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the 10 second blog-engine for hackers (in javascript)

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the 10 second blog-engine for hackers (in javascript).

It was built for running as middleware inside an express app as well as a standalone application.

// articles/
  "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz",
  "author": "Lyman Frank Baum",
  "date": "1900/05/17"

Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry,
who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife.

// app.js
var jojo = require('jojo'),
    app = jojo();
// Server is listening at http://localhost:5000/
// "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" is being served at `/1900-05-16-the-wonderful-wizard-of-oz`

Getting started


jojo is available via npm: npm install jojo

jojo is invoked with a configuration and can return a middleware or express app.

var app = jojo(); // express app
var app = jojo({render: false}); // vanilla middleware

By default, jojo reads articles that match articles/*.{txt,md} (txt and md files in articles directory) but this can be overridden via an option.

If you want more information on pattern options, see node-glob reference.

var app = jojo({articles: 'papers/*.md'}); // Read articles from `papers`

By default, all articles are interpretted via marked, a GitHub flavored markdown parser.

More configuration options can be found in the documentation.


To run jojo as a standalone server, install jojo globally: npm install -g jojo.

jojo looks for a jojo.js/jojo.json to read in settings. These settings are passed to both a jojo middleware and express app.

jojo also accepts arguments for choosing a different config or port.

$ jojo --help
Usage: jojo [options]
  -c, --config [config]  Config file to use (jojo.js, jojo.json)
  -p, --port [port]      Port to run server on (5000)

port can also be specified in jojo.js/jojo.json


jojo has a wide spectrum of options


jojo has an optional options parameter which modifies its behavior.

 * @param {Object} [options] Optional options to pass in to jojo
 * @returns {Function|Object} Based on options, returns
 *   a req/res/next function or express 2.x app.


options.render is expected as a Boolean and true by default.

When true, an express 2.x app will be returned by jojo.

Otherwise, a req/res/next middleware will be returned.


options.articles is expected as a String and articles by default.

This is the directory to read articles from. It is processed relative to process.cwd().


jojo.articles is a sorted array of the parsed articles.

Each article has

  • Any meta-data listed in the head of the file
  • rawContent, unprocessed body
  • content, formatted body
  • rawDate, unprocessed date (from meta-data)
  • date, Date object from rawDate
  • moment, moment object from rawDate (uses timezone from rawDate)
  • url, URL path for article. This can be modified via options.urlFormatter.
  • rawSummary, if summary is provided, this will be the unprocessed summary
  • summary, if summary is provided, this will be the formatted summary

req.articles, res.locals.articles

Same as jojo.articles but located on req and res for easy accessibility.

req.article, res.locals.article

On article pages, this will be the corresponding article.

See urlFormatter for more url information

req.config, res.locals.config

Configuration passed in to jojo. If invoked from standalone, this will be the as the config.


jojo.dataParser is a Function to separate meta data from the body of an article.

By default, this is json-content-demux. If you are overriding, return an object containing meta data on json and body on content.


jojo.formatter is a Function to process the body into HTML markup.

By default, marked is used. If you are overriding, return a string of HTML.


jojo.urlFormatter is a Function that receives an article and returns a URL path.

By default, it returns /YYYY-MM-DD-article-name. If you are overriding, return a string.


jojo.articleSort is a Function that compares articles to determine their order.

By default, it returns articles by most recent. If you are overriding, you will receive two articles and need to return an integer. See Array.prototype.sort documentation for more information.


Support this project and others by twolfson via donations.


jojo was initially inspired by toto.


Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson

Licensed under the MIT license.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Jojo" Project. README Source: twolfson/jojo
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4 years ago

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