NBomber Versions Save

Modern and flexible load testing framework for Pull and Push scenarios, designed to test any system regardless a protocol (HTTP/WebSockets/AMQP etc) or a semantic model (Pull/Push).


1 year ago

NBomber v4.0.0-beta7

A new LoadSimulation definition:

type LoadSimulation =
    | RampingConstant of copies:int * during:TimeSpan
    | KeepConstant    of copies:int * during:TimeSpan
    | RampingInject   of rate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan    
    | Inject          of rate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan
    | InjectRandom    of minRate:int * maxRate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan
    | Pause           of during:TimeSpan


1 year ago


Type inference improvement for C# Response Api Improved data transfer tracking for scenario Global Info


Fixed issue with concurrent NATS message handling Added support to set cluster-id via CLI

Now you can use --cluster-id=mycluster

Also, the API method was added:
NBomberClusterRunner.withClusterId "mycluster"


Added Http Builder API

let run () =

    use httpClient = new HttpClient()

    Scenario.create("http_scenario", fun context -> task {

        let! response =
            Http.createRequest "GET" "https://nbomber.com"
            |> Http.withHeader "Accept" "text/html"
            |> Http.withBody (new StringContent("{ some JSON }"))
            |> Http.send httpClient

        return response
    |> Scenario.withoutWarmUp
    |> Scenario.withLoadSimulations [InjectPerSec(rate = 100, during = seconds 30)]
    |> NBomberRunner.registerScenario
    |> NBomberRunner.run
public void Run()
    using var httpClient = new HttpClient();

    var scenario = Scenario.Create("http_scenario", async context =>
        var request =
            Http.CreateRequest("GET", "https://nbomber.com")
                .WithHeader("Accept", "text/html")
                .WithBody(new StringContent("{ some JSON }"));

        var response = await Http.Send(httpClient, request);

        return response;
    .WithLoadSimulations(Simulation.InjectPerSec(100, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)));



1 year ago