Microtf2 Versions Save

A custom gamemode for Team Fortress 2 - Players compete against each other to get the most points by playing a series of rapid fire microgames in order to win the round!


3 years ago

This release contain a bugfix for servers running using the new timelimit mode. For existing installations, the only change you need to make to use this update is to update the AS-MicroTF2.smx plugin.

Special thanks to DFS for helping debug & test this hotfix.


3 years ago

This release contains some fixes and enhancements and is a drop-in update to your existing v4 installation.

  • If no arguments are provided to sm_setnextspecialround, a random one will be selected. (GitHub issue #181)
  • Improved responses for commands
  • Code quality: Actions should always return a value (GitHub PR #185, issue #186)
  • The gamemode now supports mp_timelimit, rather than a set number of rounds being played. Adds a new ConVar "mtf2_use_server_map_timelimit", for more information, see the wiki page for Console Variables (https://github.com/gemidyne/microtf2/wiki/Console-Variables) (GitHub issue #187)
  • Added extra sound effects to the Danganronpa bossgame. (GitHub issue #188)


3 years ago

Version 4 brings 2 new microgames, 1 new boss game, 2 new special rounds, 1 new language and many other fixes and enhancements to the gamemode.

For more information and the release notes, check out: https://gemidyne.com/projects/warioware/release-notes/v4/


4 years ago

This release is a plugin only release and does not require a map update. Apologies for this update not being immediately available for download.

  • Updated some commands.
  • Fixed a missing safety check causing errors in certain cases.

UPDATE 2020-04-09: See new attached SMX which contains a bug fix for mapchooser integrations.


4 years ago

This release follows up on a memory leak issue as well as updates an internally used blocked list.

Special thanks to @FortyTwoFortyTwo for the pull request which follows up on memory leak encountered previously (#160).

Special thanks to Dispenzor & NotNihilanth for updates to the block list.

  • No map update is required for v3.0.2- only AS-MicroTF2.smx will need updating.


4 years ago

This release addresses a memory leak issue caused by annotations being created with a heavily populated server.

Special thanks to @FortyTwoFortyTwo for the pull request which addresses this (#158).


4 years ago

For the release notes of the v3.0 update, please check out the release notes page for more information: https://www.gemidyne.com/projects/warioware/release-notes/v3/

Please note that you no longer need to have tf/sounds/gemidyne/warioware included on your server. Background Music lengths are now precalculated, so you can remove this folder as it is already packed into warioware_redux_v3.bsp.


4 years ago

This release requires map warioware_redux_v2b and requires you to update your plugin SMX and data files. Some sound paths have been changed, which means that the attached zip file includes the updated minigame BGM files at their new paths. BGM files under tf/sound/stsv/microtf2 are not to be used and can be deleted.

  • #73 - moved minigame BGM into new datapack structure
  • #131 - bonus points are now disabled by default in microgames, and can be turned on via a boolean ConVar "mtf2_bonuspoints".
  • #124 - player collisions in the main area have been turned off.
  • #125, #130 - Removed the Don't Touch special round.
  • Added "Team Battle" special round, which replaces Don't touch special round.
  • Moved binary files from LFS due to quota reached
  • #132 - fixed special round selection message having double prefixes in chat.
  • #133 - Kill and explode commands are now blocked on the kamikaze microgame
  • #134 - Typing Attack boss now shows the next word to type to combat any latency that players may experience
  • Localised the Maths microgame text
  • Fixed bad reply strings when using some console commands


4 years ago

We recommend you update to this update as soon as possible.

Note: Updated zip file to include 1 extra hotfix. Redownload attached zip file. If building from source code, also include changes in commit https://github.com/gemidyne/microtf2/commit/9d539a051a53d8c996a7ebe82a2ba347f95b17cf

This is a plugin only release - if you have the 2019.2.1.0 update, you only need to replace the plugin SMX file.

  • Fixed a security issue.
  • #123 - Fixed translation file location
  • #128 - Fixed a few missing participant checks on bossgames, which may cause bossgames to last longer than intended


4 years ago

This update is aimed at other SourceMod developers to allow for integration with their own mapchooser plugins as well as ranking/levelling and inventory systems.

A changelog is listed at the bottom of this release.

Server Operators - Installing this update:

To install this update, please add the attached BSP file to your server's map folder. It contains the gamemode's sounds, overlays, and everything else required so no other files need to be served from your Fast DL server.

Once you installed the BSP, you need to extract the "warioware_2019.2.1.0.zip" file below to the same folder as srcds.exe or srcds_linux. This zip file also contains sounds - this is required on the serverside only, to calculate sound length. Players will not download these files.

MapChooser integration is now a separate plugin - this is bundled within the warioware_2019.2.1.0.zip file. If you have a different mapvoting plugin, you may have to develop an integration plugin to do so.

SourceMod Developers - Integrating with your own plugins

See the attached warioware.inc file for forwards and natives that you can consume.

Other notes

Gemidyne/Team WarioWare tested this gamemode on a Windows TF2 server, using SourceMod 1.10 with no other gamemodes running at the same time. If you encounter issues, please ensure you are not encountering an issue caused by another plugin you have installed.

If you reload this plugin and do not change the map, damage hooks will not work. We recommend that you reload the map after you reload the plugin to ensure everything is setup properly.

Changes in this release are:

  • Intermission has been refactored out of the main gamemode plugin and moved into a new "integration" plugin. Currently, only support for SourceMod's Stock MapChooser has been added. If you use a different mapvoting plugin, you may need to develop a small integration plugin.
  • Added an include file "warioware.inc" which allows SourceMod developers to receive event notifications from the WarioWare gamemode about Gamemode status, Player win states, scores and other details.