Massive Js Versions Save

A data mapper for Node.js and PostgreSQL.


6 years ago

Decompose schemas are now properly applied to insert and update functions.


6 years ago

Fixes an edge case where foreign tables can be double-counted if they inherit from other tabkes, preventing initialization.


6 years ago

Security release since a vulnerability was found in earlier versions of marked, a transitive dependency of JSDoc.


6 years ago

Massive now composes database APIs more intelligently. Now you can have a companies table and a db/companies script directory, and use both! db.companies will be a table with the usual set of query and persistence functions, but it's also a namespace for your scripts and you can db.companies.doSomethingComplicated().

There are only a couple of scenarios that won't work with this:

  • if a script or function would overwrite a default API function (like companies.findOne)
  • if a script and a function resolve to the same path

In both cases, you'll get an exception on spinup.


6 years ago

Updates the deasync dependency to fix an error in older versions.


6 years ago


  • Deep insert: now you can insert a record along with related rows in a single transaction!
  • Variadic functions are supported!


  • will be removed in a future release. Update your code to use db.query instead.


6 years ago

Adds the ability to toggle materialized views on or off (required if you're using a version of Postgres older than 9.3).


6 years ago

The order option uses standard JavaScript object/array path notation for elements in JSON fields instead of the native Postgres traversers, making it consistent with JSON usage in criteria objects. Sort direction is also now case-insensitive.


6 years ago

New feature: simpler decompose schemas: use an array of columns instead of a map if you aren't changing any names.


6 years ago
  • Bulk insert can accommodate records with different key sets: [{field1: 'value1'}, {field2: 'value2'}] is valid assuming there are no NOT NULL constraints in play.
  • Empty array values are now handled properly in insert and update.