Mooch443 Trex Versions Save

TRex, a fast multi-animal tracking system with markerless identification, and 2D estimation of posture and visual fields.


3 years ago

Installation works as usual:

conda create -n tracking -c main -c conda-forge -c trexing trex # linux
conda create -n tracking -c trexing trex                        # other

Network architecture has been changed/layers with the same function replace old ones. This means that loading old network weights might not work.

When using old-layout network weights, simply create a conda environment with an old TRex:

conda create -n tracking -c main -c conda-forge -c trexing trex==1.0.10 # linux
conda create -n tracking -c trexing trex==1.0.10                        # other

I have not tested upgrading an old conda environment to this version, so I recommend creating a new environment.

See for details.


3 years ago

Fixed some issues, added more options for recognition (recognition_segment_add_factor) to allow better identification settings for smaller groups.


3 years ago

Adding MKV container format to valid formats. Allowing Anaconda to use any FFMPEG version (especially newer ones) during compilation.


3 years ago

Fixing various display issues, updating menus and documentation. Added a branch on Anaconda for PCs without NVIDIA GPU, as well as compilation that is not specific to Haswell capable processors.


3 years ago


3 years ago

Fixing a few issues that came up immediately after publishing. This repository is currently updated quite frequently, so be sure to check a new version out before reporting errors!


3 years ago

Fixing some initial issues running conda


3 years ago