Mockoon Versions Save

Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.


2 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like.

Mockoon is an open-source project built by volunteer maintainers. If you like our application, please consider sponsoring us and join all the Sponsors and Backers who helped this project over time!

sponsor button

Patch v1.18.1

We temporarily disabled v1.18.0's automated file changes monitoring (see below) due do some unforeseen bugs (Issue #649). We will investigate and fix the issue in the next release.

Environment files changes monitoring

Mockoon now monitors for environment's files external changes and automatically reloads the interface with the new data. It's completely automated and will restart the running server if needed. (Issue #580)

Import/export deprecation

We removed the options to import/export your mock data in Mockoon's proprietary format. Since v1.16.0, importing and exporting in Mockoon's format was made mostly useless. Environment files are now easier to share "as-is" and they are supported out of the box by the CLI. Also, user feedback indicated that keeping this export option was rather confusing.

Here are the consequences of this removal:

  • import/export in Mockoon's format options were removed.
  • Exporting environments and routes to the clipboard (in the right-click context menu) now copy the regular JSON data, without wrapping them in the old export format.

The application and the CLI are still able to open old export files, but you won't be able to create them anymore.

(Issue #626)

Mock API samples

To help you mock third party APIs in no time, we added more than 2000 new mock samples: 1Password, AWS, Giphy Mastercard, Slack, etc. You can run them directly in the application or the CLI: image

➡️Head over to our website to discover all the Mock Samples!

Many thanks to the awesome folks at who maintains this list of public APIs!


  • Mockoon now directly streams files that do not support templating, or when templating is disabled, to improve the performance, especially the memory usage. (Issue #605)
  • The query string display in the logs has been improved. It now shows the raw query and the parameters in a more structured way: image (Issue #635)


  • dateTimeShift helper's days, months, years, etc. parameters are now compatible with helpers returning strings (queryParam, etc.). (Issue mockoon/commons-server#39)
  • Using bodyRaw without a path is now compatible with other helpers like each and allows to retrieve root level arrays. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#41)
  • Using numbers as body and bodyRaw paths, like in {{#repeat 2}}{{body @index}}{{/repeat}}, now works and returns the correct values. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#42)
  • AppImage format should now correctly show the application icon in the dock.

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:

  • @timon: Improved query string display in logs. (Issue #635)


2 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like.

Mockoon is an open-source project built by volunteer maintainers. If you like our application, please consider sponsoring us and join all the Sponsors and Backers who helped this project over time!

sponsor button

Environment files changes monitoring

Mockoon now monitors for environment's files external changes and automatically reloads the interface with the new data. It's completely automated and will restart the running server if needed. (Issue #580)

Import/export deprecation

We removed the options to import/export your mock data in Mockoon's proprietary format. Since v1.16.0, importing and exporting in Mockoon's format was made mostly useless. Environment files are now easier to share "as-is" and they are supported out of the box by the CLI. Also, user feedback indicated that keeping this export option was rather confusing.

Here are the consequences of this removal:

  • import/export in Mockoon's format options were removed.
  • Exporting environments and routes to the clipboard (in the right-click context menu) now copy the regular JSON data, without wrapping them in the old export format.

The application and the CLI are still able to open old export files, but you won't be able to create them anymore.

(Issue #626)

Mock API samples

To help you mock third party APIs in no time, we added more than 2000 new mock samples: 1Password, AWS, Giphy Mastercard, Slack, etc. You can run them directly in the application or the CLI: image

➡️Head over to our website to discover all the Mock Samples!

Many thanks to the awesome folks at who maintains this list of public APIs!


