Mac Mouse Fix Versions Save

Mac Mouse Fix - Make Your $10 Mouse Better Than an Apple Trackpad!


2 weeks ago

Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.4 is now notarized! It also includes some small bug fixes and other improvements.


Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.4 is now 'notarized' by Apple. That means no more messages about Mac Mouse Fix being potentially 'Malicious Software' when opening the app for the first time.


Notarizing your app costs $100 per year. I was always against this, since it felt hostile towards free and open source software like Mac Mouse Fix, and it also felt like a dangerous step towards Apple controlling and locking down the Mac like they do iPhones or iPads. But lack of notarization led to different problems, including difficulties opening the app and even several situations where nobody could use the app anymore until I released a new version.

For Mac Mouse Fix 3, I thought it was finally appropriate to pay the $100 per year to notarize the app, since Mac Mouse Fix 3 is monetized. (Learn More)
Now, Mac Mouse Fix 2 gets notarization as well, which should lead to an easier and more stable user experience.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the cursor would disappear and then reappear in a different location when using a 'Click and Drag' Action during a screen recording or while using the DisplayLink software.
  • Fixed an issue with enabling Mac Mouse Fix under macOS 10.14 Mojave and possibly older macOS versions, too.
  • Improved memory management, potentially fixing a crash of the 'Mac Mouse Fix Helper' app, that would occur when detaching a mouse from your computer. See Discussion #771.

Other Improvements

  • The window that the app displays to inform you that a new version of Mac Mouse Fix is available now supports JavaScript. This allows for the update notes to be prettier and easier to read. For example, the update notes can now display Markdown Alerts and more.
  • Removed a link to the page from the "Grant Accessibility Access to Mac Mouse Fix Helper" screen. That's because the About page no longer exists and has been replaced by the GitHub Readme for now.
  • This release now includes dSYM files which can be used by anyone to decode crash reports of Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.4.
  • Some under-the-hood cleanup and improvements.

Also check out the previous release 2.2.3.


2 months ago

Note to Mac Mouse Fix 2 Users

With the introduction of Mac Mouse Fix 3, the pricing model of the app has changed:

  • Mac Mouse Fix 2
    Remains 100% free, and I plan to keep supporting it.
    Skip this update to keep using Mac Mouse Fix 2. Download the latest version of Mac Mouse Fix 2 here.
  • Mac Mouse Fix 3
    Free for 30 days, costs a few dollars to own.
    Update now to get Mac Mouse Fix 3!

You can learn more about the pricing and features of Mac Mouse Fix 3 on the new website.

Thanks for using Mac Mouse Fix! :)

Note to Mac Mouse Fix 3 Buyers

In May 2024, I saw several people being surprised and upset because Mac Mouse Fix 3 suddenly stopped working and prompted them to buy the app. It seems that they updated from Mac Mouse Fix 2 to Mac Mouse Fix 3 without being aware of the pricing changes.

I'm really sorry about this! I admit it was very easy to miss the information about the pricing changes for people who updated from Mac Mouse Fix 2 directly to 3.0.1 or 3.0.2. As a result, I've improved the update notes for 3.0.2 to make it harder to miss that Mac Mouse Fix 3 isn't free anymore.

I also want to offer a refund to anyone who felt negatively affected by this. Please click here to apply for it.

Again, I'm sorry about the trouble, and I hope everyone is ok with this as a solution!

The latest version of Mac Mouse Fix 2 stays entirely free, and you can download it here.

Update Notes

Mac Mouse Fix 3.0.2 brings several improvements, including smoother scrolling, improved translations, and more!


