Kubevela Versions Save

The Modern Application Platform.


1 year ago

What's Changed

How to install

Install/Upgrade Vela Core by Using Vela CLI

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.8.1
vela install -v 1.8.1

Install/Upgrade Vela Core by Using Helm:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.8.1 --wait

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.8.0...v1.8.1


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.9.0-alpha.1...v1.9.0-alpha.2


1 year ago

Major Changes

Upgrade to k8s v1.26, including CI and Code Dependencies.

What's Changed





New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.8.0...v1.9.0-alpha.1


1 year ago

We're excited to release KubeVela v1.8 here. Thanks great work from all contributors!

In this release, we focus on several new key features and enhancements on performance, integrations, automatic application delivery, etc.

Highlight features of KubeVela v1.8

Controller Sharding

In KubeVela v1.8 we support Controller Sharding which allows users to deploy multiple KubeVela's core controllers in one single control plane and let them work all together. This means KubeVela users now can make horizontal scaling to their KubeVela control plane which can be used to address various issues, such as

  • Multi-tenancy fairness for processing applications.
  • Isolation to potential failures.
  • Scaling out without touching existing system.


Stability and scalability assessment

In KubeVela v1.8, we verified the performance of the core control plane of KubeVela under various stress cases. We released a comparatively comprehensive reports on CNCF blog which shows that KubeVela is able to handle a certain amount of applications with limited resources and also capable of holding over 400k applications with proper scaling configurations.

The report not only includes guides for how to do load testing for KubeVela but also discusses the potential performance bottlenecks and corresponding solutions. In v1.8, we made several performance enhancements which reduce both the memory consumption but also the network traffic.


Automatic SDK generation

Writing KubeVela application through programming languages, like Go or Java can be a bit laborious. In KubeVela v1.8, we support generating language-aware SDK from existing KubeVela definitions, like ComponentDefinition or WorkflowStepDefinition, which allows developers to integrate KubeVela with other projects more easily and readability.



kube-trigger is a workflow based trigger that combines listeners, filter events and action triggers in a programmable way with CUElang. It can be deployed with other KubeVela tools or as a single standalone program. With the trigger, you can make your integrated system to be able to respond to latest events in time.


Automatic Canary Rollout

KubeVela v1.8 integrates more with kruise-rollout which allows application developers to orchestrate their delivery process in the canary release style. You can use it with both the Vela CLI and VelaUX. Not only replicas can be controlled in fine-grained but also the network traffic can be adjusted along the canary process. The declarative way gives simple but clear use experiences for users to customize their canary delivery process.

apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
   name: canary-demo
      app.oam.dev/publishVersion: v2
      - name: canary-demo
        type: webservice
           image: wangyikewyk/canarydemo:v2
              - port: 8090
           - type: scaler
                replicas: 5
           - type: gateway
                domain: canary-demo.com
                   "/version": 8090
         - type: canary-deploy
           name: rollout-20
              weight: 20
         - name: suspend-1st
           type: suspend
         - type: canary-deploy
           name: rollout-50
              weight: 50
         - name: suspend-2nd
           type: suspend
         - type: canary-deploy
           name: rollout-100
              weight: 100

How to install

Install Vela Core by Using Vela CLI

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.8.0
vela install -v 1.8.0

Install Vela Core by Using Helm:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.8.0 --wait

Install VelaUX addon

vela addon enable velaux --version=v1.8.0

How to upgrade from old version?

Refer to the docs( https://kubevela.net/docs/platform-engineers/system-operation/migration-from-old-version ) if you're migrating from older versions.

Upgrade by using Vela CLI

The install command will also handle the upgrade automatically:

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.8.0
vela install -v 1.8.0 -r

Upgrade by using Helm

⚠️ Please upgrade the CRD first if you're upgrading to this release.

  1. Upgrade the CRDs, please make sure you upgrade the CRDs first before upgrade the helm chart.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.8/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_applicationrevisions.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.8/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_applications.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.8/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_resourcetrackers.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.8/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_componentdefinitions.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.8/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_definitionrevisions.yaml
  1. Upgrade your kubevela chart
helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm upgrade -n vela-system --install kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.8.0 --wait
  1. Download the new CLI and enable velaux
curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.8.0
vela addon enable velaux

Upgrade VelaUX

vela addon upgrade velaux --version=v1.8.0

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.7.7...v1.8.0


1 year ago

Highlights of KubeVela v1.8

  • Automatic SDK generation for KubeVela applications.
  • Support controller sharding to enable horizontal scaling.
  • Optimize application controller's performance.
  • kube-trigger supports watching events and trigger actions.
  • Automatic canary rollout integrated with metrics monitoring.

