Luminave Versions Save

Operate all the lights with your web browser and create stunning visual experiences.


4 years ago

MVP is ready for you to use <3

Performance is improved a lot:

30 fps guaranteed

screen shot 2018-02-17 at 01 39 45


4 years ago

modv_28x4_plasma luminave with live visualisations from modV

🚨 Release Notes

This release brings a lot of improvements and bug fixes:

Using lit-element in combination with lit-html makes everything even more clear in terms of "what should update and when".

:alarm_clock: History



4 years ago

With this release we changed the name of the project from VisionLord to luminave.


Let's look at how Wikipedia defines a Lord:

A person who has authority, control, or power over others acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler

We don't want to rule or act like a master, we want to connect and be a creative tool for interacting with all the Lights.

New name

The new name is a combination of two words:

iluminado = Light in Esperanto nave = A hub of a wheel

luminave is here to connect, to integrate and to give all the power to the user.


6 years ago

First release