Munki Versions Save

Managed software installation for macOS —


2 years ago

This is a beta release of Munki 5.7, a feature-add and bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

Known issues

  • Munki cannot yet upgrade Apple silicon Macs to macOS Monterey.
  • Managed Software Center has a visual issue under Catalina and earlier: a thin separator line appears between the "title bar" and "content" areas of the window. (This is not an issue new to this release).

Changes and fixes:

  • Included Python version has been bumped to 3.10.4
  • PyObjC version has been bumped to 8.2
  • A new option (-A) to trigger a managedsoftwareupdate --auto run immediately after install. This is intended for use with a DEP/ADE-style enrollment where the user creates their account in the Setup Assistant. Once the Setup Assistant exits, the user is automatically logged into their newly-created account, skipping any chance for Munki to bootstrap at the loginwindow. Using this option will cause Munki to do an automatic run in the background immediately. Use with care.
  • Removed the -m option to the package generated should work in both DEP/ADM install scenarios and other installation scenarios.
  • A fix for an issue where clicking on a Notification Center notification would not reliably launch Managed Software in some configurations. This change may require some additional admin effort -- see "Notification Center changes" below for details
  • A fix for an issue where an "aggressive/obnoxious" notification triggered when there was another application in full screen mode might result in all interaction being blocked. See for more details on the issue.

Notification Center changes

  • Notification Center notifications are posted by the, which is a helper app included inside the Managed Software Center application. Prior to Munki 5.7, it used a "clever" but unsupported technique to "spoof" the bundle identifier of Managed Software (com.googlecode.munki.ManagedSoftwareCenter). This technique caused Notification Center to display's icon in the notifications, and to attempt to launch (instead of munki-notifier) when a notification was clicked on.
  • For reasons not entirely understood yet, this spoofing technique failed in some configurations, with usernotifyd complaining that it could not "...find appropriate application to launch for com.googlecode.munki.ManagedSoftwareCenter..." and therefore failing to launch
  • This issue seemed to affect Apple silicon Macs 100% of the time. It suspect it has to do with the fact that all code must be signed on Apple silicon (by default Munki's code is "ad-hoc" signed on Apple silicon), and that the signature of the real does not match the signature of munki-notifier. This might explain the failure for some people even on Intel -- perhaps they were signing the GUI apps.
  • The problem can be avoided by abandoning the bundle identifier "spoofing" technique and letting clicking on a notification just (re-)launch munki-notifier, which in turn can launch We can make munki-notifier look like by giving it the same icon as and using localized display names to cause it to display the same name as From a user's point-of-view, it still looks like the notifications are coming from But from Notification Center's perspective, the notifications are coming from munki-notifier, which has a bundle identifier of com.googlecode.munki.munki-notifier.
  • Machines that ran releases of Munki prior to 5.7 will now likely have two entries for "Managed Software Center" in the Notification Center preferences pane. One would be the "old" one for the com.googlecode.munki.ManagedSoftwareCenter bundle identifier; the other will be the new one for munki-notifier's actual com.googlecode.munki.munki-notifier bundle identifier.
  • Administrator task: If you are currently installing a configuration profile to ensure Managed Software Center notifications are being allowed/delivered, you'll need to update that profile (or add a new one) to allow notifications from munki-notifier (bundle identifier com.googlecode.munki.munki-notifier). If you do not install a profile, your users (running Catalina and above) will get a new notification asking if they want to allow "Managed Software Center" to send them notifications. Assume that many will say no.
  • Administrator task: If you "re-brand" Managed Software Center, you'll need to make changes to the munki-notifier app as well, since it now shares an icon and localized display names with Managed Software Center. Tools like munki-rebrand ( will need to be updated.

Other changes

A complete list of changes is here:

Build info

The apps and the Python framework were built under Xcode 13.2.1. There have been issues reported with building the Python framework with Xcode 13.3 and 13.3.1.

Package versioning

  • metapackage version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

munkitools- is a package that should install without requiring a restart unless upgrading from an extremely old Munki tools (like one of the 3.x releases or earlier).


2 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 5.6.4, a bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

Known issues:

  • Munki cannot yet upgrade Apple silicon Macs to macOS Monterey.

Changes and fixes:

Other changes

A complete list of changes is here:

See the release notes for the 5.6.0, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, and 5.6.3 releases for changes since Munki 5.5.x.

