Nova Slug Field Versions Save

Slug field for Laravel Nova


4 months ago

#36 Issue : Declaration of jsonSerialize() must be compatible contributed by @Cyriljshaz


2 years ago

#29 NewFeature: Adding asHtml() to TextWithSlug contributed by @duckzland


3 years ago

The version number has been removed from the composer.json file. This fixes problems with packagist auto fetch of this repository/release tags.

Update notice

If you are updating to a version equal or higher then 1.2.1, then you should be aware, that the slug is now using the attribute instead of the name. In case you have ->slug('Slug'), the parameter hast to be lower case or equal the column_name.


4 years ago

#19 Option to add prefix for a slug - Contributed by @joonas1234

Update notice

If you are updating to a version equal or higher then 1.2.1, then you should be aware, that the slug is now using the attribute instead of the name. In case you have ->slug('Slug'), the parameter hast to be lower case or equal the column_name.


4 years ago

#18 Add support for ->asHtml() on Slug field - Contributed by @dennislindsey

Update notice

If you are updating to a version equal or higher then 1.2.1, then you should be aware, that the slug is now using the attribute instead of the name. In case you have ->slug('Slug'), the parameter hast to be lower case or equal the column_name.


5 years ago

Fixes #17 - Changed the way to recognize the edit mode.

Update notice

If you are updating to a version equal or higher then 1.2.1, then you should be aware, that the slug is now using the attribute instead of the name. In case you have ->slug('Slug'), the parameter hast to be lower case or equal the column_name.


5 years ago

Fixes #17 - The behavior of disableAutoUpdateWhenUpdating introduced with 1.2.0 is now working as expected

Update notice

If you are updating to a version equal or higher then 1.2.1, then you should be aware, that the slug is now using the attribute instead of the name. In case you have ->slug('Slug'), the parameter hast to be lower case or equal the column_name.


5 years ago

Fix: The update event fires now off using the attribute name instead of the actual field name.

Update notice

If you are updating to this version, then you should be aware, that the slug is now using the attribute instead of the name. In case you have ->slug('Slug'), the parameter hast to be lower case or equal the column_name.


5 years ago
  • Fixes #6 - Added the option to show a preview of the generated slug as full URL below the input field Example: Slug::make('Slug')->showUrlPreview('')

  • Fixes #9 and #11 Additional attributes should now be working as aspected

  • Fixes #14 - Added the option to disable auto update behaviour Example: Slug::make('Slug')->disableAutoUpdateWhenUpdating()


5 years ago

Added options parameter for speakingurl [Robert Dezso @drobee]