Nyxt Versions Save

Nyxt - the hacker's browser.


10 months ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3.2.0.org

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.

nyxt-3.2.0.tar.xz is a self-contained bundle that runs on any GNU/Linux machine:

  1. Extract the archive, e.g. tar -xf /path/to/nyxt-3.2.0.tar.xz;
  2. Issue ./usr/local/bin/nyxt.


11 months ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3.1.0.org

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.

nyxt-3.1.0.tar.xz is a self-contained bundle that runs on any GNU/Linux machine:

  1. Extract the archive, e.g. tar -xf /path/to/nyxt-3.1.0.tar.xz;
  2. Issue ./usr/local/bin/nyxt.


11 months ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3.0.0.org

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.

nyxt-3.0.0.tar.xz is a self-contained bundle that runs on any GNU/Linux machine:

  1. Extract the archive, e.g. tar -xf /path/to/nyxt-3.0.0.tar.xz;
  2. Issue ./usr/local/bin/nyxt.


1 year ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3-pre-release-6.org

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.


1 year ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3.org

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.


1 year ago

What's Changed


Self-sufficient bundle

This tarball contains everything you need to run Nyxt on any machine running GNU/Linux.

  1. Extract the archive (e.g. tar -xf /path/to/download/file/nyxt-3-pre-release-4.tar.xz);
  2. Execute ./usr/local/bin/nyxt.

From source

Download the source code, extract it and read the file INSTALL.


1 year ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3-pre-release-3.org

For Ubuntu 22.04: the .deb file depends on libssl1.1. To install it: $ wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb $ sudo dpkg -i ./libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.


1 year ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3-pre-release-2.org

For Ubuntu 22.04: the .deb file depends on libssl1.1. To install it: $ wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb $ sudo dpkg -i ./libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.


1 year ago

Release notes: https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/release-3-pre-release-1.org

To compile from source, prefer the tarball including the submodules if you don't manage the Lisp dependencies yourself.


2 years ago

This is a fake release to make sure build reports the right version pulled from git.