Monitorr Versions Save

"Monitorr” is a self-hosted PHP web app that monitors the status of local and remote network services, websites, and applications.


5 years ago

- Summary:

a. This update is a MAJOR update to Monitorr with numerous fixes and enhancements. b. Docker image available here:

- Update ALERT:

If updating to version 1.7 from ANY previous version, BEFORE updating backup your custom.css file located at: (Monitorr install path)/assets/data/css/custom.css . After the update is complete, simply restore the custom.css file to the same location overwriting the custom.css file that was updated. This is due to a bug which has been resolved in version 1.7, therefore, this process will no longer be needed in future updates. See the WiKi Update Notice for more information.

- Configuration changes:

The following configuration changes need to be made AFTER updating to version 1.7.0 from ANY previous version. See the WiKi Update Notice for more information.

a. User Preferences:

  • Registration: Enable or disable access to the Registration tool. NOTE: This value should be changed to "Disable" AFTER updating. screenshot

b. Monitorr Settings: screenshot

  • Time sync interval: Specifies how frequently (in milliseconds) the UI clock will synchronize time with the hosting webserver.
  • HD display: Monitorr now has the much-anticipated feature of disabling or displaying multiple volumes (up to 3) in the system resources area of the UI.
  • Ping color values: These values will determine the color of the ping indicators in the system resources are of the UI as well as individual service response times when enabled in "Services Configuration".

c. Services Configuration:

  • Ping RT: Enables PING RT time output in the UI for each service. screenshot


  1. ADD: Ping response time for services. See:
  2. ADD: User defined HD volume / multiple volumes: see:
  3. ADD: Monitorr release changelog. See:
  4. FIX: Offline time does not coincide with the set timezone. See:
  5. ADD: Disable browser output error if service is down. See:
  6. CHANGE: New JS clock
  7. ADD: execute single service check on settings.php load and when submit changes on Services Config settings page
  8. CHANGE: Move UI icons from /img dir
  9. FIX: Remove offline.json log files on service config settings page submit to prevent rouge offline.json files.
  10. FIX: Prevent null data posting to json settings files
  11. ADD: Offline service img and title will fade when offline.
  12. CHANGE: correct scrollbars on settings pages
  13. FIX: Uptime format on Windows
  14. CHANGE: Change custom css script to local from CDN.
  15. FIX: Update via UI will override custom CSS.
  16. Add: Form validation to user input on _register form.
  17. Add: CSS classes added to service images.
  18. Change: date display on min site: to NOT show year.
  19. Change: img upload error message / img upload modal color
  20. Change: Clock will not sync when auto-update toggle is disabled.
  21. Add: refresh marquee on settings page load.
  22. ADD: MAIN PING indicator to respect color values.
  23. CHANGE: Form schema / Default json settings file format
  24. FIX: Form submit post data
  25. FIX: Version check script errors if any functions error in functions.php
  26. ADD: HD badge color RED if HD stats are null/error
  27. FIX: Timeout indicators were persistent if ajax fail.
  28. Change: Update font-awesome update from 4.7.0 to 5.1.0
  29. FIX: Wrong PHP TZ for Greenland
  30. FIX: Analog clock browser compatibility


5 years ago

- Summary:

a. This update is a MAJOR update to Monitorr with numerous fixes and enhancements. b. Docker image available here:

- Update ALERT:

If updating to version 1.7 from ANY previous version, BEFORE updating backup your custom.css file located at: (Monitorr install path)/assets/data/css/custom.css . After the update is complete, simply restore the custom.css file to the same location overwriting the custom.css file that was updated. This is due to a bug which has been resolved in version 1.7, therefore, this process will no longer be needed in future updates. See the WiKi Update Notice for more information.

- Configuration changes:

The following configuration changes need to be made AFTER updating to version 1.7.0 from ANY previous version. See the WiKi Update Notice for more information.

a. User Preferences:

  • Registration: Enable or disable access to the Registration tool. NOTE: This value should be changed to "Disable" AFTER updating. screenshot

b. Monitorr Settings: screenshot

  • Time sync interval: Specifies how frequently (in milliseconds) the UI clock will synchronize time with the hosting webserver.
  • HD display: Monitorr now has the much-anticipated feature of disabling or displaying multiple volumes (up to 3) in the system resources area of the UI.
  • Ping color values: These values will determine the color of the ping indicators in the system resources are of the UI as well as individual service response times when enabled in "Services Configuration".

c. Services Configuration:

