Hitrava Versions Save

Convert your Huawei Health sport activities and import them in Strava.


3 years ago

New features and changes

  • Changed logging messages with startup parameters from debug to info and added python version info on which Hitrava is running.
  • Added an error message if the file in the --zip argument is an invalid ZIP file.
  • Added an info message if the JSON data in the ZIP file contains no activities.

Solved Issues

  • Conversion failed with an error when the Hitrack data starts with records with relative timestamps before the first record with an absolute timestamp could be processed. The issue is patched by ignoring these records. The logging will show a warning that a relative time record has been ignored. Closes #22.

Known Limitations

  • Related to issue #22: A potential issue remains when the order of the records in the Hitrack data deviates more and more from the chronological order. The conversion result could be off because data with relative timestamps would currently either be ignored or placed at a wrong absolute time. If you would see too many messages of ignored relative timestamp records, don't hesitate to file an issue.


3 years ago

Solved Issues

  • Hitrava would crash when using the command line argument --suppress_output_file_sequence. Closes #19.


3 years ago

Version 3.5.1 (build 2007.2901)

New features and changes

  • FILE and TAR conversion: the filenames of the converted TCX files are now more readable (i.e. the same as for the ones generated in ZIP or JSON mode: format Hitrack_ISO timestamp_sequence.tcx). If you want to retain the original filename, you can use the new command line argument --use_original_filename. Closes #18.
  • Added 'Mountain Hike' ('Climb') to the list of supported sport types. It will be converted in Strava as 'Hike'. See also #2.


3 years ago

New features and changes

  • ZIP conversion: added support for the new Huawei data format as of July, 7th in the ZIP/JSON data. Closes #16.


3 years ago

Solved Issues

  • Corrected an error where parsing would error out for activities recorded on devices that provide speed values as numbers with a decimal fraction (e.g Band Pro devices). Closes #15.


3 years ago

Solved Issues

  • Solved a bug where Hitrava would stop with an error when the activity has no calorie information. Closes #13.


3 years ago

New features and changes

  • ZIP conversion: added support for sport types Indoor Cycle, Cross Trainer, Other and Cross Fit. Closes #12.

Solved Issues

  • Calorie information for indoor run activities was missing in the converted TCX file (always zero).

Known Limitations

  • The Strava upload functionality does not have the functionality to recognize all sport types. It is recommended to manually change the sport type after uploading for the following sport types (e.g. to allow Strava to display the heart rate information):
    • Indoor Run: is converted as regular Run. Manually change to Virtual Run.
    • Indoor Cycle: is converted as regular Run. Manually change to Virtual Ride.
    • Cross Trainer: Manually change to Elliptical.
    • Other: ?
    • Crossfit: Manually change to Crossfit.


4 years ago

Solved Issues

  • ZIP conversion: conversion no longer stops with an error when an activity with an unknown activity type is encountered. This version will display a warning message when encountering such activities and will attempt conversion. You are encouraged to check the conversion result of these activities and report any conversion errors that might occur. Closes #11.

Known Limitations

  • The following activity types are known to produce unreliable conversion data and will be skipped (for now):
    • Indoor Cycle
    • Cross Trainer
    • Other
    • CrossFit


4 years ago

New features and changes

  • ZIP conversion: Added 3 digit sequence number suffix to the filenames of the converted TCX files. This allows for easier manual selection per 25 (Strava upload limit) when uploading the TCX files to Strava. Thank you for the suggestion in #9.
  • ZIP conversion: Added a new command line argument --suppress_output_file_sequence to suppress the sequence numbers in the TCX filenames.


4 years ago

New features and changes

  • ZIP conversion: Pool Swim activities are directly detected from the Huawei data.
  • ZIP conversion: Pool Swim activities are converted directly from the specific Huawei data for this activity type, instead of the generic activity (HiTrack) data. This guarantees a 100% correct conversion of the pool swim data (the previous conversion method sometimes needed to rely on calculations).

Solved Issues

  • ZIP conversion: The new method to convert Pool Swim activities ensures the 'division by zero' won't occur anymore. Closes #8.

Known Limitations

  • Huawei might have made changes to / might not maintain the generic (HiTrack) data for Pool Swim activities. Users using the legacy HiTrack File or Tar conversion methods for Pool Swim activities, might notice differences in laps / times / distances or even get an error (see also #8). The legacy conversion method for swimming activities will no longer be maintained. You are encouraged to use the ZIP or JSON conversion method for Pool Swim activities.