Laravel Userstamps Versions Save

Laravel Userstamps provides an Eloquent trait which automatically maintains `created_by` and `updated_by` columns on your model, populated by the currently authenticated user in your application.


2 months ago

Adds support for Laravel 11.x


1 year ago

Adds support for Laravel 10.x


2 years ago

Adds support for Laravel 9.x


3 years ago

Adds support for Laravel 8.x.


4 years ago

This releases contains no new functionality, but has a breaking change for an undocumented behaviour.

The majority of use cases should not be effected by this change, but tagging a major version in case anyone was relying on the behaviour.

Previously, setting any of CREATED_BY, UPDATED_BY and DELETED_BY class constants to null would revert to the default column name. This release changes that behaviour to match Laravel's pattern for the timestamp class constants. A value of null on any of those class constants will now disable maintaining of that column.


4 years ago

Adds support for Laravel 7.x.


4 years ago

Remove use of helper method unsupported by Lumen.


4 years ago

New helper methods are available to workaround limitations with Eloquent events when performing bulk updates or deletes.

updateWithUserstamps and deleteWithUserstamps behave exactly the same as update and delete, but allow you to make bulk updates that maintain the correct updated_by and deleted_by values.


4 years ago

New helper methods are available to workaround limitations with Eloquent events when performing bulk updates or deletes.

updateWithUserstamps and deleteWithUserstamps behave exactly the same as update and delete, but allow you to make bulk updates that maintain the correct updated_by and deleted_by values.


4 years ago

Fixes an issues where the creator, editor and destroyer methods would resolve to the incorrect class.

Breaking changes

  • This release drops support for Laravel < 5.2.
  • This release removes an accidental behaviour where updated_by could be set to null, overwriting the last set value, if no user is present.