Lavacharts Versions Save

Lavacharts is a graphing / charting library for PHP 5.4+ that wraps Google's Javascript Chart API.


7 years ago
  • Adding support for date columns to be null which enables support for Gantt charts to have linked sections.
  • Also adding JavascriptDate class which is an (hacky) alias for the Javascript Date object. (I really just wanted to be able to copy and paste Google examples into my tests and DataTables)

Short Example:

use Khill\Lavacharts\Support\JavascriptDate as Date;

$daysToMilliseconds = function ($days) {
    return $days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

$data = $lava->DataTable();
$data->addColumn('string', 'Task ID');
$data->addColumn('string', 'Task Name');
$data->addColumn('date', 'Start Date');
$data->addColumn('date', 'End Date');
$data->addColumn('number', 'Duration');
$data->addColumn('number', 'Percent Complete');
$data->addColumn('string', 'Dependencies');
    ['Research', 'Find sources',
     new Date(2015, 0, 1), new Date(2015, 0, 5), null,  100,  null],
    ['Write', 'Write paper',
     null, new Date(2015, 0, 9), $daysToMilliseconds(3), 25, 'Research,Outline'],
    ['Cite', 'Create bibliography',
     null, new Date(2015, 0, 7), $daysToMilliseconds(1), 20, 'Research'],
    ['Complete', 'Hand in paper',
     null, new Date(2015, 0, 10), $daysToMilliseconds(1), 0, 'Cite,Write'],
    ['Outline', 'Outline paper',
     null, new Date(2015, 0, 6), $daysToMilliseconds(1), 100, 'Research']


7 years ago

Releasing the Symfony Bundle (again) to re-enable support for all the new chart types and the renderAll


7 years ago

I don't know how I accidentally removed the Symfony folder, but it's back now.


7 years ago

I have had this "ready" for months but have procrastinated long enough. I will fix bugs as they arise, but there have been advancements that are worth releasing.


7 years ago

Added support for the 'data' and 'domain' column roles.

Here is a short example of the usage of the 'domain' role:

 * Example implementation of the 'domain' column role:
 * @link
 * label: '2009, Quarter', '2009, Sales', '2009, Expenses', '2008,  Quarter', '2008, Sales', '2008, Expenses'
 * role:  domain,   data,       data,   domain,   data,     data
 *       'Q1/09',   1000,        400,  'Q1/08',    800,      300
 *       'Q2/09',   1170,        460,  'Q2/08',    750,      400
 *       'Q3/09',    660,       1120,  'Q3/08',    700,      540
 *       'Q4/09',   1030,        540,  'Q4/08',    820,      620
    use \Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

    $lava = new Lavacharts;

    $table = $lava->DataTable();
    $table->addStringColumn('2009, Quarter', null, 'domain')
          ->addNumberColumn('2009, Sales')
          ->addNumberColumn('2009, Expenses')
          ->addStringColumn('2008, Quarter', null, 'domain')
          ->addNumberColumn('2008, Sales')
          ->addNumberColumn('2008, Expenses')
          ->addRow(['Q1/09', 1000,  400, 'Q1/08', 800, 300])
          ->addRow(['Q2/09', 1170,  460, 'Q2/08', 750, 400])
          ->addRow(['Q3/09',  660, 1120, 'Q3/08', 700, 540])
          ->addRow(['Q4/09', 1030,  540, 'Q4/08', 820, 620]);

    $lava->LineChart('Money', $table, [
      'width'=> 400,
      'height'=> 240,
      'focusTarget'=> 'category'


7 years ago

Adding support for objects that implement Traversable and ArrayAccess to be passed into the addRows() method


7 years ago

Refactored the LavachartsServiceProvider to use singleton over share since it was removed in Laravel 5.4


7 years ago

Fixed the missing ")" bug. Defensively removing the "()" as well to support version Laravel 5.3 and below.


8 years ago

Fixing bug where TreeMap was not in list of chartClasses


8 years ago