Lucidarch Lucid Versions Save

Build scalable Laravel apps without compromising code quality and the least amount of technical debt. Effortless code navigation, onboarding and reviews. Tailored for Microservices and mindful of Monoliths.


3 years ago


  • Built-in jobs in the Http domain to respond with JSON, JSON error, and a View


3 years ago

The good news is that it isn't anything at the core, the concept is exactly the same, in fact none of Lucid's principles has changed ever since; this release is about aesthetics, documentation, online presence, contribution and community.

Here are the highlights at a glance:


  • GitHub's organization name from lucid-architecture to lucidarch, redirects will happen for a while though
  • Following the new alias lucidarch, the Composer package in vendor will follow suite to become lucidarch instead of lucid-arch previously
  • Job tests that are automatically generated when calling lucid make:job will be placed in app/Domains/{domain}/Tests/Jobs/ in both variants for consistency (previously only in Monolith)
  • FormRequest classes are generated in domains when calling lucid make:request, which required a change in signature and now requires specifying the domain name lucid make:request <request> <domain>
  • JobDispatcherTrait removed in favour of UnitDispatcher trait which will be the only trait required, in contrast with a couple other traits previously required to turn a class into a unit dispatcher
  • The dashboard is temporarily deprecated and will undergo a rewrite using modern technologies. Will also be separated into its own package to allow requiring on demand and in dev dependencies if needed. Also, its features will be rethought for a richer set for more added value
  • Boilerplates will be deprecated (laravel and laravel-microservice) in favour of lucidarch/lucid package.
  • Console and Foundation repositories are also deprecated and have been merged and restructured into the package.
  • Contributors' contributions. Sorry about that everyone! Sadly there is no way to move contributor's attribution to the new repo.
  • The concept is now described much better on the website than previously described in the original post on Medium. Which also has been dropped as the source for Lucid knowledge base in favour of


  • UnitDispatcher trait that allows any class to become a unit dispatcher to run jobs and operations. Just use it and you're good to go!
  • Adoption of FormRequest classes as a default validation mechanism instead of validation jobs, which is still possible in custom cases that require it. See validation docs for more
  • init:micro command to initialize a Micro instance into Laravel
  • init:monolith command to initialize a Monolith instance into Laravel
  • Documentation at which source is in the docs repo
  • Website at which source is in the site repo