Hjiangsu Thunder Versions Save

Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter


3 months ago

This is the first release candidate version for Thunder v0.2.9! This version mainly focuses on minor bug fixes introduced previously and updating translation strings. If no major issues are found, this will be the version released as 0.2.9.

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.

There are no notable changes in this version!




Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.9-5...0.2.9-6

Full Changelog since 0.2.8






3 months ago

This is the fifth pre-release for Thunder v0.2.9! This is a hotfix for an issue where Thunder was stuck on the splash screen after updating to 0.2.9-4.

As mentioned previously, the next pre-releases will be mainly focused on fixing existing bugs that come up, and preparing for a general release. Please report any issues that you find!

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.



Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.9-4...0.2.9-5

Full Changelog since 0.2.8






3 months ago

This is the fourth pre-release for Thunder v0.2.9! This pre-release version introduces a few new features and improvements, as well as usual bug fixes. The next pre-releases will be mainly focused on fixing existing bugs that come up, and preparing for a general release. Please report any issues that you find!

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.

Some notable changes to test out:

  • You can now customize the post metadata information (vote counts, comment counts, etc) on your feed! This can be done in Settings -> Appearance -> Compact/Card View Settings. Simply drag and drop the metadata information you want to see on your feed. The order of the information will be the order that you drag it into the preview.
  • Some moderator actions are now implemented including locking, featuring, and removing posts! To do this, you must be a moderator of a community. To access these actions, simply long-press on a post and select "Moderator Actions" from the menu.
  • Search has been expanded to communities. You can search for posts/comments from the community feed by tapping the Search option in the overflow menu!





New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.9-3...0.2.9-4

Full Changelog since 0.2.8






4 months ago

This is the third pre-release for Thunder v0.2.9! This pre-release version fixes a couple of minor issues present from the last pre-release version.

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.



Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.9-2...0.2.9-3

Full Changelog since 0.2.8






4 months ago

This is the second pre-release for Thunder v0.2.9! This pre-release version introduces a few new features and improvements, as well as usual bug fixes.

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.

Some notable changes to test out:

  • Thunder will now attempt to clear image cache for images older than 7 days to reduce the amount of cached data stored on your device. You can also manually clear the image cache by going to Debug -> Clear Cache
  • You can now search for settings/preferences from the Settings page. Tapping on a search result will bring you to the proper Settings page. Big thanks to @ggichure for implementing this feature!
  • [Android] Thunder has experimental support for handling push notifications locally on Android devices. When enabled, Thunder will attempt to fetch new notifications in the background while the app is not running. Please note that this feature is highly dependent on the Android OS and their battery saving settings (e.g., stopping apps in the background). Big thanks to @micahmo for implementing this feature!





Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.9-1...0.2.9-2

Full Changelog since 0.2.8






4 months ago

Hi everyone! This is just a quick hotfix release to address an issue where Thunder opens up in RTL (right-to-left) layout on some devices after the previous v0.2.7 update. If you are still encountering an issue with this after this release, feel free to open up a new GitHub issue with some more details.

A quick reminder: if you are using the Google Play version or App Store version, please note that it may take a bit of time before you receive the update.


Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.7...0.2.8


4 months ago

This is the first pre-release for Thunder v0.2.9! This pre-release version introduces quite a few new features and improvements, as well as usual bug fixes.

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.

Please see below for the full changelog since the last general release. For those on TestFlight, you will receive the pre-release update once it has been approved by Apple.

Some notable changes to test out:

  • Thunder now has support for high-refresh displays on Android. This should improve the user experience for those with high refresh displays. However, do keep in mind that this may potentially increase battery usage for those devices. If you encounter any issues, please create a new issue on GitHub.
  • Initial support for spoiler tags have been added. Whenever there is a spoiler tag, Thunder will display it as expandable content within the post body or comment. This initial support should catch most cases, but there may be some edge cases where spoilers still show up.
  • A whole bunch of small UI/UX improvements across the board. Ability to create cross-posts, share user profiles, changes to account selector, and more!

Thanks again for sticking around, and please mention any bugs and issues that you encounter when using this version!





New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.7...0.2.9-1


4 months ago

Hi everyone and happy new year! It's finally time for another Thunder release. As always, there have been many improvements, additions, changes and fixes in this release which should make for a even better Thunder experience. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to discuss it in the Thunder community or on GitHub.

A quick reminder: if you are using the Google Play version or App Store version, please note that it may take a bit of time before you receive the update. Now onto the update notes. This update brings a few major features:

🎉 Features

  • You can now edit your own posts, and set the appropriate language for your post. When you open your own post, you will see a pencil icon which will allow you to edit your post along with the language.
  • The Settings page has been overhauled and re-organized, with post and comment previews for certain visual settings. This should hopefully provide a better overall experience for adjusting and customizing your settings.
  • You can now set Thunder's app language to any of currently available translations. Please note that the translations are not fully complete, and you may encounter untranslated content.
  • Additional settings have been added in which sync up with your Lemmy account. This includes showing/hiding read posts, showing/hiding scores, and showing/hiding bot accounts.
  • There is now a Safari extension which allows you to open Lemmy links within Thunder for iOS users. This extension is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the system settings under Safari -> Extensions.
  • Favoriting communities is now available. When you favorite a community, it will be prioritized throughout the app (in the drawer, search results, etc.)
  • Keyword filters are now available in the Settings page. Adding keywords will filter any posts whose title or body containing one or more keywords.
  • Many quality-of-life improvements including collapsible post bodies, more community translations, addition of more sort types, improved search filters.

⚙️ Performance

  • Improved general loading times when starting up Thunder. This should result in some drastic improvements for certain instances.
  • Updated many under-the-hood dependencies.

And much much more. I can't go through all the changes in the changelog, but for those who are curious, feel free to check out the full changelog below.

We have a Matrix space if you would like to join in on discussions: https://matrix.to/#/#thunderapp:matrix.org






Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.6...0.2.7


5 months ago

This is the first release candidate for Thunder v0.2.7! This release candidate version fixes a few minor issues with accessibility labels, search, and tapping on some usernames. If no issues are noted, this will most likely be the final version 0.2.7.

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.

Changes since last pre-release version



*Changes marked with an asterisk denote additions/modifications/fixes to changes introduced in previous pre-releases.

Full Changelog since 0.2.6





Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.6...0.2.7-6


5 months ago

This is the fifth pre-release for Thunder v0.2.7! This pre-release version focuses on adding the ability to favorite communities in the sidebar, keyword filters, and a lot of other small quality of life improvements. There will likely not be any more large features being added in after this pre-release as I prepare this for general availability soon. For those testing this version, please mention any bugs or issues that show up during testing!

Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.

Some notable changes to test out:

  • Added the ability to favorite communities. Favoriting communities will create a new section in the sidebar for quick access, and will prioritize them in community suggestions and search results.
  • Keyword filters have been added in. Adding keywords will filter any posts whose title or body containing one or more keywords.

Changes since last pre-release version





*Changes marked with an asterisk denote additions/modifications/fixes to changes introduced in previous pre-releases.

Full Changelog since 0.2.6





Full Changelog: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/compare/0.2.6...0.2.7-5