Nominatim Versions Save

Open Source search based on OpenStreetMap data


1 year ago

This is a bug fix release which fixes a potential XSS vulnerability in the HTML debug view.

All installations still using 3.7.x should update to this release. There are no changes to the database necessary. Simply download and compile the new code.


1 year ago

This release adds two new experimental features to Nominatim: secondary importance and osm2pgsql flex output.

Importance classification of places is used by Nominatim to properly rank search results and bring the most likely matches on top. The current importance classification based on Wikipedia page rankings is only available for selected objects that have a Wikipedia entry. The new secondary importance is derived from the position of a result and therefore available for all places.

osm2pgsql flex output is a new way of configuring the initial import of OSM data into the place table. The Lua configuration of the flex output will give Nominatim users much more flexibility in the future to control the input.

A more complete list of changes can be found in the Changelog.

Updating from any version between 3.6.x and 4.1.x to the new release is straightforward. Please follow the instructions from the migration guide. Updating from older versions is possible but not recommended.


1 year ago

This is a bug fix release with some minor improvements of place node and address handling on import and during search.

This release also fixes a potential crash of the update process when handling addr:interpolation updates with an illegal value. Therefore, all users who run regular updates are strongly encourage to update to this latest release.

A more complete list of changes can be found in the Changelog.

Updating from any version between 3.6.x and 4.1.x to the new release is straightforward. Please follow the instructions from the migration guide. Updating from older versions is possible but not recommended.

Update: tarballs for version 4.1.1 from accidentally contained a more recent version. If you have installed such a tarball, your database will report as version 4.1.99. The additional changes are not problematic and your database is still fine. Please update to version 4.2.0 to get back to standard release versioning.


1 year ago

This release switches Nominatim to the ICU tokenizer introduced in the last year. After many months of testing and improving, we are now confident that it is ready for wider use. Next to the features already mentioned in the last release, the ICU tokenizer now also has a module for improved parsing of house numbers and postcodes. The new codes detects possible errors in the OSM source data and improves search for housenumbers and postcodes with spaces in them.

A more complete list of changes can be found in the Changelog.

Updating from 3.6.x to 4.0.x to the new release is straightforward. Please follow the instructions from the migration guide. Updating from older versions is possible but not recommended. A complete reimport is required for using the ICU tokenizer.

Please note that this release drops support for PostgreSQL 9.6.


2 years ago

This is a patch release which fixes a Python error in the replication command when used with update intervals larger than an hour.

The release also includes some minor improvements to the search query parsing algorithm and fixes an issue with special characters in the ICU tokenizer normalization.

All users of Nominatim 4.0.0 are encouraged to update to this latest version. No special provisions are required. Simply build and install this latest release. Users of older versions, please refer to the Migration documentation for upgrade instructions.


2 years ago

This release sees a complete reorganisation of the code around parsing and indexing place names. The code is now encapsulated in so-called tokenizer modules. The algorithms from the 3.x.x versions have been moved to the legacy tokenizer module. The release also introduces a new ICU tokenizer module. It uses a complete different approach to handling place names with

  • normalisation and transliteration based on libICU
  • configurable abbreviation handling at import time
  • and configurable pre-processing of place names

The former PHP utils have been dropped in favour of the nominatim CLI tool. The format of some external data sources (postcodes, TIGER data) has changed to CSV. You need to download new versions of them.

A more complete list of changes can be found in the Changelog.

Updating from 3.6.x or 3.7.x to the new release is straightforward. Please follow the instructions from the migration guide. Updating from older versions is possible but not recommended. A complete reimport is required for using the ICU tokenizer.

Please note that this release drops support for Python 3.5 and PostgreSQL < 9.5.


3 years ago

This is a bug-fix release that fixes the following issues:

  • fix database check for reverse-only imports
  • do not error out in status API result when import date is missing
  • add array_key_last function for PHP < 7.3
  • fix more URL when server name is unknown
  • commit changes to replication log table

Users running Nominatim on Centos 7 or Ubuntu 18.04 are strongly encouraged to update to this latest release. When updating from a 3.7.x release, building and installing the new release is sufficient to update.


3 years ago

This is a bug fix release that fixes compatibility issues with Python 3.5 and 3.6 and a missing index due to bad naming.

For new installations make sure to use this latest release. For existing installations an upgrade is not necessary unless you plan to reimport TIGER housenumber data. If you have installed your database with Nominatim 3.7.0, you should add the missing index using the following SQL statement:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_location_property_tiger_place_id  ON location_property_tiger_import (place_id);


3 years ago

This is a transitional release towards version 4 of Nominatim. It introduces major changes in the organisation of the code and how Nominatim should be installed:

  • Nominatim can now be installed with make install. Keeping the source and build directories is no longer necessary.
  • A new single nominatim command-line tool replaces the various functions of the PHP utility scripts.
  • A new project directory collects configuration and installation-specific data for each Nominatim database.
  • Configuration files switch to dotenv format.

This release still maintains the compatibility with the old scripts and structures to make an update of existing installations easier. The only exception is the configuration file format which needs to be converted on update. For more information about migrating from older 3.x.x versions, have a look at the Migration guide in the documentation.


3 years ago

Work has continued on improving the address output of results. Administrative boundaries are no longer assigned a fixed type but their context is taken into account. This solves many issues we had with the urban/rural divide. addr:* tags are now fully taken into account when searching and when displaying the results of your search. Especially rural US will benefit from that.

The HTML output has been removed from the API. We have created a separate project nominatim-ui which implements the former debugging interface as a simple javascript application. The documentation has hints on how to migrate to nominatim-ui should you need the HTML output on your own installation.

A full list of changes can be found as usual in the

If you want to update from 3.x.x, there is a database migration path described in the migration guide. However note that migration to 3.6.0 is rather extensive and you can only benefit from the improved addressing after a full reimport. Migrating from 3.1.0 can be done simply by following the migration guide nonetheless. When updating from 3.0.x, a full database reimport is strongly recommended. Updating from older releases is only possible with a database reimport.