  • You can now stop scroll animations by scrolling one step in the opposite direction. This allows you to 'throw' and 'catch' the page when using 'Smoothness: High', similar to a Trackpad.
  • Mac Mouse Fix now sends scroll events earlier in the display refresh cycle, giving apps more time to process the scroll events and display scrolling smoothly. This improves framerates, especially on complex websites like
  • Improved the responsiveness of the 'Smoothness: High' setting, making scrolling easier to control.
  • Improved on a mechanism introduced in 3.0.1 where the animation speed becomes faster as you move the scroll wheel faster when using 'Smoothness: Regular'. In 3.0.2 the speedup of the animation should appear more consistent and predictable, making it easier on the eyes while providing great control.
  • Fixed a problem where the scrolling speed was too slow, especially when using the 'Precision' option. This problem was introduced in 3.0.1. Thanks to @V-Coba for drawing attention to it in 795.
  • Improved behaviour inside the Arc browser when using 'Click and Scroll' to 'Zoom In or Out'.


  • Updated 🇻🇳 Vietnamese translations. Credits to @nghlt!
  • Improved some 🇩🇪 German translations.
  • Text inside Mac Mouse Fix that doesn't have a translation for the current language will now show a placeholder value instead of just being blank. This should make it less confusing to navigate the app when there are missing translations.


  • Mac Mouse Fix will now show a notification with a link to this guide to users who might be experiencing a bug in macOS 13 Ventura and later that can prevent Mac Mouse Fix from being enabled.
  • Changed the default settings for mice with 3 buttons. The default settings no longer feature a 'Click and Scroll' action for the Scrollwheel Button, since that is pretty hard to perform. Instead, the default settings now feature a 'Hold' and a 'Double Click' action.
  • Added a tooltip to the Mac Mouse Fix icon on the About tab. It tells you how to reveal Mac Mouse Fix's config file in the Finder.
  • Lots of under-the-hood cleanup and improvements.

Also check out the release notes for 3.0.0 - the biggest update to Mac Mouse Fix so far!


4 months ago

Also check out the release notes for 3.0.0 - the biggest update to Mac Mouse Fix so far!

Mac Mouse Fix 3.0.1 brings several bug fixes and improvements, along with a new language!

Vietnamese was added!

Mac Mouse Fix is now available in 🇻🇳 Vietnamese. Big thanks to @nghlt on GitHub!

Bug fixes

  • Mac Mouse Fix now works properly with Fast User Switching!
    • Fast User Switching is when you log into a second macOS account without logging out of the first account.
    • Before this update, scrolling stopped working after a fast user switch. Now everything should work correctly.
  • Fixed a small bug where the layout of the Buttons tab was too wide after starting Mac Mouse Fix for the first time.
  • Made the '+' field work more reliably when adding several Actions in quick succession.
  • Fixed an obscure crash reported by @V-Coba in Issue 735.

Other improvements

  • Scrolling feels more responsive when using the 'Smoothness: Regular' setting.
    • The animation speed now becomes faster as you move the scroll wheel faster. That way, it feels more responsive when you scroll fast while feeling just as smooth when you scroll slowly.
  • Made the scroll speed acceleration more stable and predictable.
  • Implemented a mechanism to keep your settings when you update to a new Mac Mouse Fix version.
    • Before, Mac Mouse Fix would reset all your settings after updating to a new version, if the structure of the settings changed. Now, Mac Mouse Fix will attempt to upgrade the structure of your settings and keep your preferences.
    • So far, this only works, when updating from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1. If you're updating from an older version than 3.0.0, or if you downgrade from 3.0.1 to a previous version, your settings will still be reset.
  • The layout of the Buttons tab now better adapts its width to different languages.
  • Improvements to the GitHub Readme and other documents.
  • Improved localization systems. The translation files are now automatically cleaned up and analyzed for potential issues. There's a new Localization Guide which features any automatically detected issues along with other useful info and instructions for people who want to help translate Mac Mouse Fix. Removed dependency on the BartyCrouch tool which was previously used to get some of this functionality.
  • Improved several UI strings in English and German.
  • Lots of under-the-hood cleanup and improvements.


5 months ago

Mac Mouse Fix 3 is here! ⭐️

3.0.0 is the biggest update ever for Mac Mouse Fix.
Bringing together many features that I've worked on for a long time to finally deliver this awesome value proposition:

Make your $10 mouse better than an Apple Trackpad!

Check out all the new features at the new website!