  • Mockoon now directly streams files that do not support templating, or when templating is disabled, to improve the performance, especially the memory usage. (Issue #605)
  • The query string display in the logs has been improved. It now shows the raw query and the parameters in a more structured way: image (Issue #635)


  • dateTimeShift helper's days, months, years, etc. parameters are now compatible with helpers returning strings (queryParam, etc.). (Issue mockoon/commons-server#39)
  • Using bodyRaw without a path is now compatible with other helpers like each and allows to retrieve root level arrays. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#41)
  • Using numbers as body and bodyRaw paths, like in {{#repeat 2}}{{body @index}}{{/repeat}}, now works and returns the correct values. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#42)
  • AppImage format should now correctly show the application icon in the dock.

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:

  • @timon: Improved query string display in logs. (Issue #635)


2 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like.

UI redesign

To improve some features' discoverability and declutter the interface a bit, we redesigned the main header. We also polished the interface a bit here and there. Here are the most significant changes:

(Issue #509)

New header design

We transformed the main header into a new menu with tabs to make the proxy mode and logs more easily discoverable. We also split the environment settings into three new sections: the environment headers, the proxy options, and the environment settings.


The environment's information previously available in the header are now in the "Settings" tab. You can edit the environment's name in both the "Settings" page and the environment menu (see below).

Environment's menu improvements

We made small adjustments to the environment menu:

  • You can edit the environment's name directly in the menu.

  • We removed the "CORS" icon as the option is always enabled and moved the "HTTPS" icon next to the URL.

  • The "Truncate long paths" option in the application settings (ctrl+comma) also applies now to the environment menu. If enabled, environment URLs won't be truncated anymore.


Headers and rules "click-to-confirm" delete button

Headers and rules lists now uses a click-to-confirm delete button:


Responses list improvements

The route responses menu is now split into two lines as it was becoming too cluttered.


File and body information display improvements

We reorganized the "Status & body" tab. More precisely, we removed the redundant Content-Type information and replaced it with a small "footer" under the body editor. This footer will always display the effective Content-Type taking the order of precedence into account: environment headers → file mime type → route headers


Ability to provide custom TLS certificate

You can now provide a custom TLS certificate to serve your mocks over HTTPS. Mockoon still uses the same self-signed certificate as before if you don't provide a custom one.


(Issue #175)

New response rules for cookies

A new response rule is available to check a cookie's value or presence:


(Issue #475)

New templating helpers

  • New Handlebar helpers are available: join, len, gt, lt, gte, lte, eq, toFixed, round, stringify, slice. Head over to the helpers documentation to learn how to use them. (Issues mockoon/commons-server#29, mockoon/commons-server#31, mockoon/commons-server#32)


  • When creating a new environment, the default name won't be "New environment" anymore but will be taken from the chosen environment's file name. (Issue #598)
  • Cookie domains are now removed when forwarded with the proxy mode. (Issue #245)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed setVar helper which could not handle Object, 0 or Arrays. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#33)
  • Fixed switch/case helpers which wouldn't work properly with number. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#37)
  • We switched from using a (heavy) icons font to using inline SVG to solve the icons flickering issue when loading the application. (Issue #509)

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:


2 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like.

New storage system

The main feature of this release is the new storage system that allows for more flexibility and easier API sharing. The new system works more or less like any other file editor. It stores environments separately and lets you close and open them from anywhere on your hard drive. So, what exactly happened during this update? Mockoon split Your existing data file located in the application data folder into as many files as you had environments. These files were created in the same storage folder with incremental names: environment-0.json, environment-1.json, etc.

You can now move these files anywhere on your hard drive and open them from there.


Multiple benefits from this change:

  • you can now more easily share your environments with your coworkers by saving them in a Git-tracked folder. There is no need to import/export every time there is a change anymore.
  • we added an environment schema validation to ensure that the environment you load is valid and does not break the application behavior.

You can find out more about this feature in our blog post.

Body files relative path resolving

Mockoon will now try to resolve your body files relatively to the environment's file location. It allows you to store body files alongside the environment file and share them with your coworkers without having relative or absolute path issues.

(Issue #531)

New buttons and menu entries

Following the new storage change, we added several new buttons and options to allow you to manage your environment files.

