Msp Osd Versions Save

MSP DisplayPort OSD


1 year ago

Goggles only.

Fixes fakehd when used with the new compressed transmission.


1 year ago

Fixes an issue with recording the OSD to SD while the new compressed mode is enabled.

No new airside, 0.7.0 remains the latest airside.


1 year ago

LZ4 Compression (#79)

Add a new configuration option, "compress_osd", to the air side process.

If this is set to "true", then the entire "character buffer" will be sent using LZ4 compression at the rate defined in osd_update_rate_hz, instead of sending raw MSP messages over the air.

When enabled, this should fix INAV delta update related issues as well as provide better link stability.

To enable:

Use the CLI button in the configurator on your VTx side after updating to 0.7.0.

package-config set msp-osd compress_osd true
package-config apply msp-osd

If the apply hangs, just reboot your VTx.

Note that INAV HD mode sync issues may still be present, use the usual workarounds (enter menu or switch screens) to fix these.

Compressed mode may also be valuable for other FCs, as it should make the overall link much more reliable and stable.

The goggles side is backwards compatible, so you can continue to use un-updated VTx, they just won't get the new feature.


1 year ago

Fix an issue in v0.6.11 that could cause display flickering for some users. (note - not the fix for INAV artifacts yet, just a separate "shimmering" appearance caused by rapid redrawing).

No new airside so no need to update all of your VTx units, stick to 0.6.11 there. Goggles only.


1 year ago
  • show_au_data fixed, and should now work without an FC.
  • "toast" messages will appear with quick information about connection status. If you hate these for some reason, you can disable them using the configuration (see readme).
  • Can record MSP data to the SD card, but no renderer is ready for release yet.

Airside upgrade is not required, but there is new airside code due to code refactoring, so a new version is provided.


1 year ago
  • New, configurable FakeHD row/column setup, see README.
  • Configuration options which are not set default to FALSE, not TRUE. See README for configuration options.

Airside upgrade is not required, but there is new airside code due to the configuration options fix, so a new version is provided.


1 year ago

Added support for KISS Ultra to Flight Controller detection. Thank you to @fedorcomander !

KISS Ultra fonts are named with _ultra_ in the file name.

This release updates the goggles only, the air side remains at v0.6.8.

For documentation about automatic FC-based font selection, please see the README:


1 year ago

** Alert **

Semi-breaking changes:

  • You must rename your custom fonts on the Goggles SD card to match the directory structure seen here for proper functionality.
  • The "new" functionality requires an upgrade to the air-side before it will work, but won't crash and won't kick in until you upgrade the air-side. That is, if you just upgrade your goggles, the old functionality will remain. So, don't upgrade your AU/Vista until you are ready with renamed fonts. This is intended to catch as few people out in the field as possible - you really shouldn't be updating in the field anyway, and hopefully most people aren't updating both sides.

In this PR, we use the MSP Variant command (command 2) to retrieve the "variant" reported by the Flight Controller (INAV, BTFL, or ARDU).

Then, we use the variant to pick a font, like so:


So for example:

font_bf_hd.bin will be an HD (for use with FakeHD or Ardupilot in Betaflight emulation mode with HD turned on) font with the Betaflight character set. font_inav_hd.bin and font_inav_hd_2.bin would be a set of HD fonts for use with iNav.

Fonts are searched for in the following order:

  • SD Card
  • /opt installed path in goggles.
  • /blackbox

If a font matching the desired flight controller can't be found, msp-osd will fall back to the default font name (font_hd.bin or font.bin .).

Please see the fonts directory for a complete font directory layout. Copying this structure in the root of your SD card will let you customize each font for each FC as you would like.


1 year ago

FakeHD Updates:

  • Added new centering and throttle-based auto detection features, see README.
  • Switch out of Fake HD mode when Real HD mode arrives (for mixed iNav+BF users).
  • Use a specific font for FakeHD instead of sharing with the other HD font (also good for mixed iNav+BF users).


1 year ago

Correctly install package-config as a dependency.