  • Ping RT: Enables PING RT time output in the UI for each service. screenshot


  1. ADD: Ping response time for services. See:
  2. ADD: User defined HD volume / multiple volumes: see:
  3. ADD: Monitorr release changelog. See:
  4. FIX: Offline time does not coincide with the set timezone. See:
  5. ADD: Disable browser output error if service is down. See:
  6. CHANGE: New JS clock
  7. ADD: execute single service check on settings.php load and when submit changes on Services Config settings page
  8. CHANGE: Move UI icons from /img dir
  9. FIX: Remove offline.json log files on service config settings page submit to prevent rouge offline.json files.
  10. FIX: Prevent null data posting to json settings files
  11. ADD: Offline service img and title will fade when offline.
  12. CHANGE: correct scrollbars on settings pages
  13. FIX: Uptime format on Windows
  14. CHANGE: Change custom css script to local from CDN.
  15. FIX: Update via UI will override custom CSS.
  16. Add: Form validation to user input on _register form.
  17. Add: CSS classes added to service images.
  18. Change: date display on min site: to NOT show year.
  19. Change: img upload error message / img upload modal color
  20. Change: Clock will not sync when auto-update toggle is disabled.
  21. Add: refresh marquee on settings page load.
  22. ADD: MAIN PING indicator to respect color values.
  23. CHANGE: Form schema / Default json settings file format
  24. FIX: Form submit post data
  25. FIX: Version check script errors if any functions error in functions.php
  26. ADD: HD badge color RED if HD stats are null/error
  27. FIX: Timeout indicators were persistent if ajax fail.
  28. Change: Update font-awesome update from 4.7.0 to 5.1.0
  29. FIX: Wrong PHP TZ for Greenland
  30. FIX: Analog clock browser compatibility


5 years ago

This release is a HOTFIX for a bug was discovered in the Monitorr settings page form.

ISSUE: If a user clicks inside a field on any of the settings pages and fires ENTER keystroke, the ajax call will write blank data to the user's .json files in their data directory thus completely breaking Monitorr if the UI is refreshed and the blank data is loaded into the DOM.

See for further details.


5 years ago
  • This release is a HOTFIX for a bug was discovered in the Monitorr settings page form.

  • ISSUE: If a user clicks inside a field on any of the settings pages and fires ENTER keystroke, the ajax call will write blank data to the user's .json files in their data directory thus completely breaking Monitorr if the UI is refreshed and the blank data is loaded into the DOM.

  • See for further details.


6 years ago



NOTE: There are a lot of CSS changes. Please ensure to clear your browser's cache after updating.

Docker image is available via Dockerhub with "latest" or "develop" tags:


6 years ago

Alert: Configuration change:

See Wiki for further details:

Starting with version 1.5.2 we added the feature to enable hot-links on the main Monitorr page for both "Standard" and "Ping only" check types:

If you are updating from any version prior to version 1.5.2, you will need to make a small change in your Monitorr settings. After updating proceed to the Monitorr Settings page "Services Configuration", you will notice that the new "Link Enabled" drop-down menu will be enabled for all your services. However, there will be no input field for your link to the right. Simply change the "Link Enabled" option to "No", then immediately to "Yes" again. If you previously had a link associated with that services it will appear in the input field. Do this with ALL your services FIRST before clicking "submit". IF you do NOT want a link associated with that service, change the option to NO.



Users can/should place their custom images in the /assets/data/usrimg directory. If using docker: /app/images. This is especially important for Docker users as that directory will NOT be erased when re-building the container.


Docker image is available via Dockerhub with the "develop" tag:


6 years ago

Alert: Configuration change:

See Wiki for further details:

Starting with version 1.5.2 we added the feature to enable hot-links on the main Monitorr page for both "Standard" and "Ping only" check types:

If you are updating from any version prior to version 1.5.2, you will need to make a small change in your Monitorr settings. After updating proceed to the Monitorr Settings page "Services Configuration", you will notice that the new "Link Enabled" drop-down menu will be enabled for all your services. However, there will be no input field for your link to the right. Simply change the "Link Enabled" option to "No", then immediately to "Yes" again. If you previously had a link associated with that services it will appear in the input field. Do this with ALL your services FIRST before clicking "submit". IF you do NOT want a link associated with that service, change the option to NO.



Users can/should place their custom images in the /assets/data/usrimg directory. If using docker: /app/images. This is especially important for Docker users as that directory will NOT be erased when re-building the container.


Docker image is available via Dockerhub with the "latest" tag:


6 years ago

Monitorr 1.0!!!

Docker can be downloaded here:

NOTE1: If you are updating to any version prior to 1.0 updating via the UI by clicking on “check for update” in the footer MAY FAIL. It is recommended to clone a new copy of this repo starting with version 1.0. Please See WIKI

NOTE2: After updating PLEASE clear your browser cache.

We thank you for helping us develop.

Cheers to the future.

Change log:

  • Integrated Settings page /w authentication.
  • Migrated to data/user database for settings files.
  • Service offline display banner.
  • Option to choose “ping only” for services that don’t serve a webpage.
  • Option to disable individual services.
  • Alternate hot-links for UI.


6 years ago

Added notice to footer:

NOTICE (16 MAR 2018): Monitorr 1.0 will be released ~18 March 2018. When this release is published, updating via the UI by clicking on “check for update” in the footer MAY FAIL. Please See WIKI for further explanation.


6 years ago

Added notice to footer:

NOTICE (16 MAR 2018): Monitorr 1.0 will be released ~18 March 2018. When this release is published, updating via the UI by clicking on “check for update” in the footer MAY FAIL. Please See WIKI for further explanation.