Qntfy Kazaam Versions Save

Arbitrary transformations of JSON in Golang


6 years ago

This release adds support for an optional ignore array in Coalesce().


6 years ago

This release adds the ability to delete keys.


6 years ago

This release migrates from the official buger/jsonparser library to the qntfy fork which adds support array indexing support to the Set command. Kazaam now supports transforms which target the setting of specific elements in arrays as well as prepending or appending to arrays.


6 years ago

This release resolves a bug where only a single UUID would be generated in a specification that required multiple UUIDs due to returning early. The UUID executed was also non-deterministic due to golang's random iteration order for maps.


6 years ago

This release adds an inPlace option to the shift transform allowing for shuffling of values within the json on top of the source json (ie not starting with a new json document).

This also provides a large bugfix for the UUID transform which previously produced incorrect results.


6 years ago

Release v3.1.1 removes an improperly included binary (#47) and resolves an issue with the test suite which generated failing JSON comparisons due to map randomization (#48).


6 years ago

Release v3.1.0 adds support for two new built-in transforms UUID (#43) and Timestamp (#44).


6 years ago

Kazaam is significantly refactored (https://github.com/qntfy/kazaam/pull/40) to use jsonparser as the underlying JSON manipulation library, rather than go-simplejson. This results in a 2-10x improvement in time, memory usage and allocations / op for most benchmarks. See details in https://github.com/qntfy/kazaam/pull/35

Kazaam now takes []byte as primary transform input rather than simplejson.Json objects. String methods are still supported without change.

Kazaam no longer provides full JSON validation in all scenarios, but (relatively very slow) IsJson() method is provided for convenience for users who wish to validate. Also includes experimental IsJsonFast() method which recursively iterates through a json object/array looking for parser errors (we will likely roll this approach into main IsJson() method in a future release).


7 years ago

Updates from RC2:

  • Fix bug where applying [*] or over in a transform on empty array will cause index out of bound panic.


7 years ago

Updates from RC1:

  • Added experimental IsJsonFast() method which recursively iterates through a json object/array looking for parser errors (we will likely roll this approach into main IsJson() method in a future release)
  • Incorporates bug fixes in underlying jsonparser