Neverthrow Versions Save

Type-Safe Errors for JS & TypeScript


2 years ago

Many thanks to @sidhu663 for these great improvements to neverthrow.

Significantly Improved Type Inference On andThen and orElse Methods

With this release, you should not need to explicitly annotate the return type on the callbacks called into andThen and orElse.



const slotsResult = ok(123).andThen((value) =>
  value === '777'
    ? ok('Lucky Sevens')
    : err('Try Again')

Before, slotsResult would be of type Result<unknown, unknown>.

The "solution" was to explicitly annotate your callback function as returning Result<string, string>


This exact piece of code above now types slotsResult as Result<string, string>!

If you're interested in how this works, check out the PR that implements these improvements here:

Additional notes

  • This same improvement applies to .orElse
  • These improvements are for both Result and ResultAsync

More Flexible unwrapOr Method

The type signature of .unwrapOr has been "widened" to allow for returning something other than a type T as defined by the Result / ResultAsync you are calling unwrapOr on.

This change was implemented in


const result = err<number, string>('boom').unwrapOr(false)

The above did not work prior to v4.3.0 because boolean (the false value) is not of type number.

But now you are not constrained by this! As of v4.3.0 you now have the ability to specify a value of any type within unwrapOr.

In the above example, result is now of type number | boolean.


2 years ago

Fixes #300

This PR updates the type definition of Result.fromThrowable in order to allow accepting functions that take 1 - n arguments.

Thanks to @universalhandle for the contribution 👏


3 years ago

This release adds in-line docs for the Result variants. Now, when using a LSP-supported editor, you'll have docs as you hover a Result method.

Thanks to @Liam-Tait for the contribution!


3 years ago

neverthrow now exposes a combineWithAllErrors function that is the "lazy" (for lack of a better word) equivalent of combine.

This means that rather than short-circuiting upon finding the first Err value, combineWithAllErrors will continue consuming the Result / ResultAsync list until the end and return a list containing all the Err values that it found.

Thanks to @tobloef for the contribution 🚀


3 years ago

This release patches a bug where calling combine on a Result<T, E>[] or ResultAsync<T, E>[] and the T values were lists, then those lists would get concatenated into a single output list:


import { combine, ok } from 'neverthrow'

  ok([ 1, 2, 3 ]),
  ok([ 'hello', 'world ])

// before v4.1.1, the above would incorrectly return [ 1, 2, 3, 'hello', 'world' ]
// actual output should be [ [ 1,2,3 ], [ 'hello', 'world' ] ] 

The fix of the bug can be found here:

I decided to continue using Array.prototype.concat in spite of this subtlety because it does not mutate references (unlike Array.prototype.push).


3 years ago

This release:


3 years ago

I finally caved and have gone ahead and "loosened" the restriction that all andThen variations (Result.andThen, Result.asyncAndThen, and ResultAsync.andThen) had before. The restriction prevented the callback inside all andThen variations from returning a distinct / different error type.

See for more context on the "problem" that this addresses.

This release is downloadable behind a beta tag on npm.

> npm install neverthrow@beta

Docs have been updated to reflect this change.

Here's an example diff.

-   andThen<U>(f: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E> {
+   andThen<U, F>(f: (t: T) => Result<U, F>): Result<U, E | F> {

And here is the full diff:


3 years ago

The combine overload for ResultAsync lists was incorrect. Previously the overload stated that the return type of a combine invocation with a list of ResultAsyncs was a Result.

This patch fixes this error and now combine's type on ResultAsyncs correctly specifies that the return value will be a ResultAsync.


3 years ago

Breaking Change: This release changes the API of the original ResultAsync.fromPromise method to require a error handler callback.

In addition, there is now a new static class method called ResultAsync.fromSafePromise that does not take a error handler callback under the assumption that you are calling this method with a promise that does not ever throw.


3 years ago

Combine v2

The combine utility function now lets you combine lists containing different kinds of results! The recommended way that you use combine when calling it with a heterogeneous list is to either declare a tuple type that describes each element in the list, or declare the list as const.

New orElse method

The orElse method (implemented on both Result and ResultAsync) allows for error-recovery where you want to potentially convert an E into T.