Package versioning

  • metapackage version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs. If you don't know which package to use, use this one.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


2 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 5.6.3, a bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

Known issues:

  • Munki cannot yet upgrade Apple silicon Macs to macOS Monterey.

Changes and fixes:

  • Change the "shebang" lines of makecatalogs and repoclean to #!/usr/local/munki/munki-python. This will make these tools easier to use on macOS after Apple removes their Python 2 install from the OS.
  • Remove code/server, which contained only a sample proof-of-concept Python 2 CGI that is arguably of little use now.

Other changes

A complete list of changes is here:

See the release notes for the 5.6.0, 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 releases for changes since Munki 5.5.x.

Package versioning

  • metapackage version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs. If you don't know which package to use, use this one.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


2 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 5.6.2, a bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

Known issues:

  • Munki cannot yet upgrade Apple silicon Macs to macOS Monterey.

Changes and fixes:

Other changes

A complete list of changes is here:

See the release notes for the 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 releases for changes since Munki 5.5.x.

Package versioning

  • metapackage version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs. If you don't know which package to use, use this one.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


2 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 5.6.1, a bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

Known issues:

  • Munki cannot yet upgrade Apple silicon Macs to macOS Monterey.

Changes and fixes:

Other changes

A complete list of changes is here:

See the release notes for the 5.6.0 release for changes since Munki 5.5.x.

Package versioning

  • metapackage version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs. If you don't know which package to use, use this one.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


2 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 5.6, a feature-add and bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

This release is identical to 5.6 Release Candidate 2.

Munki 5.6 is recommended for use with macOS Monterey, and is supported on macOS 10.11 - macOS 12.

Known issues:

  • Munki cannot yet upgrade Apple silicon Macs to macOS Monterey.

General changes and fixes:

Managed Software Center changes and fixes:

Other changes

A complete list of changes is here:

Package versioning

  • metapackage version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs. If you don't know which package to use, use this one.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


2 years ago

This is a release candidate of Munki 5.6, a feature-add and bug-fix release of the Munki tools. Though it is believed stable, please do not deploy widely before testing.

General changes and fixes:

Managed Software Center changes and fixes:

Other changes

A complete list of changes is here:

Package versioning

  • metapackage version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs. If you don't know which package to use, use this one.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


2 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 5.5.1, a bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

This release changes the default Apple Software Update CatalogURL used by Munki when processing Apple updates under Big Sur. This change addresses an issue where certain recent updates were not showing as pending for installation. (Safari 15 and Command Line Tools for Xcode 13 were affected.)

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


2 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 5.5, a feature-enhancement and bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

Some of the changes:

  • A new method of finding client certs for mTLS: (Thanks to @np5)

    • This also addresses some issues around client certs some admins reported when upgrading to macOS 11.3 or later.
    • This required the addition of asn1crypto to the Python framework
  • Related: a new option for the Munki package build script to include a client cert package: (Thanks to @rrenstrom)

  • UI change: when there are no optional installs defined, all labels other than Updates are hidden: (Thanks to @macmule)

  • When the InstallAppleSoftwareUpdates preference is True on Apple silicon:

    • Munki will not actually attempt to install any Apple updates on Apple silicon
    • Managed Software Center will now display pending Apple updates and direct users to install them using the Software Update pane in System Preferences
    • "Encouragement" as described here will happen on Apple silicon for Apple updates as well as "Munki" updates:
  • Bumped the Python version to 3.9.5 (from 3.9.4)

Other minor changes. See for a complete list.

This is the same build as the 5.5.0 Beta 2 release -- there have been no changes since that release.

There are two packages attached to this release:

  • "munkitools-" is the general-purpose installation package and is suitable for manual installs and for upgrades to existing installs.
  • "munkitools_DEP-" is designed for install via MDM as part of Automatic Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). (Technical note: this package was built using -m -B). You'll need to sign the package before uploading it to your MDM server. See for more info on signing a package.


3 years ago

This the official release of Munki 5.4: a bug-fix and feature-enhancement release of the Munki tools. It is a Universal2 build that runs natively on Apple silicon.

It contains a Universal2 build of Python 3.9.4 from here:

It also contains PyObjC 7.1 and xattr 0.9.7.

Changes since 5.3:

Other minor changes. See for a complete list.