Iteratee Versions Save

Iteratees for Cats


6 years ago

This release updates the Cats version to 1.0.1.


6 years ago

This release updates the Cats dependency from 1.0.0-RC1 to 1.0.0-RC2, and also bumps several other versions, including Scala.js (from 0.6.20 to 0.6.21), Monix (from 2.3.0 to 2.3.2), fs2 (from 0.10.0-M8 to 0.10.0-M10), and Scalaz (from 7.2.16 to 7.2.17).


6 years ago

This is the first release for Cats 1.0.0-RC1. It removes the iteratee-fs2 artifact, which had previously provided a module for streaming in the context of fs2's Task type, which no longer exists in fs2 0.10 (it's been replaced by the IO in cats-effect, which will be more directly supported in upcoming versions of

This release makes one change to behavior of the internal type Step: feeding a completed value now adds the new elements to the value's "leftovers". This fixes a bug in the tailRecM implementation for Iteratee (#219), but otherwise generally shouldn't affect user-facing code.


6 years ago

This release updates the Scala.js version to 0.6.20 and catbird from 0.17.0 to 0.19.0 (for Util and Finagle 17.10.0).

This release also introduces a new iteratee-testing artifact that's designed to make it easier for us to split out projects like iteratee-twitter into their own repositories with their own versioning, which we hope will allow us to publish fewer incredibly boring releases like this one.


6 years ago

This release updates the Cats version to 1.0.0-MF, Scala.js from 0.6.16 to 0.6.19, and catbird from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0.

It also makes the Step.Done constructor private and adds an as method to Step and Iteratee (as a more convenient version of map(_ => value)).


7 years ago

This release adds two new enumeratees, scan and scanM (#198), and a new iteratee that returns the last value in a stream (also #198). It also updates the Monix version from 2.2.4 to 2.3.0, fs2 from 0.9.5 to 0.9.6, and Scala.js from 0.6.15 to 0.6.16.


7 years ago

This release adds several new enumeratees, including remainderWithResult (see the pull request for an example use case) and two enumeratees for working directly with chunks (#196). It also adds a new into method on Enumeratee (which is simply Iteratee#through with the arguments flipped).

There's also a new Enumerator.enumIterable method that does basically what it says.

This release also removes a few things, including a method that was deprecated in the last release (#188) and some methods related to Done iteratees that have leftovers (#191).

It also updates many the versions of many dependencies, including Monix, Scalaz, and Catbird.


7 years ago

This release fixes a bug (#185) in Enumeratee.sequenceI that could cause stack overflows on large chunks for monads that don't provide stack-safe recursive binding (thanks to John Sullivan for identifying and investigating this issue). It also fixes a bug (#180) in Step#bind that could result in effects being performed twice for some enumerators (thanks again to John for the fix).

This release also includes two groups of additions: two foldMapM iteratees (#183), and two enumeratees for injecting values into a stream (#184). The signature for Step.tailRecM has been simplified, and the identity method in the iteratee module has been deprecated and replaced with identityIteratee (to avoid collisions with Predef.identity).

Lastly, the Monix version has been updated to 2.2.3, catbird is now 0.13.0 (supporting Twitter Util 6.42.0), and Scala.js is 0.6.15.


7 years ago

This release updates a number of versions, including Cats (from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0), Scala 2.12 (to 2.12.1), Scala.js (to 0.6.14), Twitter Util (to 0.6.39), and Scalaz (to 7.2.8). It also introduces a new iteratee-fs2 module that adds support for using fs2's Task as the streaming context (#171 and #175; thanks @ilya-murzinov!).

There is one bug fix, for an initialization order issue involving the future module (#170; thanks @2m for reporting), and two new methods for constructing enumerators (#162; enumEither and enumerate).


7 years ago

This release adds some convenience methods to Enumerator (#157) and updates the Monix and Twitter Util versions (to 2.1.1 and 6.39.0 respectively). It also includes Scala 2.12 support for iteratee-twitter for the first time.