Holo Build Versions Save

Cross-distribution system package compiler


8 years ago

No changes compared to the beta release.

When downloading a release tarball from the list below, always choose the first option. The other options are auto-generated by Github, but don't contain submodules that are required for correct compilation.


8 years ago


  • holo-build is now informed about the new plugin structure of Holo. When a package includes files below /usr/share/holo, it will now add automatic dependencies on the Holo plugins used, rather than on Holo itself. (The dependency on Holo is expected to be implied by the plugin package.)

This is the first release with the new split repository layout. Previous releases can be found in the attic.

When downloading a release tarball from the list below, always choose the first option. The other options are auto-generated by Github, but don't contain submodules that are required for correct compilation.