Mixpanel Node Versions Save

A node.js API for mixpanel


7 years ago
  • track_batch uses the track endpoint to record multiple events at once. These events must be more recent than 5 days old; for older events, use the existing import_batch method.
    {event: 'event 1', properties: {color: 'blue'}},
    {event: 'event 2'},
  • The address of an HTTP(S) proxy server can be specified in the environment variable HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY; if present, the library will route requests through the proxy.
  • Support has been dropped for Node.js v0.10 and v0.12. These versions reached the end of their maintenance periods in October and December 2016 respectively (see https://github.com/nodejs/LTS).


7 years ago

This allows you to specify the time property of an event when calling mixpanel.track() and still hit the /track endpoint (meaning that you only need the project's publishable Mixpanel token, not its private API key).

This update comes with one minor breaking change: mixpanel.track() used to choose automatically between the /import and /track endpoints based on the presence or absence of the time property. Now it will always hit /track, and will throw an exception if the time is out of bounds (more than 5 days ago). For older events, of course, you can continue to use mixpanel.import().


7 years ago

Support for optionally sending all requests over https. Initialize the lib with:

mixpanel.init('MY_TOKEN', {protocol: 'https'});

In the future (after v1.0.0), https will become the default protocol.


7 years ago

To support deleting people profiles without resolving aliases. Call like:

mixpanel.people.delete_user('billybob', {$ignore_alias: true});


8 years ago

Provides a mechanism for specifying optional modifier params $ignore_time, $ip, and $time across all mixpanel.people calls. For example:

// don't update $last_seen property
mixpanel.people.increment("billybob", "games_played", {$ignore_time: true});


8 years ago

Override host for mixpanel requests (for dev/testing/etc) with init option:

mixpanel.init(token, {host: 'example.com:1337'});


8 years ago

people.union() merges a given list or value with a list-valued people analytics property, excluding duplicate values.


9 years ago

import_batch() sends a list of events to Mixpanel using the import endpoint.


9 years ago
  • dropped support for node <0.10
  • added iojs and node 0.12 to test matrix