...Or see a more concise list of the most important changes compared to Mac Mouse Fix 2 in this discussion.
You can also check out the release notes of 3.0.0 Beta 7 and the previous Betas for even more details.


Before you upgrade to Mac Mouse Fix 3 from Mac Mouse Fix 2, there's one thing you might want to know:

Mac Mouse Fix 3 will be free for 30 days and cost $1.99 to own.
(It will launch at this price. I might adjust the pricing down the line.)

I know that monetization might not seem good for users at first glance, but I hope I implemented it in a way that everyone can get on board with.

  • It's pressure-free Your free days are only used up when you actually use Mac Mouse Fix. So there's no pressure to use the app before the time is up, and you can make an informed decision whether you want to buy the app or not without any stress.
  • It syncs via iCloud Your license is synced via iCloud so it will automatically be available on all your computers!
  • It's convenient
    Paying for the app and activating your license is super fast and intuitive. And you can even pay with Apple Pay!
  • It's cute
    After you activate your license, there's a cute randomized thank you message on the "About" tab :)
  • You support the project
    By supporting the project financially, you allow me to keep working towards my dream of making Mac Mouse Fix the best mouse driver of all time! 🚀

If you already bought me a milkshake - thank you so much! In return, I will provide you with a free license. See the Acknowledgements for more info.

If you would like to keep using Mac Mouse Fix 2 - that's okay as well. It will remain free forever and I plan to make sure that it keeps working on future macOS versions.

To learn more about monetization in Mac Mouse Fix 3, visit the website.

I hope everyone feels okay about monetization in Mac Mouse Fix 3 and thank you so much for all your support so far! :)

Changes since the last Beta

The final release of Mac Mouse Fix 3.0.0 features a few minor improvements compared to 3.0.0 Beta 7:

  • Slightly reduced CPU usage of "Scroll & Navigate" feature
  • Added "Version" in front of the version number on the "About" tab, to make it easier to understand
  • Updated the license string of the "Mac Mouse Fix Helper" app
  • Improved fallback mechanism for license-related values when there is no internet connection
  • Under the hood improvements and cleanup


5 months ago

Also check out the neat improvements introduced in 3.0.0 Beta 6!

3.0.0 Beta 7 brings several small improvements and bug fixes.

Here's everything new:


