Mycroft Core Versions Save

Mycroft Core, the Mycroft Artificial Intelligence platform.


4 years ago

This is the first in the reduced intensity release schedule adding a couple of fixes related to skill settings the inclusion of support for streaming STT's!

Streaming STT #2149

Support for streaming STT's were added thanks to the excellent work of @JPEWdev. In addition to the basic infrastructure a DeepSpeech streaming STT backend was included.

Google Streaming STT #2160

On top of the new Streaming STT infrastructure an update google streaming STT was added.

Skill settings fixes #2172, #2177, #2182

  • Improve skills data cleaning before sending
  • Make sure delayed checks are resumed
  • Update msm to improve skill GID in skills manifest

Add state requests to commoniot skill framework #2150

This updates the common IoT skill to allow for query type requests (e.g. "what is the living room temperature," "where is my phone," and "is the bedside outlet on").

Update packages for debian/ubuntu based distributions #2167

Big thanks to @MichaIng for cleaning this up. Checkout his project dietPi (Mycroft is a pending feature)

Cleanup bash scripting in #2166

Makes the script much more concise and less prone to errors using some of the features bash supplies. Shout out to @MichaIng for providing this!

Time to system #2158

This time util function converts a a Time/Datetime object with timezone info to a local system time.


  • Allow to schedule events in fractions of seconds (both ints and floats). #2154
  • Remove stop() as an abstract method, since this doesn't need to be provided by all skills. #2156
  • Remove unused subprocess module from simple audio backend. #2157
  • Update python2 style metaclass declarations to python3 style. #2163
  • Travis will now only build pull requests and the branches dev and master #2162
  • Fix bug with showing the entire help pages in the cli. #2151
  • Fix changing log level of voice service. #2169
  • Update os detection code in #2165, #2173
  • Test system now hides gui messages #2170
  • Update pychromecast to 3.2.2 #2168
  • Minor German spelling fix (@MichaIng) #2174
  • Lock cryptography module version to 2.6.1 #2176
  • Add mycroft.util.format to the api documentation #2178


4 years ago

🇸🇪 This release on Sweden's national day brings mainly bugfixes but also small improvements to the Mycroft GUI.

Restore functionality to store utterances locally #2141, #2145

During previous refactoring the ability to locally store utterances was lost. This has now been restored.

Skill settings update #2140

After switching over to the new backend a couple of issues in the skill settings were noticed. This cleans up a couple of them and should make the code a bit tidier. For details see the relevant pull request.

Show webpages on the GUI #2138

@AIIX continues to build out the features of the mycroft GUI, this time adding methods for showing webpages and HTML code.


  • Use yaml.safe_loadwhen loading settingsmeta.yaml files #2133
  • Upgrade Adapt to 0.3.3, fixing an issue with one_of()
  • Upgrade msk to 0.3.13, fixing the default layout of the


5 years ago

This release fixes rare issues where skills would not start when starting Mycroft without network connection.

Update MSM to 0.7.6 #2136

MSM could throw an unhandled exception if no network was available at all.

Disable settings for padatious #2132

Padatious was uploaded as a skill to the skill page.

Correct the check for user / group of mycroft data folder #2135

On systems where the user wasn't the same as the default group mycroft would request to change the permissions on each startup.


5 years ago

Following the recent backend release, certain situations resulted in devices which couldn't be verified as registered by the server. Device ID is now sent as part of the registration to assist in debugging and resolving these issues.

This release also corrects a problem with 'mycroft-use' script which would disable automatic device updates when you return to the stable mycroft-core package after testing an unstable release.


5 years ago

The upgraded precise interface gave issues on the Mark-1 device and the feature was reverted. Wake word is now triggered correctly.


5 years ago

This update brings code for better interacting with the skill settings on the new backend.

Skill GID #2104

Instead of the old identifier a skill_gid is used to identify the skill settings from the backend.

Remove extra pauses when speaking initials #2126

This fixes an error when chunking sentences for the tts service and will no longer do splits in initials like "N. Armstrong"

Update of mycroft-say-to and mycroft-speak #2111

You can now pipe strings to this script. Thanks for adding this @FruityWelsh

Allow yaml in settingsmeta #2113

Settingmeta can now also be written as a yaml file with a simpler and more forgiving syntax.

Allow sending GUI pages over http(s) #2106

@AIIX (Thanks!) submitted a feature to allow sending qml pages over https which is a required feature for remote GUI devices.

Cache pre-loading for Mimic 2 #2115

Some of the common dialogs are now prerendered and cached for Mimic2.

Precise Input queue management #2124

Update precise to handle a build up of unprocessed chunks.

System QML pages for show_text and show_image #2121

@AIIX built some nice templates for basic text and showing of images on the GUI that are accessed by self.gui.show_image() and self.gui.show_text() from a skill.


  • Fix typo in config comment for log levels. Thanks @katecanaveral #2119
  • Switch from old pep8 to pycodestyle


5 years ago

Apart from a nice update for the IoT skills this has been a quiet few weeks.

Value support for IoTSkills #2109

IoT skill protocol has been updated to allow catching of value fields. This also introduces a system for declaring the skill's supported featureset

Request limiting on 422 or server errors #2116

If posting settingsmeta to receives a 402, 500 or 501 error it will reschedule the next retry 5 minutes into the future instead of the normal 1 minute.

Typo-fix for german #2086

Big thanks to @doczkal for spotting and fixing this.


5 years ago

This release was made to fix a packaging issue for the Mark-1. No core changes but a change in the packaging script was made to hold the pip version at 19.0.3


5 years ago

One of the shorter lived versions released, around 5 hours after this one 19.2.6 were released.

Acknowledge #2096

There is now an acknowledge sound that can be triggered by a skill instead of a verbal response self.acknowledge()

IoTSkill Trigger Action #2099

The trigger action is a primitive for triggering a IoT device function. Similar to the toggle but is intended to be stateless.

Make precise default listener #2098

For a long time precise has been available as a listener but only default on the Mark-1 and the picroft device. Now it will be the default listener on all platforms.

Fix bus message logging #2101

Big thanks to @JarbasAI for noticing and correcting this error.

Audioservice list backends #2088

The audioservice can now report the available backends, their type and some additional information.


  • Skill tester restores get_response after tests are run #2100
  • Fix invalid chown in #2094
  • Update if automatically generated api documentation #2095


5 years ago

After concentrating on the server and then quickly removing the server related changes this release got pretty small.

Restore Settings polling to 1 minute #2091

Polling was restored from the emergency 5 minute level to the normal 1 minute

Paused audio bug #2090

Paused audio wasn't stopped correctly. The procedure was updated to unpause before stopping.

Remove stop threshold #2089

Stop threshold was a very old idea that never was used. this removes the traces of it from the code. Thanks @KathyReid for helping out with this one!