Loglevel Versions Save

:ledger: Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to wrap any available console.log methods


6 years ago

Fix bug (#112) in level-persistence cookie fallback, which failed if it wasn't the first cookie present


6 years ago

Fix log.debug (#111) after V8 changes deprecating console.debug, check for 'window' upfront (#104), and add '.log' alias for '.debug' (#64)


7 years ago

Reorder UMD (#92) to improve bundling tool compatibility


8 years ago

Add getLevel(), setDefaultLevel() and getLogger() functionality for more fine-grained log level control


8 years ago

With the new optional persistence, stop unnecessarily persisting the initially set default level (warn)


8 years ago

Make persistence optional in setLevel, plus lots of documentation updates and other small tweaks.


9 years ago

New plugin API! Plus various bits of refactoring and tidy up, nicely simplifying things and trimming the size down.


9 years ago

Added support for including loglevel with preprocessing and .apply() (#50), and fixed QUnit dep version which made tests potentially unstable


9 years ago

Official stable release! Fixed a bug with localStorage in Android webviews, improved CommonJS detection, and added noConflict().


10 years ago

Handle logging in Safari private browsing mode (#33), fix TRACE level persistence bug (#35), plus various minor tweaks