

All release notes & docs


3 years ago

This is the first release available on the Central repository (Sonatype OSSRH). Make sure to adjust your build.gradle files accordingly:

repositories {


  • Javadoc for find(offset, limit) of Query is more concrete on how offset and limit work.
  • Javadoc for between conditions explicitly mentions it is inclusive of the two given values.
  • Sync: Instead of the same name and a Maven classifier, Sync artifacts now use a different name. E.g. objectbox-android:2.9.0:sync is replaced with objectbox-sync-android:2.9.1.

All release notes & docs


3 years ago
  • Query: Add lessOrEqual and greaterOrEqual conditions for long, String, double and byte[] properties.
  • Support Java applications on ARMv7 and AArch64 devices. #657 To use, add implementation "io.objectbox:objectbox-linux-armv7:$objectboxVersion or implementation "io.objectbox:objectbox-linux-arm64:$objectboxVersion to your dependencies. Otherwise the setup is identical with Java Desktop Apps.
  • Resolve rare ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.text.Charsets when running processor. #946
  • Ensure Query setParameters works if running the x86 library on x64 devices (which could happen if ABI filters were set up incorrectly). #927

Previous release notes & docs


3 years ago
  • Minor improvements to Sync tooling.

See the 2.8.0 release notes for the latest changes.

Previous release notes


3 years ago
  • Added Sync API.
  • Fixed "illegal reflective access" warning in the plugin.
  • The data browser notification is now silent by default, for quieter testing. #903
  • Updated and improved API documentation in various places (e.g. on how Query.findLazy() and Query.findLazyCached() work with LazyList #906).
  • Print full name and link to element for @Index and @Id errors. #902
  • Explicitly allow to remove a DbExceptionListener by accepting null values for BoxStore.setDbExceptionListener(listener).

Previous release notes