  • Added Korean translations. Big thanks to @jeongtae! (Find him on GitHub)
  • Made scrolling with the 'Smoothness: High' option even smoother, by only changing the speed gradually, instead of having sudden jumps in the scrolling speed as you move the scroll wheel. This should make scrolling feel a little smoother and easier to follow with your eyes without making things less responsive. Scrolling with 'Smoothness: High' uses around 30% more CPU now, on my computer it went from 1.2% CPU usage when continuously scrolling to 1.6%. So scrolling is still highly efficient and I hope this won't make a difference to anyone. Big thanks to MOS, which inspired this feature and whose 'Scroll Monitor' I used to help implement the feature.
  • Mac Mouse Fix is now handling button inputs from all sources. Before, Mac Mouse Fix would only handle inputs from mice that it recognized. I think this might help compatibility with certain mice in edge cases, like when using a Hackintosh, but it will also lead Mac Mouse Fix to pick up artificially generated button inputs from other apps, which might lead to problems in other edge cases. Let me know if this leads to any problems for you, and I will address that in future updates.
  • Refined the feel and polish of the 'Click and Scroll' for 'Desktop & Launchpad' and 'Click and Scroll' to 'Move Between Spaces' gestures.
  • Now taking the information density of a language into account when calculating the time that notifications are shown for. Before this, notifications would only stay visible for a very short amount of time in languages with high information density like Chinese or Korean.
  • Enabled different gestures to move between Spaces, open Mission Control, or open App Exposé. In Beta 6, I made it so these actions were only available through the 'Click and Drag' gesture - as an experiment to see how many people actually cared about being able to access those actions in other ways. It seems that some do, so now I made it possible again to access these actions through a simple 'Click' of a button or through 'Click and Scroll'.
  • Made it possible to Rotate through a Click and Scroll gesture.
  • Improved the way that the Trackpad Simulation option works in some scenarios. For example when scrolling horizontally to delete a message in Mail, the direction that the message moves is now inverted, which I hope feels a bit more natural and consistent to most people.
  • Added a feature to remap to Primary Click or Secondary Click. I implemented this because the right mouse button on my favorite mouse broke. These options are hidden by default. You can see them by holding the Option key while selecting an action.
    • This is currently lacking translations for Chinese and Korean, so if you would like to contribute translations for these features that would be greatly appreciated!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the direction of 'Click and Drag' for 'Mission Control & Spaces' was inverted for people who have never toggled the 'Natural scrolling' option in System Settings. Now, the direction of 'Click and Drag' gestures in Mac Mouse Fix should always match the direction of gestures on your Trackpad or Magic Mouse. If you want a separate option for inverting the 'Click and Drag' direction, instead of having it follow the System Settings, let me know.
  • Fixed a bug where the free days would count up too quickly for some users. If you were affected by this, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  • Fixed an issue under macOS Sonoma where the tab bar wouldn't display properly.
  • Fixed jankiness when using 'macOS' scrolling speed while using 'Click and Scroll' to open Launchpad.
  • Fixed crash where the 'Mac Mouse Fix Helper' app (which runs in the background when Mac Mouse Fix is enabled) would crash sometimes when recording a keyboard shortcut.
  • Fixed a bug where Mac Mouse Fix would crash when trying to pick up artificial events generated by MiddleClick-Sonoma
  • Fixed an issue where the name for some mice displayed in the 'Restore Defaults...' dialog would contain the manufacturer twice.
  • Made it less likely for 'Click and Drag' for 'Mission Control & Spaces' to get stuck when the computer is slow.
  • Corrected use of 'Force Touch' in UI strings where it should be 'Force click'.
  • Fixed a bug that would occur for certain configurations, where opening Launchpad or showing the Desktop through 'Click and Scroll' wouldn't work if you released the button while the transition animation was still ongoing.


  • Several under-the-hood improvements, stability improvements, under-the-hood cleanup, and more.

How You Can Help

You can help by sharing your ideas, issues and feedback!

The best place to share your ideas and issues is the Feedback Assistant. The best place to give quick unstructured feedback is the Feedback Discussion.

You can also access these places from within the app on the 'ⓘ About' tab.

Thanks for helping to make Mac Mouse Fix better! 😎:)


1 year ago

Also check out the neat changes introduced in 3.0.0 Beta 4!

3.0.0 Beta 6 brings deep optimizations and polish, a rework of the scroll settings, Chinese translations, and more!

Here's everything new:

1. Deep Optimizations

For this Beta, I put a lot of work into getting the last bit of performance out of Mac Mouse Fix. And now I'm happy to announce that, when you click a mouse button in Beta 6, that's 2x faster compared to the previous beta! And scrolling is even 4x faster!

With Beta 6, MMF will also smartly turn parts of itself off to save your CPU and battery as much as possible.

For example, when you're currently using a mouse with 3 buttons but you only have actions set up for buttons not found on your mouse like buttons 4 and 5, Mac Mouse Fix will stop listening to button input from your mouse entirely. Meaning 0% CPU usage when you click a button on your mouse! Or when the scroll settings in MMF match the system, Mac Mouse Fix will stop listening to input from your scroll wheel entirely. Meaning 0% CPU usage when you scroll! But if you set up the Command (⌘)-Scroll to Zoom feature, Mac Mouse Fix will start to listen to your scroll wheel input - but only while you hold down the Command (⌘) key. And so on. So it's really smart and will only use up CPU when it has to!

This means, MMF is now not only the most powerful, easy-to-use, and polished mouse driver for Mac, it's also one of, if not the, most optimized and efficient!

2. Reduced App Size

At 16 MB, Beta 6 is ca. 2x smaller than Beta 5!

This is a side-effect of dropping support for older macOS versions.

3. Dropped Support for Older macOS Versions

I tried hard to get MMF 3 to run properly on macOS versions before macOS 11 Big Sur. But the amount of work to get it to feel polished turned out to be overwhelming, so I had to give up on that.