  • You can create a new environment or open an existing one using the two buttons at the top of the environment menu:


  • You can now close one environment using the context menu:


  • There is a new context menu entry you can use to locate the environment file on your computer:


Most of the actions tied to the environments also changed. You will now get prompted to choose a folder location for your new environment every time you create, duplicate, or import.

New mock samples

We added more API samples to help you start working in no time. You can find them on our website. Starting with this version (1.16.0), you can load them directly in Mockoon by clicking on the "Open" buttons on the page.


(issue #551)

Environment menu redesign

We reverted last year's change that made the environments' menu collapsible. This menu was only showing the first two letters of the environment's name. We listened to your feedback, and we decided to revert this change and go back to a resizable menu. We tried to keep it as compact as possible, considering that most users have no more than one or two environments. Let us know what you think!


(Issue #386)

XML support

Response rules and body templating helper now support XML in entering requests. See the documentation for more information.

(Issue #208)

New rules operators

Two new rules operators, "null" and "empty array", were added to allow you to check against null values and empty arrays in bodies, query params, etc.


(Issue #255)

Route filtering shortcuts

We added some keyboard shortcuts to the route filtering: Cmd or Ctrl + Shift + F to focus, Esc to clear the field. (Issue #451)

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:


2 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like.

Windows portable version

Mockoon is now available as a portable version for Windows. You can download it from our website. When running the portable version, a data folder will automatically be created next to the executable. It contains Mockoon's application files and your settings and environments in ./mockoon-data/storage/environments|settings.json (these files are usually stored in c:/Users/xxx/AppData/Roaming/mockoon/storage for the non-portable application):


Localhost only

You can now set up your mocks to listen to localhost only instead of all network adapters ( This feature is also supported by the CLI's latest release to a greater extent as you can provide any hostname at runtime mockoon-cli ... --hostname 192.168.x.x. (Issue #469)


Preview compressed body in logs

Compressed bodies (gzip, brotli and deflate) from proxied APIs are now automatically decompressed to be able to read the body content in the logs. (Issue #479)


Rules reordering

Rules can now be reordered with a simple drag and drop. Check our documentation about rules order interpretation. (Issue #456)


New templating helpers

  • We added some new math helpers: add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulo, ceil, floor. See the documentation for more information on how to use them. (Issue #499)

  • Two new helpers, bodyRaw and queryParamRaw, are available. They allow you to fetch part of the entering body or query parameters "as-is" (nothing will be stringified) and use the result (arrays, objects, etc.) in Handlebars' {{#each}} or {{#if}} helpers. See the documentation for more information. The body and queryParam helpers remain untouched. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#18)

  • A new split helper allows you to split string and use the resulting array in Handlebars' {{#each}} helpers. See the documentation for more information. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#22)

404 fallback

A new route response option has been added to automatically send a 404 status when a file was not found. It also reverts to the body present in the editor. (Issue #473)



  • You can now tune the number of logs entries in the settings. (Issue #267)


  • We added a new and privacy friendly way to collect basic usage information (a.k.a. "telemetry"). This will collect a minimal amount of information anonymously. You can read more about this topic in our FAQ. We plan to remove Google Analytics completely in a near future. (Issue #518)


  • The header helper does not return an error message anymore when no name is provided. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#14)

  • The dateTimeShift helper is now compatible with other helpers like queryParam for the date parameter: {{dateTimeShift date=(queryParam 'date') ...}}. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#15)

  • When duplicating a route to an unnamed environment, the hostname, port, and prefix has been added to the modal dialog. (Issue #532)

Developer things

  • Electron's main process code is now built with Webpack to make code splitting easier. (Issue #495)
  • We updated Angular to v12 and Electron to v13. (Issue #524)

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:

  • @barefootdeveloper: Server listening to localhost only, configurable number of log entries. (Issue #469 and #267)
  • @louiealmeda: File not found 404 fallback. (Issue #473)


3 years ago

V1.14.1 Changelog

This patch addresses the following issue:

  • Allowing duplicated headers (issue #318) was causing some issues with the pre-flight OPTIONS calls and breaking the route headers precedence over environment headers. Duplicated headers are now limited to the Set-Cookie header. (Issue #480)

V1.14.0 Changelog

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like. But first some news:

  • With this release, we decided to take the CLI out of beta 🎉. There is still space for improvements, but it looks stable enough. One breaking change though: Node.js v10 is not supported anymore.

