Manual Approval Versions Save

Pause your GitHub Actions workflow and request manual approval from set approvers before continuing


2 years ago

This release fixes the formatting of the automated issue that is created.


2 years ago

Change the action manifest image to include the update application code.


2 years ago

This release adds flexibility in the approval and denial keywords. Previously it had to be "Approved" or "Denied". Now the keywords are:

  • Approval keywords - "approve", "approved", "lgtm", "yes"
  • Denial keywords - "deny", "denied", "no"

They are case sensitive and can have optional punctuation of either a period or exclamation mark.


2 years ago

This is the initial release of this action. This provides the ability to pause a workflow and request approval (or denial) before continuing. This is a common scenario for manual intervention prior to deploying your software from a CI/CD pipeline.

Please see the repo for more detailed information on usage.