Moving forward, the earliest officially supported version will be macOS 11 Big Sur.

The app will still open on older versions but there will be visual and maybe other problems. The app will not open anymore on macOS versions before 10.14.4. This is what allows us to shrink the app size by 2x since 10.14.4 is the earliest macOS version shipping with modern Swift libraries (See "Swift ABI Stability"), which means those Swift libraries don't have to be contained in the app anymore.

4. Scroll Improvements

Beta 6 features many improvements to the configuration and the UI of the new scrolling systems introduced in MMF 3.


  • Greatly simplified and shortened the UI text on the Scroll tab. Most mentions of the word "Scroll" have been removed since it's implied by context.
  • Reworked the scroll smoothness settings to be much clearer and allow for some additional options. Now you can pick between a "Smoothness" of "Off", "Regular", or "High", Replacing the old "with Inertia" toggle. I think this is much clearer and it made space in the UI for the new "Trackpad Simulation" option.
  • Turning off the new "Trackpad Simulation" option disables the rubber band effect while scrolling, it also prevents scrolling between pages in Safari and other apps, and more. Lots of people have been annoyed by this, especially those with free-spinning scroll wheels as found on some Logitech Mice like the MX Master, but others enjoy it, so I decided to make it an option. I hope the presentation of the feature is clear. If you have any suggestions there, let me know.
  • Changed the "Natural Scroll Direction" option to "Reverse Scroll Direction". This means the setting now reverses the system scroll direction and is no longer independent of the system scroll direction. While this is arguably a slightly worse user experience, this new way of doing things allows us to implement some optimizations and it makes it more transparent to the user how to completely turn Mac Mouse Fix off for scrolling.
  • Improved the way that the scroll settings interact with modified scrolling in many different edge cases. E.g. the "Precision" option will no longer apply to the "Click and Scroll" for "Desktop & Launchpad" action since it's a hindrance here instead of being helpful.
  • Improved scroll speed when using "Click and Scroll" for "Desktop & Launchpad" or "Zoom In or Out" and other features.
  • Removed non-functioning link to the system scroll speed settings on the scroll tab which was present on macOS versions before macOS 13.0 Ventura. I couldn't find a way to make the link work and it's not terribly important.

Scroll Feel

  • Improved animation curve for "Regular Smoothness" (formerly accessible by turning "with Inertia" off). This makes things feel more smooth and responsive.
  • Improved the feel of all the scroll speed settings. The "Medium" speed and the "Fast" speed are faster. There is more separation between "Low" "Medium" and "High" speeds. The speedup as you move the scrollwheel faster feels more natural and comfortable when using the "Precision" option.
  • The way that the scrolling speed ramps up as you keep scrolling in one direction will feel more natural and gradual. I'm using new mathematical curves to model the speedup. The speed ramp-up will also be harder to trigger accidentally.
  • Not ramping up scrolling speed anymore when you keep scrolling in one direction while using the "macOS" scrolling speed.
  • Restricted the scroll animation time to a maximum. If the scroll animation would naturally take more time it will be sped up to stay below the maximum time. That way, scrolling into the page edge with a free-spinning wheel will not have the page content move off-screen for as long. This shouldn't affect normal scrolling with a non-free-spinning wheel.
  • Improved some interactions around the rubberband effect when scrolling into a page edge in Safari and other apps.
  • Fixed an issue where "Click and Scroll" and other scroll-related features wouldn't work properly after upgrading from a very old preference pane version of Mac Mouse Fix.
  • Fixed an issue where single-pixel scrolls were sent with a delay when using the "macOS" scrolling speed together with smooth scrolling.
  • Fixed a bug where scrolling would still be really fast after releasing the Swift Scroll modifier. Other improvements around how scroll speed is carried over from previous scroll swipes.
  • Improved the way that the scroll speed increases with larger display sizes

5. Notarization

Starting with 3.0.0 Beta 6, Mac Mouse Fix will be "Notarized". That means no more messages about Mac Mouse Fix being potentially "Malicious Software" when opening the app for the first time.