  • More users are joining Mockoon's community every day, spreading the word, contributing to the codebase, and giving us invaluable feedback. We are grateful for this. ❤ While we dedicate more and more time to this project, we are looking for sponsors to help us pursue this great endeavor.

  • We are interested to learn about specific use cases you or your company encountered. It could even become an article, like Impala's API UX research process we recently published. Contact us!

And now the changelog:


Custom status codes (Issue #199)

We added some missing status codes to the dropdown, but more importantly, you can now enter custom status codes. Even very invalid ones like 999.


Sequential responses (Issue #459)

A new option is now available to serve different responses sequentially. In the below example, Mockoon will answer with 200 → 404 → 500 → 200 → 404... and so on. The sequence gets reset after restarting the server.


Head over to the sequential responses documentation to learn more about this feature.

Request number response rule (Issue #459)

A new type of rule, "Request number", is now available. It allows you to serve a specific response depending on the index (number) of the entering requests. As for the sequential responses feature, it gets reset when restarting the server.

This example returns a 500 error only for the first call:


While this one returns a 500 error for the first 9 calls:


Head over to the response rules documentation to learn more about this feature.


  • A new baseUrl helper has been added which returns the request's base URL (without the route path): {protocol}://{hostname}:{port}/{prefix}. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#7)

  • A new option has been added to prevent forwarding of the API prefix when the proxy mode is enabled. (Issue #237)



  • To improve the application stability, only one instance can run at a single time. Running a second instance of the application will focus the running instance if any. (Issue #455)

  • Multiple headers with the same name are now supported everywhere (route headers, environment headers, proxy request/response headers). This may be a non-standard way of sending the headers (vs comma-separated values) but a common one, especially for the Set-Cookie header. (Issue #318)

  • We added more suggestions to the header names and values dropdowns to help you mock faster!

  • Thanks to work on issue #199, we improved the look and feel of the HTTP methods dropdown with improved hype (and more accessible) pastel colors.


  • "Port is invalid" message has been updated to "Port is invalid or access is denied" to give more hints about the potentially reserved ports on Windows. (Issue #463)


  • We updated the Faker.js library to its latest version. This indirectly solved the issue with 'internet.avatar' URLs returning a 403. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#1)
  • Having a response with empty rules but an AND operator does not interrupt the rules evaluation and does not serve the wrong response anymore. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#6)
  • Route path and prefix duplicated slashes are now correctly deduplicated when running the server. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#9)

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:


3 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like. But first some news:

  • With this release, we decided to take the CLI out of beta 🎉. There is still space for improvements, but it looks stable enough. One breaking change though: Node.js v10 is not supported anymore.

  • More users are joining Mockoon's community every day, spreading the word, contributing to the codebase, and giving us invaluable feedback. We are grateful for this. ❤ While we dedicate more and more time to this project, we are looking for sponsors to help us pursue this great endeavor.

  • We are interested to learn about specific use cases you or your company encountered. It could even become an article, like Impala's API UX research process we recently published. Contact us!

And now the changelog:


Custom status codes (Issue #199)

We added some missing status codes to the dropdown, but more importantly, you can now enter custom status codes. Even very invalid ones like 999.


Sequential responses (Issue #459)

A new option is now available to serve different responses sequentially. In the below example, Mockoon will answer with 200 → 404 → 500 → 200 → 404... and so on. The sequence gets reset after restarting the server.


Head over to the sequential responses documentation to learn more about this feature.

