Lite Xl Versions Save

A lightweight text editor written in Lua


3 years ago

Fix graphical artifacts when rendering some fonts like FiraSans.

Introduce the config.transitions boolean variable. When false the transitions will be disabled and changes will be done immediately. Very useful for remote sessions where visual transitions doesn't work well.

Improve behavior of commands to move, delete and duplicate multiple lines: no longer includes the last line if it does not contain any selection.

Fix many small problems related to the new toolbar and the tooptips.

Fix problem with spacing in treeview when using monospace fonts.


3 years ago

Implement a toolbar shown in the bottom part of the tree-view. The toolbar is especially meant for new users to give an easy, visual, access to the more important commands.

Make the treeview resizable and shows the resize cursor only when panes are actually resizable.

Add config mechanism to disable a plugin by setting config.<plugin-name> = false.

Improve the "detect indent" plugin to take into account the syntax and exclude comments for much accurate results.

Add command root:close-all to close all the documents currently opened.

Show the full path filename of the active document in the window's title.

Fix problem with user's module reload not always enabled plus other minor fixes.


3 years ago

Fix a problem when launching lite-xl with a relative directory as argument.


3 years ago

Zero CPU Usage

Do not use any CPU when window is unfocused or minimized. Nice to improve battery autonomy on laptop.

Require a special patch to the SDL2 library. The patch is available from:

The patch was submitted upstream to the SDL2 development group and is waiting for review:

Bug fixes

  • fix a bug in treeview with to top level directories
  • fix a problem with the directory used for temporary files


3 years ago

Fix a few problems related to directory and filename paths.

Add ctrl+insert and shift+insert key bindings for copy & paste operations.


3 years ago

This new release introduce some new features like project directories and integrate the workspace plugin while polishing a little bit some rough corners.

Project directories

Extend your project by adding more directories using the command core:add-directory. To remove them use the corresponding command core:remove-directory.


The workspace plugin from rxi/lite-plugins is now part of Lite XL. In addition to the functionalities of the original plugin the extended version will also remember the window size and position and the additonal project directories. To not interfere with the project's files the workspace file is saved in the personal Lite's configuration folder. On unix-like systems it will be in: $HOME/.config/lite-xl/ws.

Scrolling the Tree View

It is now possible to scroll the tree view when there are too many visible items.

Recognize ~ for the home directory

As in the unix shell ~ is now used to identify the home directory.

Files and Directories

Add command to create a new empty directory within the project using the command files:create-directory. In addition a control-click on a project directory will prompt the user to create a new directory inside the directory pointed.

New welcome screen

Show 'Lite XL' instead of 'lite' and the version number.

Various fixes and improvements

A few quirks previously with some of the new features have been fixed for a better user experience.


3 years ago

Fix a buggy behavior appearing when using split windows commands. Upgrade from 1.14 is recommended.

Introduce also a compatibility modification to work well with workspace plugin when using the core:restart command. Please use the "workspace" plugin from


3 years ago

This release brings a lot of useful changes to make the editor a little bit more user friendly.

Project Management

Add a new command, "Core: Change Project Folder", to change project directory without closing the current window. All the current opened documents will be closed. The new command is associated with the keyboard combination ctrl+shit+c.

A similar command is also added, "Core: Open Project Folder", with key binding ctrl+shift+o. It will open the chosen folder in a new window.

In addition Lite XL will now remember the recently used projects across different sessions. When invoked without arguments it will now open the project more recently used. If a directory is specified it will behave like before and open the directory indicated as an argument.

Restart command

A Core: Restart command is added to restart the editor without leaving the current window. Very convenient when modifying the Lua code for the editor itself.

User's setting auto-reload

When saving the user configuration, the user's module, the changes will be automatically applied to the current instance.

Bundle community provided colors schemes

Included now in the release files the colors schemes from

Usability improvements

Improve left and right scrolling of text to behave like other editors and improves text selection with mouse.


Correct font's rendering for full hinting mode when using subpixel antialiasing.


3 years ago

Rendering options for fonts

Optionally choose rendering options when loading fonts:

  • antialiasing: grayscale or subpixel
  • hinting: none, slight or full

The option grayscale with full hinting is specially interesting for crisp font rendering without color artifacts.

Unix-like install directories

Use unix-like install directories for the executable and for the data directory. The executable will be placed under $prefix/bin and the data folder will be $prefix/share/lite-xl.

In addtion to the EXEDIR global variable an additional variable is exposed, DATADIR, to point to the data directory.

The old behavior using the "data" directory can be still selected at compile time using the "portable" option. The released Windows package will use the "data" directory as before.

Configuration stored into the user's home directory

Now the Lite XL user's configuration will be stored in the user's home directory under .config/lite-xl. The home directory is determined using the "HOME" environment variable (USERPROFILE is used on Windows).

A new global variable USERDIR is exposed to point to the user's directory.


3 years ago

Include an improved detect-indent plugin.

Fix problem about the cursor not blinking properly.