Notarizing your app costs $100 per year. I was always against this, since it felt hostile towards free and open source software like Mac Mouse Fix, and it also felt like a dangerous step towards Apple controlling and locking down the Mac like they do iOS. But lack of Notarization led to pretty severe problems, including several situations where nobody could use the app anymore until I released a new version. Since Mac Mouse Fix will be monetized now, I thought it was finally appropriate to Notarize the app for an easier and more stable user experience.

6. Chinese Translations

Mac Mouse Fix is now available in Chinese! More specifically, it's available in:

  • Chinese, Traditional
  • Chinese, Simplified
  • Chinese (Hong Kong)

Huge thanks to @groverlynn for providing all of these translations as well as for updating them throughout the betas and communicating with me. See his pull request here:

7. Everything Else

Aside from the changes listed above Beta 6 also features many smaller improvements.

  • Removed several options from the "Click", "Click and Hold" and "Click and Scroll" Actions because I thought they were redundant since the same functionality can be achieved otherwise and since this cleans up the menus a lot. Will bring those options back if people complain. So if you miss those options - please complain.
  • Click and Drag direction will now match trackpad swipe direction even when "Natural scrolling" is turned off under System Settings > Trackpad. Before, Click and Drag would always behave like swiping on the trackpad with "Natural scrolling" turned on.
  • Fixed an issue where the cursors would disappear and then reappear somewhere else when using a "Click and Drag" Action during a screen recording or when using the DisplayLink software.
  • Fixed centering of the "+" in the "+"-Field on the Buttons tab
  • Several visual Improvements to the buttons tab. The color palette of the "+"-Field and Action Table has been reworked to look correct when using macOS' "Allow wallpaper tinting in windows" option. The borders of the Action Table now have a transparent color that looks more dynamic and adjusts to its surroundings.
  • Made it so when you add lots of actions to the action table and the Mac Mouse Fix window grows, it will grow exactly as large as the screen (or as the screen minus the dock if you don't have dock-hiding enabled) and then stop. When you add even more actions, the action table will start scrolling.
  • This Beta now supports a new checkout where you can buy a license in US dollars as advertised. Before you could only buy a license in Euros. The old Euro licenses will still be supported of course.
  • Fixed an issue where momentum scrolling sometimes wasn't started when using the "Scroll & Navigate" feature.
  • When the Mac Mouse Fix window resizes itself during a tab switch it will now reposition itself so it does not overlap with the Dock
  • Fixed flicker on some UI elements when switching from the Buttons tab to another tab
  • Improved appearance of animation that the "+"-Field plays after recording an input. Especially on macOS versions before Ventura, where the shadow of the "+"-Field would appear glitched during the animation.
  • Disabled notifications listing several buttons that have been captured/are no longer captured by Mac Mouse Fix which would appear when starting the app for the first time or when loading a preset. I thought these messages were distracting and slightly overwhelming and not really helpful and those contexts.
  • Reworked the Grant Accessibility Screen. It will now show information about why Mac Mouse Fix needs Accessibility Access inline instead of linking to the website and it is a little clearer and has a more visually pleasing layout.
  • Updated Acknowledgements link on the About tab.
  • Improved error messages when Mac Mouse Fix can't be enabled because there's another version present on the system. The message will now be displayed in a floating alert window which always stays on top of other windows until dismissed instead of a Toast Notification which disappears when clicking anywhere. This should make it easier to follow the suggested solution steps.
  • Fixed some issues with markdown rendering on macOS versions before Ventura. MMF will now use a custom markdown rendering solution for all macOS Versions, including Ventura. Before we were using a system API introduced in Ventura but that lead to inconsistencies. Markdown is used to add links and emphasis to text across the UI.
  • Polished the interactions around enabling accessibility access.
  • Fixed an issue where the app window would sometimes open without showing any content until you switched to one of the tabs.
  • Fixed an issue with the "+"-Field where you sometimes couldn't add a new action even though it showed a hover effect indicating that you can enter an action.
  • Fixed a deadlock and several other small issues that would sometimes happen when moving the mouse pointer inside the "+"-Field
  • Fixed an issue where a popover that appears on the Buttons tab when your mouse doesn't seem to fit the current button settings would sometimes have all bold text.
  • Updated all mentions of the old MIT license to the new MMF license. New files created for the project will now contain an autogenerated header mentioning the MMF license.
  • Made switching to the Buttons tab enable MMF for Scrolling. Otherwise, you couldn't record Click and Scroll gestures.
  • Fixed some issues where button names were not displaying correctly in Action Table in some situations.
  • Fixed bug where the trial section on the About screen would look buggy when opening the app and then switching to the trial tab after the trial expired.
  • Fixed a bug where Activate License link in the trial section of the About Tab sometimes didn't react to clicks.
  • Fixed a memory leak when using the "Click and Drag" for "Spaces & Mission Control" feature.
  • Enabled Hardened runtime on the main Mac Mouse Fix app, improving security
  • Lots of code cleanup, project restructuring
  • Several other crashes fixed
  • Several memory leaks fixed
  • Various small UI string tweaks
  • Reworks of several internal systems also improved robustness and behavior in edge cases

