MumbleLink Versions Save

Minecraft + Mumble + MumbleLink = You hear where voices come from and how far away they are! This is a Minecraft mod based on "Minecraft Forge". It's purpose is to be able to use Minecraft in conjunction with Mumble's positional audio feature (


4 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.13.2 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to latest Forge for MC 1.13.2


4 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.12.2 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to latest Forge for MC 1.12.2


4 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.12.2 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to Forge for MC 1.12.2


7 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.11 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to Forge for MC 1.11
* mod name converted to lower case (fixes #13)


7 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.10.2 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to MC 1.10.2


7 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.10 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to MC 1.10


7 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.9.4 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to MC 1.9.4


7 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.9 using built-in JNA

* upgrade to MC 1.9 and forge 12


7 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.8.9 using built-in JNA

* recompile for MC 1.8.9


7 years ago

Quick-And-Dirty Release for MC 1.8.8 using built-in JNA

* downgrade to MC 1.8.8
* downgraded to JNA  3.4.0 (b5) which is now being shipped with MC itself and conflicted with JNA shipped by MumbleLink
  + added unpacking of embedded native library LinkAPI to temp folder (since old-*** JNA 3.4.0 cannot load custom libraries from jars directly)
* minor code cleanup