NetReactorSlayer Versions Save

An open source (GPLv3) deobfuscator and unpacker for Eziriz .NET Reactor


2 years ago

Welcome to the October 10, 2021 release of .NETReactorSlayer. As always there are a few bug fixes and improvements in this version, some of these changes are listed below:

:wrench: Changes:

  • Fixed an issue where importing null methods while fixing proxied calls.
  • Fixed an issue where failed to find the decryption method on some obfuscated assemblies.

MD5: 212393afd25d595f4c2e4040440ca627 SHA-1: 0baab359166a22771390f464b3713c13dd63b23f SHA-256: 9c4b1baadf0bc5d48a28345f2d479b484fb4093b0ed5a0e88ba39300d20c2978


2 years ago

Welcome to the October 09, 2021 release of .NETReactorSlayer. As always there are a few bug fixes and improvements in this version, some of these changes are listed below:

:wrench: Changes:

  • Fixed issues with DLL files.

MD5: c37cd0c9561c603e8e1500b627daf28f SHA-1: 2e1700a0c3829fa6463257c67c0334e4d0f79182 SHA-256: 789b6b5cfed5c0b5e20f74e9833959205a6a3c38003ab37bee40ca5ebcdf669d


2 years ago

This is the first public release of .NETReactorSlayer.

MD5: 54b768cc289720c0eb103c1c79810f6c SHA-1: c0d637aec4665261fa0c18925f5e220f9ccc7af0 SHA-256: d40e394cc59c86c69d5ae4ca7f94364a7ba229ffd30a3211a5f1d5de46fc06a3