8. How You Can Help

You can help by sharing your ideas, issues and feedback!

The best place to share your ideas and issues is the Feedback Assistant. The best place to give quick unstructured feedback is the Feedback Discussion.

You can also access these places from within the app on the "ⓘ About" tab.

Thanks for helping to make Mac Mouse Fix the best it can be! 🙌:)


1 year ago

Also check out the neat changes introduced in 3.0.0 Beta 4!

3.0.0 Beta 5 restores compatibility with some mice under macOS 13 Ventura and it fixes scrolling in many apps. It also features several other small fixes and and quality of life improvements.

Here's everything new:


  • Fixed scrolling in Terminal and other apps! See GitHub Issue #413.
  • Fixed incompatibility with some mice under macOS 13 Ventura by moving away from using unreliable Apple APIs in favor of low level hacks. Hope this doesn't introduce new issues - let me know if it does! Special thanks to Maria and GitHub user samiulhsnt for helping to figure this out! See GithHub Issue #424 for more infos.
  • Will not use any CPU when clicking Mouse Button 1 or 2 anymore. Slightly lowered CPU usage when clicking other buttons.
    • This is a "Debug Build" so the CPU usage can be around 10 times higher when clicking buttons in this beta vs the final release
  • The trackpad scrolling simulation that is used for Mac Mouse Fix' "Smooth Scrolling" and "Scroll & Navigate" features is now even more accurate. This might lead to better behaviour in some situations.


  • Automatically fixing issues with granting Accessibility Access after updating from an older version of Mac Mouse Fix. Adopts the changes described in the 2.2.2 Release Notes.
  • Added a "Cancel" button to the "Grant Accessibiliy Access" screen
  • Fixed an issue where configuring Mac Mouse Fix wouldn't work properly after installing a new version of Mac Mouse Fix, because the new version would connect to the old version of "Mac Mouse Fix Helper". Now, Mac Mouse Fix will not connect to the old "Mac Mouse Fix Helper" anymore and disable the old version automatically when appropriate.
  • Giving the user instructions on how to fix an issue where Mac Mouse Fix can't be enabled properly due to another version of Mac Mouse Fix being present on the system. This issue only occurs under macOS Ventura.
  • Polished behaviour and animations on the "Grant Accessibiliy Access" screen
  • Mac Mouse Fix will be brought to the foreground when it it's enabled. This improves the UI interactions in some situations like when you enable Mac Mouse Fix after it's been disabled under System Settings > General > Login Items.
  • Improved UI strings on the "Grant Accessibiliy Access" screen
  • Improved UI strings that show when trying to enable Mac Mouse Fix while it is disabled in System Settings
  • Fixed a German UI string


  • The build number of "Mac Mouse Fix" and the embedded "Mac Mouse Fix Helper" are now synchronised. This is used to prevent "Mac Mouse Fix" from accidentally connecting to old versions of "Mac Mouse Fix Helper".
  • Fixed issue where some data around your license and trial period would sometimes display incorrectly when starting the app for the first time by removing cache data from the initial configuration
  • Lots of cleanup of the project structure and source code
  • Improved debug messages

How You Can Help

You can help by sharing your ideas, issues and feedback!