Request number response rule (Issue #459)

A new type of rule, "Request number", is now available. It allows you to serve a specific response depending on the index (number) of the entering requests. As for the sequential responses feature, it gets reset when restarting the server.

This example returns a 500 error only for the first call:


While this one returns a 500 error for the first 9 calls:


Head over to the response rules documentation to learn more about this feature.


  • A new baseUrl helper has been added which returns the request's base URL (without the route path): {protocol}://{hostname}:{port}/{prefix}. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#7)

  • A new option has been added to prevent forwarding of the API prefix when the proxy mode is enabled. (Issue #237)



  • To improve the application stability, only one instance can run at a single time. Running a second instance of the application will focus the running instance if any. (Issue #455)

  • Multiple headers with the same name are now supported everywhere (route headers, environment headers, proxy request/response headers). This may be a non-standard way of sending the headers (vs comma-separated values) but a common one, especially for the Set-Cookie header. (Issue #318)

  • We added more suggestions to the header names and values dropdowns to help you mock faster!

  • Thanks to work on issue #199, we improved the look and feel of the HTTP methods dropdown with improved hype (and more accessible) pastel colors.


  • "Port is invalid" message has been updated to "Port is invalid or access is denied" to give more hints about the potentially reserved ports on Windows. (Issue #463)


  • We updated the Faker.js library to its latest version. This indirectly solved the issue with 'internet.avatar' URLs returning a 403. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#1)
  • Having a response with empty rules but an AND operator does not interrupt the rules evaluation and does not serve the wrong response anymore. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#6)
  • Route path and prefix duplicated slashes are now correctly deduplicated when running the server. (Issue mockoon/commons-server#9)

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:


3 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like. But first some news:


  • Routes can now be filtered by path and documentation (Issue #257):

    routes filtering

  • Three new string manipulation helpers are now available: indexOf, includes, substr. See documentation for more information. (Issue #413)


  • Fix setVar helper not working in block helpers like repeat. (Issue #429)
  • Add a new third parameter (boolean) to the body helper to returns the stringified value even if it's a primitive. (Issue #397)
  • Add a new third parameter (boolean) to the queryParam helper to returns the stringified value. (Issue #418)
  • Proxied binary bodies are no longer converted to UTF-8 strings and are now forwarded "as-is". (Issue mockoon/commons-server#3)
  • When switching route responses the body undo state does not contain other routes' body content anymore. (Issue #309)
  • Adding a trailing slash to the API prefix do not returns 404s on all endpoints anymore. (Issue #422)


  • Mockoon is now more secure by a combination of enabling Chrome sandboxing and Electron context isolation. We also disabled Node.js integration and stopped using the remote module in Electron's renderer process. These best practices have been pushed and enabled by default by Electron's team in the most recent versions. We took it on ourselves to try to follow them all and rewrote part of the application architecture. Aside from the improved security and prevention of future vulnerabilities like XSS and RCE, we also saw slightly better performances overall. (Issue #349)
  • max-http-header-size which was limited to 8kb is now limited to 16kb thanks to an update to Node.js v14. (Issue #442)

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:

  • @mauriceackel: New stringify parameter for body and queryParam helpers. (Issue #397, Issue #418)
  • @SimonPStevens: New string manipulation helpers. (Issue #413)


3 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like. But first some news:

  • The CLI is finally available 🥳 It allows you to easily run your mocks on a server or CI environment. This was our little 2020 challenge and you can learn more about it in this blog post.
  • We have a new Discord server. You can use it to ask for help or discuss ideas and improvements (or just say hi 👋), alongside the discussions tabs on the application repository or the CLI repository.
  • Our founder @255kb is now full time on the project! 2021 is going to be an exciting year for Mockoon 🚀

And now the changelog:

New features

  • Three new helpers are available:

    • concat to create string from multiple strings and variables. (Issue #391) {{ concat 'value1' 2 'value3' ... }}

    • setVar to create string values to be reused elsewhere in the template. (Issue mockoon/commons#8). {{ setVar 'varname' 'value' }} {{ varname }}

    • dateTimeShift to shift a date from x days, months, etc. (Issue #355) {{ dateTimeShift date='2021-01-01' format='yyyy-MM-dd' years=1 months=1 days=1 hours=1 minutes=1 seconds=1 }}

    Please check the documentation for more information on how to use these helpers.

