Javacpp Presets Versions Save

The missing Java distribution of native C++ libraries


5 years ago

April 11, 2019 version 1.5

  • Include setlocale() in presets for Tesseract to work around issues with locale (issue #694)
  • Bundle the python program, executable via Loader.load() for convenience
  • Bundle Vector Mathematical Library (VML) in redist artifacts of the presets for MKL (issue #705)
  • Add org.bytedeco.tensorflow.StringArray.put(BytePointer) method to change character encoding (issue bytedeco/javacpp#293)
  • Bundle ffmpeg and ffprobe programs, executable via Loader.load() for convenience (issue bytedeco/javacv#307)
  • Add functions related to threading missing from presets for CPython
  • Lengthen Mat size and step getters to support long indexing (pull #700)
  • Rename groupId to "org.bytedeco" and use ModiTect to modularize all presets and comply with JPMS (pull #681)
  • Make nvinfer1::Weights::values settable in presets for TensorRT (issue #698)
  • Fix mapping of HoughLines, HoughLinesP, HoughCircles, and Subdiv2D from opencv_imgproc (issues bytedeco/javacv#913 and bytedeco/javacv#1146)
  • Add basic mapping of stdio streams to presets for GSL since it relies on them for serialization
  • Fix crash in Leptonica on CentOS 6 by downgrading to libpng 1.5.30 (issue #680)
  • Add GetComponentImagesExample, IteratorOverClassifierChoicesExample, OrientationAndScriptDetectionExample, and ResultIteratorExample for Tesseract (pull #673 and pull #675)
  • Add presets for NumPy 1.16.2, NCCL 2.4.2, nGraph 0.15.0 (pull #642), Qt 5.12.2 (pull #674), and cpu_features 0.2.0 (issue #526)
  • Upgrade presets for FFmpeg 4.1.3, libfreenect 0.5.7, HDF5 1.10.5, MKL 2019.3, MKL-DNN 0.18.1, LLVM 8.0.0, Leptonica 1.78.0, ARPACK-NG 3.7.0, CUDA 10.1, cuDNN 7.5, MXNet 1.4.0, TensorFlow 1.13.1, TensorRT 5.1, ONNX 1.4.1 (pull #676), LiquidFun, Skia 1.68.0, and their dependencies including NCCL
  • Build OpenCV without UI when environment variable HEADLESS=yes (pull #667)