MSNoise Versions Save

A Python Package for Monitoring Seismic Velocity Changes using Ambient Seismic Noise |


9 years ago

Some bugfixes (thanks to all reporters) and improvements for this release:

  • Bugfix: station ordered by net, sta
  • Bugfix: s03 -> remove explicit MSEED
  • Bugfix: database_tools: add gps2DistAzimuth import
  • Bugfix: s07 -> left, right are now defined from the first plot
  • Improvement: Add support for manual DB.ini path
  • Improvement: Cleaner s07 plot script
  • Improvement: s03: add taper to each slice before FFT in whiten
  • Improvement: s01: add headonly=True arg to the read function, should make the archive scan faster
  • Minor Documentation update


10 years ago

Thanks to some great early MSNoise adopters who reported problems using the mailing-list, we have identified a few bugs and tricky situations where some steps failed. This is the case for

  • scan_archive: there were major issues using Threads, this step uses Process for multiprocessing, which is much safer. The only problem remaining is that there is no more console-logging of the found/identified files. To be corrected soon.
  • new_jobs: mostly rewritten, all jobs are properly identified now. There should no more lost jobs !

I've also reflected those changes in the documentation.


10 years ago

Small bugs have been corrected Numpy 1.8.0 is supported (wait for 1.8.1 to avoid Obspy 0.9.0 is supported


10 years ago

"In, when updated_days_for_dates is called with pair as "%", it doesn't work in There is no query result back when calling days = session.query(Job).filter(Job.pair == pair).filter( >= date1).filter( <= date2).filter(Job.type == type).filter(Job.lastmod >= lastmod).group_by(

It probably work under windows, but it doesn't work in Linux."

Thanks for reporting, Xiao, it's now corrected.



10 years ago

A bug in the Stack procedure has been corrected and the database_tools have been updated. There should be a slight performance improvement in the search for updated_days within a specified moving-window.


10 years ago

This release is not backward compatible. The database scheme and the way to handle the DB have changed dramatically to make the process easier.

The installation process is now much simpler. MySQL is no longer required and the database in/outs are handled by sqlalchemy.

From now on, the documentation of the releases will be available on

The steps names have changed in order to allow the imports of the modules. This was needed for the documentation, too.


10 years ago


10 years ago

Changed np.fft to scipy.fftpack in the processing methods for improved performances.


10 years ago