Myscript Text Web Versions Save

:pencil2: :cloud: The easy way to integrate text handwriting recognition in your web app.


8 years ago

MyScript is pleased to announce the availability of a new release of MyScript web components allowing easy handwriting recognition integration in all web applications.

In addition to the existing myscript-math-web that enables mathematical handwriting recognition, we are releasing myscript-text-web to enable text handwriting recognition. Based on MyScript technology and Polymer, they can be used in all modern browsers whatever your preferred javascript framework (Angular, Ionic, Meteor, React, etc.) Available on GitHub, you can use these high level components with your existing CDK credentials.

The new myscript-math-web adds advanced ink rendering and simple integration in all web pages. You can now hide control buttons and the recognition result zone with one attribute. Adding text handwriting recognition is now possible with myscript-text-web. It allows web developers to add a writing zone and recognize the text using any one of the 64 supported languages of the MyScript CDK API. It comes with the latest rendering technology and the availability to hide the rendering zone and control buttons. All other existing components are deprecated and will be removed from GitHub soon.

MyScriptJS remains the foundation of myscript-math-web and myscript-text-web. We strongly encourage developers to use the top level components instead of the core libraries to speed up their development time and benefit from MyScript support.

Take a look at the examples and give it a try now at and