JSQDataSourcesKit Versions Save

⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️


8 years ago

:tada: JSQDataSourcesKit 2.0 is here! :tada:

In short, this release contains tons of refinements and fixes. The codebase is substantially cleaner, and more user-friendly.

Breaking changes

  • Swift 2.0
  • CollectionViewFetchedResultsDelegateProvider must now be initialized with a cell factory. This is similar to how TableViewFetchedResultsDelegateProvider has always worked.
  • The *DataSourceProvider classes now provide an NSIndexPath subscripting interface.
  • Initializers for CollectionViewSection and TableViewSection have changed to the following. In particular, the variadic init is much more natural.
    • public init(items: Item...)
    • public init(_ items: [Item])
  • Previous instances of DataItem type parameters have been changed to Item.

Issues closed

Find the complete list of closed issues here for the 2.0.0 milestone.


All documentation has been updated. :scroll:

Example app

The example app is now much cleaner, and much more awesome. :sunglasses:


9 years ago

It's here! :tada:

Checkout the README and documentation.