Jobber Versions Save

An alternative to cron, with sophisticated status-reporting and error-handling


6 years ago


  • Fixed issue where jobber log would fail when Jobber is configured to write run logs to a file that doesn't exist (#171)
  • Fixed issue where jobber reload would not report certain errors in jobfile (#172)


6 years ago


  • Fixed issue where, if jobfile had bad permissions, Jobber would not explain why it refused to load it (#165)


6 years ago


  • User can have job run history written to an arbitrary file (#6)
  • If user chooses to have run history written to a file, then that history will be preserved across restarts of the Jobber service (#6)
  • Jobs can now be run at random times (#50)
  • Jobs can be configured to run an arbitrary program when they succeed (#97)
  • User can control where error/troubleshooting log msgs from Jobber are written (#102)
  • jobber list reports timezone of time in 'next run time' column (#79)
  • There is a new command jobber init that makes a jobfile with helpful comments (#103)
  • There is a new config file /etc/jobber.conf that lets root control which users can use Jobber (#101, #112)
  • When user doesn't own jobfile, jobber clearly reports that fact to explain why it didn't load any jobs (#93)
  • Jobber will not (try to) work for users whose home dir paths are '/dev/null' (#81)
  • Alpine package is now provided (#38)


  • Fixed issue where Ubuntu package would not install on Ubuntu 14 (#54)
  • Fixed issue where daemon would eventually run out of memory (#75)
  • Fixed issue where jobber -v would not print version (#82)
  • Fixed issue where the output of jobber list -a would not have a column specifying the user that owned each job (#154)
  • Fixed issue where Jobber was misapplying the 'month day' and 'week day' fields of time specs (#159)


6 years ago


  • User can have job run history written to an arbitrary file
  • If user chooses to have run history written to a file, then that history will be preserved across restarts of the Jobber service
  • Jobs can now be run at random times
  • Jobs can be configured to run an arbitrary program when they succeed
  • User can control where error/troubleshooting log msgs from Jobber are written
  • 'jobber list' reports timezone of time in 'next run time' column
  • There is a new command 'jobber init' that makes a jobfile with helpful comments
  • There is a new config file /etc/jobber.conf that lets root control which users can use Jobber
  • When user doesn't own jobfile, jobber clearly reports that fact to explain why it didn't load any jobs
  • Jobber will not (try to) work for users whose home dir paths are '/dev/null'


  • Fixed issue where daemon would eventually run out of memory
  • Fixed issue where 'jobber -v' would not print version.


6 years ago
  • Compile with Go >= 1.8, in order to incorporate Go security fixes.


7 years ago


  • Support value lists like "10,20" in jobber file "time" field (#65)
  • Support value ranges like "10-20" in jobber file "time" field (#59)
  • Add "pause" and "resume" commands (#39)
  • Enable users to specify a script to be called when a job has an error (#31)

Bugfixes: none


  • Stop logging so much crap (#40)


7 years ago

This release adds support for FreeBSD.


7 years ago

No features changes, bugfixes, or other code changes from v1.0.3.1. This version was built with the build script changes that enable making Alpine 3.3 packages.


8 years ago

No features changes, bugfixes, or other (significant) code changes from v1.0.3. This version was built with the build script changes that enable making CentOS 6.7 RPMs.


8 years ago

Changed the call to 'su' so that it works on Alpine Linux (and other distros whose 'su' takes only short arguments).