The best place to share your ideas and issues is the Feedback Assistant. The best place to give quick unstructured feedback is the Feedback Discussion.

You can also access these places from within the app on the "ⓘ About" tab.

Thanks for helping to make Mac Mouse Fix better! 💙💛❤️


1 year ago

Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.3 fixes several issues and adds polish under macOS 10.13 High Sierra, 10.14 Mojave, and 10.15 Catalina.

It took a lot of time to test and debug the app on older macOS versions, but I'm really glad I did since I wanted to make sure that Mac Mouse Fix 2.2 - the last free version of Mac Mouse Fix - feels really nice and polished for everyone!

(Mac Mouse Fix 3 will be free for 30 days and then cost a few dollars to own)

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug where the 'Keyboard Shortcut...' option wouldn't do anything under macOS 10.13 High Sierra
  • Fixed a crash when using the 'Keyboard Shortcut...' option more than once under macOS 10.13 High Sierra and 10.14 Mojave
  • Enabled Apple icon rendering on macOS versions before macOS 11 Big Sur. Icons will now display properly in the 'More...' screen, when right-clicking the Action Table, and when recording keyboard shortcuts containing special keys only found on Apple keyboards.
  • Fixed text being cut off on the 'More Sheet' on macOS versions before macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Improved visual attributes of the Action Table like color and text margins on macOS versions before macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Improved color of Toast Notications on macOS versions before macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Reduced application size
  • More under-the hood improvements


  • If you're still experiencing any issues on older macOS versions, please let me know in a Bug Report.
  • After updating to Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.3 on older macOS versions, you might have to remove and then re-add Mac Mouse Fix to the Accessibility Preferences as described by this Guide


1 year ago

The previous release 2.2.1 added support for macOS 13 Ventura and more!

Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.2 brings several small fixes and improvements.

Accessibility problems

2.2.2 solves a problem where "Mac Mouse Fix Helper" couldn't be granted Accessibility Access in System Settings after updating from Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.0 or earlier. See GitHub Issue #412.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where notifications would disappear abruptly instead of fading out with an animation under macOS Ventura
  • Fixed bug where links on the "More..." screen and the "Grant Accessibiliy Access" screen would sometimes open over and over again when clicking anywhere in the Mac Mouse Fix window

Other improvements

  • Improved UI strings on "Grant Accessibiliy Access" screen
  • Under-the-hood improvements


1 year ago

Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.1 provides full support for macOS Ventura among other changes.

Ventura support!

Mac Mouse Fix now fully supports and feels native to macOS 13 Ventura. Special thanks to @chamburr who helped with Ventura support in GitHub Issue #297.

Changes include:

  • Updated the UI for granting Accessibility Access to reflect the new Ventura System Settings
  • Mac Mouse Fix will be displayed properly under Ventura's new System Settings > Login Items menu
  • Mac Mouse Fix will react properly when it's disabled under System Settings > Login Items

Dropped support for older macOS versions

Unfortunately, Apple only lets you develop for macOS 10.13 High Sierra and later when developing from macOS 13 Ventura.

So the minimum supported version has increased from 10.11 El Capitan to 10.13 High Sierra.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Mac Mouse Fix changes the scrolling behaviour of some drawing tablets. See GitHub Issue #249.
  • Fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts including the 'A' key couldn't be recorded. Fixes GitHub Issue #275.
  • Fixed an issue where some button remappings wouldn't work properly when using a non-standard keyboard layout.
  • Fixed a crash in 'App-specific settings' when trying to add an app without a 'Bundle ID'. Might help with GitHub Issue #289.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to add apps which don't have a name to 'App-Specific settings'. Resolves GitHub Issue #241. Special thanks to jeongtae who was very helpful in figuring out the problem!
  • More small bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements.