Lambdanative Versions Save

LambdaNative is a cross-platform development environment written in Scheme, supporting Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10, OS X, Linux, Windows, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and OpenWrt.


8 years ago

New module UIFORM, which is the basis for LNhealth applications. Updated libraries; improvements to REDCap file handling; pdf and OpenGL support for GRAPHs; better portaudio device support; miscellaneous small bug fixes.


9 years ago

Bumped versions of Gambit-C, OpenSSL, Freetype, GD, PNG, SQLite. Added encryption support for CDB and minor improvements to sanestring module.


9 years ago

Lots of bug fixes; improved build flow and added support for additional platforms; new modules like sqlite, mqtt, pushnotification, ssax added.


9 years ago

Reduced dependencies on system-installed libraries to the point where these are only build tools. Added standalone installer script scripts/lambdanative. Finally, support camera on iOS and Android, and enable barcode reader and generator functions.


9 years ago

Added support for new embedded targets (beagle bone, am335), new libraries (zip, fft, chipmunk, pahomqtt, qirc, SVG, gd), and new modules (strings, and wrappers for all new libraries). Made various loop optimizations to increase performance, simplified and secured build system for libraries, and added easier detection of build errors. Finally, fixed lots of bugs and restructured the LambdaNative Wiki.


10 years ago

Documentation in the wiki is complete, nearly 100 additional improvements were implemented


10 years ago

First release version of LambdaNative, now that it catches errors before building and documentation is >95% complete.