How to install

Install Vela Core by Using Vela CLI

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.8.0-rc.1
vela install -v 1.8.0-rc.1

Install Vela Core by Using Helm:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.8.0-rc.1 --wait

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.8.0-beta.3...v1.8.0-rc.1


1 year ago

What's Changed

How to install

Install Vela Core by Using Vela CLI

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.8.0-beta.3
vela install -v 1.8.0-beta.3

Install Vela Core by Using Helm:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.8.0-beta.3 --wait

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.8.0-beta.2...v1.8.0-beta.3


1 year ago

What's Changed

How to install

Install Vela Core by Using Vela CLI

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.8.0-beta.2
vela install -v 1.8.0-beta.2

Install Vela Core by Using Helm:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.8.0-beta.2 --wait

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.8.0-beta.1...v1.8.0-beta.2


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.5.10...v1.5.11


1 year ago

What's Changed

How to install

Install Vela Core by Using Vela CLI

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.6.8
vela install -v 1.6.8

Install Vela Core by Using Helm:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.6.8 --wait

Install VelaUX addon

vela addon enable velaux --version=v1.6.6

How to upgrade from old version?

Refer to the docs( https://kubevela.net/docs/platform-engineers/system-operation/migration-from-old-version ) if you're migrating from older versions.

Upgrade by using Vela CLI

The install command will also handle the upgrade automatically:

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.6.8
vela install -v 1.6.8 -r

Upgrade by using Helm

  1. Upgrade the CRDs, please make sure you upgrade the CRDs first before upgrade the helm chart.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.6/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_applicationrevisions.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.6/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_applications.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.6/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_resourcetrackers.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.6/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_componentdefinitions.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.6/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_definitionrevisions.yaml
  1. Upgrade your kubevela chart
helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm upgrade -n vela-system --install kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.6.8 --wait
  1. Download the new CLI and enable velaux
curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.6.8
vela addon enable velaux

Upgrade VelaUX

vela addon upgrade velaux --version=v1.6.6

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.6.7...v1.6.8


1 year ago

What's Changed

How to install

Install Vela Core by Using Vela CLI

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.7.7
vela install -v 1.7.7

Install Vela Core by Using Helm:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.7.7 --wait

How to upgrade from old version?

Refer to the docs( https://kubevela.net/docs/platform-engineers/system-operation/migration-from-old-version ) if you're migrating from older versions.

Upgrade by using Vela CLI

The install command will also handle the upgrade automatically:

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.7.7
vela install -v 1.7.7 -r

Upgrade by using Helm

⚠️ Please upgrade the CRD first if you're upgrading to this release.

  1. Upgrade the CRDs, please make sure you upgrade the CRDs first before upgrade the helm chart.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.7/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_applicationrevisions.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.7/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_applications.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.7/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_resourcetrackers.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.7/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_componentdefinitions.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oam-dev/kubevela/release-1.7/charts/vela-core/crds/core.oam.dev_definitionrevisions.yaml
  1. Upgrade your kubevela chart

Since we have migrated some workflowstep definitions and views from workflow addon to KubeVela core repo, so it may cause the following error if you upgrade:

Error: Could not install KubeVela control plane installation: error when installing/upgrading Helm Chart kubevela in namespace vela-system: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with update: WorkflowStepDefinition "apply-deployment" in namespace "vela-system" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "meta.helm.sh/release-name": must be set to "kubevela"; annotation validation error: missing key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": must be set to "vela-system"

You can execute this script to solve it before upgrade helm chart:

curl -fsSl https://kubevela.net/script/checklegacy.sh | bash

The script will just help patch helm annotations for you, you can also do that manually one by one like:

kubectl patch -n vela-system workflowstepdefinition <item> --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"meta.helm.sh/release-name":"kubevela","meta.helm.sh/release-namespace":"vela-system"},"labels":{"app.kubernetes.io/managed-by":"Helm"}}}'
kubectl patch -n vela-system configMap <item> --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"meta.helm.sh/release-name":"kubevela","meta.helm.sh/release-namespace":"vela-system"},"labels":{"app.kubernetes.io/managed-by":"Helm"}}}'

Then you can upgrade the helm chart now:

helm repo add kubevela https://charts.kubevela.net/core
helm repo update
helm upgrade -n vela-system --install kubevela kubevela/vela-core --version 1.7.7 --wait
  1. Download the new CLI and enable velaux
curl -fsSl https://kubevela.io/script/install.sh | bash -s 1.7.7
vela addon enable velaux

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/compare/v1.7.6...v1.7.7