NetNewsWire Versions Save

RSS reader for macOS and iOS.


2 years ago

Two new themes: Hyperlegible and NewsFax Change in how built-in themes work: they’re part of the app bundle and they’re not copied into the Themes folder. When a built-in theme changes in a new app release, anyone using that new version gets the changes to the built-in theme


2 years ago

Article themes. Several themes ship with the app, and you can create your own. You can change the theme in Preferences or by adding the theme switcher to the toolbar. Copy URLs using repaired, rather than raw, feed links. Restore article scroll position on relaunching app. Added Copy Article URL and Copy External URL commands to the Edit menu. Fixed a bug where using cmd-Q wouldn’t always quit the app as quickly as one might prefer. Disallow creation of iCloud account in the app if iCloud and iCloud Drive aren’t both enabled. Fixed bug showing quote tweets that only included an image. Added a hidden pref to suppress downloading/syncing on start: defaults write com.ranchero.NetNewsWire-Evergreen DevroeSuppressSyncOnLaunch -bool true Video autoplay is now disallowed. Article view now supports RTL layout.


2 years ago

Feedly: preserve custom feed names with Feedly when moving them between folders Feedly: handle API change with deleting and don’t show a spurious error NewsBlur: don’t fetch articles marked hidden by NewsBlur FreshRSS: add API endpoint URL example in setup form iCloud: fixed bug not retaining feeds in a folder where the folder hasn’t been synced yet iCloud: fixed bug where iCloud syncing could stop prematurely when the sync database has records not in the local database BazQux: fixed bug where BazQux-synced feeds might stop updating Feedbin: fixed bug where external URLs in Feedbin feeds might be lost Twitter extension: fixed weird bug where an extra https:/ could appear in tweet text Preferences: use full-width row style in accounts and extensions panes Fixed a crashing bug triggered by running some UI code outside of main thread Fixed a crashing bug that could happen when the app tries to find a feed for a website Fixed a crashing bug that could happen when rendering tweets Changed how images are placed in Twitter articles so that you can better see who Tweeted the image Fixed bug where favicons wouldn’t be found when a home page URL has non-ASCII characters Fixed bug where words prepended with $ wouldn’t appear in Twitter feeds Fixed bug where newlines would be just a space in Twitter feeds Feeds list: smart feeds remain visible despite Hide Read Feeds setting Keyboard shortcuts: fixed regression where L key wouldn’t go to next unread when feed is all read


2 years ago

Feedly: preserve custom feed names with Feedly when moving them between folders Preferences: use full-width row style in accounts and extensions panes Fixed a crashing bug triggered by running some UI code outside of main thread Fixed a crashing bug that could happen when the app tries to find a feed for a website FIxed a crashing bug that could happen when rendering tweets Changed how images are placed in Twitter articles so that you can better see who Tweeted the image Fixed bug where iCloud syncing could stop prematurely when the sync database has records not in the local database Fixed bug where favicons wouldn’t be found when a home page URL has non-ASCII characters Fixed bug where external URLs in Feedbin feeds might be lost Fixed bug where words prepended with $ wouldn’t appear in Twitter feeds Fixed bug where newlines would be just a space in Twitter feeds Fixed bug where BazQux-synced feeds might stop updating


2 years ago

New in 6.0:

  • iCloud sync
  • Sync with BazQux, Inoreader, NewsBlur, The Old Reader, and FreshRSS
  • Home screen widgets
  • Special support for Twitter and Reddit feeds


3 years ago


Feedly: handle API change with deleting and don’t show a spurious error NewsBlur: don’t fetch articles marked hidden by NewsBlur FreshRSS: add API endpoint URL example in setup form iCloud: fixed bug not retaining feeds in a folder where the folder hasn’t been synced yet Feeds list: smart feeds remain visible despite Hide Read Feeds setting Keyboard shortcuts: fixed regression where L key wouldn’t go to next unread when feed is all read Twitter extension: fixed weird bug where an extra https:/ could appear in tweet text


3 years ago

Inoreader sync: fixed (hopefully) cause of rate limit errors — now doing background sync of statuses much less often - note that this fix needs to be rolled out across all NetNewsWire users in order for it to have full effect

Fixed regression with the L key — now works properly again

(Same as 6.0.2b1. No changes, other than version, since then.)


3 years ago

Inoreader sync: fixed (hopefully) cause of rate limit errors — now doing background sync of statuses much less often - note that this fix needs to be rolled out across all NetNewsWire users in order for it to have full effect

Fixed regression with the L key — now works properly again


3 years ago

Changes since 6.0:

Twitter: fixed a date parsing bug that could affect people in some locales, which would prevent Twitter feeds from working for them Preferences: adjusted layout of the add account sheet so that it fits on smaller monitors Feeds list: properly scale the smart feed icons when sidebar is set to large size in System Preferences Feeds list: fixed bug where newly added feed would be called Untitled past the time when the app actually knows its name Timeline: fixed bug where next-unread command wouldn’t wrap around when you got to the bottom of the Feeds list Timeline: fixed bug updating article display when an article with the same article ID appears more than once (which can happen when a person has multiple accounts) iCloud: won’t add feeds that aren’t parseable, which fixes an error upon trying to rename one of these feeds Feedbin: fixed a bug with read/unread status syncing


3 years ago

Twitter: fixed a date parsing bug that could affect people in some locales, which would prevent Twitter feeds from working for them Feeds list: fixed bug where newly added feed would be called Untitled past the time when the app actually knows its name Fixed bug where next-unread command wouldn’t wrap around when you got to the bottom of the Feeds list