  • Body response rules can now be used to match against the entire raw body. To use this feature, just keep the modifier empty. (Issue #271)


  • You can now duplicate routes from one environment to another. (Issue #308)



  • Route headers and rules tabs now show the totals of each. (Issue #299)
  • OpenAPI default responses are now considered as 200 and will get a body example from the available schema. (Issue #378)
  • OpenAPI parser is now compatible with Content-type that contains a charset application/json; charset=utf-8. (Issue #379)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a crash when importing OpenAPI specification files with no servers property. (Issue #415)
  • Fixed a bug when importing or duplicating an environment with no routes. (Issue #416)
  • Some users reported a bug where the main window cannot be maximized in Debian with XFCE. We weren't able to reproduce the issue but we tried to fix it anyway with some black magic. Let us know if things improved or not. (Issue #357)
  • Fixed a bug in the response rules interpreter when comparing against null values. (Issue mockoon/commons#16)
  • Fixed API prefix and endpoint paths leading and duplicated slashes not being sanitized anymore. (Issue #421)
  • The splash screen transparency issue on Linux is no longer there due to use of a new splash screen. (Issue #364)


  • Fine tune some settings to improve the performance. (Issue #376)
  • Migrated from Angular 8 (😱) to 11. (Issue #358)

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:

  • @bykof: Rules full body match. (Issue #271)
  • @izerozlu: Duplicate routes to another environment. (Issue #308)
  • @TheDartCode: Rules and headers tabs count. (Issue #299)


3 years ago

Welcome to this new release of Mockoon. There are several bug fixes and new features in this version that we hope you will like. But first some news:

  • There is a new tutorials section on the website, where you will be able to learn new mocking tricks.
  • The development of the CLI started and is progressing well (we already have a basic version working internally, yay!). It required some heavy refactoring tackled in this version.
  • We can now say "we" for real as a second maintainer joined the team for twice the throughput 🚀. You can follow Fabrice on GitHub 🎉.

And now the changelog:

New features

  • Route responses can now be randomized. This option available next to the route responses list will have priority over the rules. As a consequence, the CORS icon changed to reuse the "shuffle" icon for this feature. (Issue #269)
  • Valid MongoDB ObjectIds can now be generated with a new objectId helper. See the templating documentation for more information. (Issue #342)
  • The export menu has a new option to export the currently selected environment only. (Issue #251)
  • Environments can now be started/stopped all at once with a new menu option (Action -> Start/stop/reload all environments). (Issue #90)


  • When auto-mocking from the environment logs, the API prefix is no longer part of the newly created route path. (Issue #333)

Bug fixes

  • Fix automated tests not running correctly due to the newly added splash screen. (Issue #341)
  • Fix broken layout in some rare cases due to usage of responsive row/col. (Issue #365)


  • Update Mockoon to Electron 10. (Issue #350)
  • Update automated tests to Spectron 12 to improve the tests stability. (Issue #350)
  • Project was migrated from TSlint to ESlint, in order to reuse the configuration for the commons library and the future CLI. (Issue #360)
  • Current application and future CLI's shared code have been extracted in a new library. (Issue mockoon/commons#1).

Thank you

A big thank you to the following people that helped to make Mockoon better:

  • @codingcircus: Start all environments menu entry. (Issue #90)
  • @gVirtu: Export current environment option. (Issue #251)
  • @lukefx: objectId helper. (Issue #342)
  • @sleepypikachu: newline and base64 helpers. (Issue #333)
  • @Thanakorn-ki: Randomized route responses. (Issue #269)