Material Dialogs Versions Save

😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.


5 years ago
  1. File/folder chooser UI tweaks, more to come.
  2. File/folder chooser uses coroutines instead of threads to load contents.
  3. Color chooser grid selection invalidates ARGB input and vice versa.
  4. Color chooser color selection modifies action button colors for a nice effect.


5 years ago
  1. The fallback Maven repo definitely can be removed from your repositories - jCenter resolution is working well now.
  2. Consolidated internal code to reduce method count and library size.
  3. Removed framework attribute usages like ?selectableItemBackground from XML styles since they are redundant (we override selectors programmatically anyways) and cause crashes on Android TV.


5 years ago
  1. Kotlin 1.3.10 and other internal dependency upgrades.
  2. Fix a title layout bug when an icon and a single-line title are used together.
  3. The hex input field for the color chooser's custom ARGB page is shown over the color preview to conserve space.
  4. Landscape layout support in the color chooser dialog.
  5. Most dialog types can be used together now, e.g. message(...) + listItems(...) + checkboxPrompt(...), due to a redesign in how content views are managed.


5 years ago
  1. Add methods to clear action button listeners, see #1642.
  2. Tweak furthest action button end margin, see #1652.
  3. Disable overscroll when content is not scrollable, see #1653.
  4. Add optional html and lineSpacingMultiplier params to message(...), see #1651.
  5. Slightly increase icon/title margin, should resolve #1654.


5 years ago
  1. Tweaked the divider color in dark dialogs, see #1619.
  2. Fixed a crash in the color choosers when the pre-selected color is in the subcolors. See #1627.
  3. Added a parameter to allow multi-choice dialogs to not have a selection. See #1631.
  4. Color chooser dialogs can now display a second page which allows ARGB selection. See the README and sample project.


5 years ago
  1. File & folder choosers load contents on a separate thread - they should feel a bit faster. See #1615.
  2. Fix a bug which would pre-select the wrong sub-color in color choosers.
  3. Fix how we show a checkbox over a selected color in color choosers when the color is transparent.


5 years ago
  1. Minor fixes to bottom divider visibility logic in list dialogs.
  2. Changed how file chooser empty text is positioned. See #1614.
  3. Transparent is displayed differently in color chooser dialogs, rather than just being white. See #1604.


5 years ago

The library has been migrated from legacy Support Libraries to the new Jetpack AndroidX packages.


5 years ago
  1. Fix dependency resolving issue on Windows machines related to Kotlin compiler flags. See #1611.
  2. Added an optional parameter to .customView(...) to not set default vertical content padding. See #1612.


5 years ago
  1. Add theme attributes for title and content color in case you don't want dialogs to use ?android:textColorPrimary and ?android:textColorSecondary. See #1603.
  2. Add the ability to allow folder creation from file and folder choosers. See #1602.
  3. Updated Kotlin to 1.2.70.