Heritrix3 Versions Save

Heritrix is the Internet Archive's open-source, extensible, web-scale, archival-quality web crawler project.


5 years ago

These are the project wiki release notes for the 3.2.0 release, available as of Jan 8, 2014.

Heritrix3 is most suitable for advanced users and projects that are either customizing Heritrix (with Java or other scripting code) or embedding Heritrix in a larger system. Please review the Current Limitations, below, to help determine if Heritrix3 or a current Heritrix1 (1.14.4 or later) release is best suited for your needs.

Those new to Heritrix3 should also review the Heritrix 3.0.0 Release Notes for an overview of differences and limitations compared to earlier versions.

The 3.2.0 release is available via our build box, at:


(Source and .zip variants are available in the same directory.)

Documentation for Heritrix3 is available via the Heritrix 3.0 User Guide, Heritrix 3.0 API Guide, and other notes on the Heritrix project wiki.

Please discuss questions, problems, and ideas at our project discussion list, and submit bug reports or feature requests via our project JIRA issue tracker.

1. Version Numbering Convention

Beginning with this release, we are dropping the convention of using an odd/even point numbering as a signal whether a build or release is 'development/testing' or 'official'. See Version Numbering for details.

2. New and Notable

Through Heritrix 3.2.0 (January 2014)

Minor version number bumped because there are some changes that are not backward-compatible. For one, heritrix now requires java 1.6. It's also been a while since the last release, and there some some significant new features, and lots of other changes.

URL-agnostic deduplication (HER-2022)

Deduplication for identical content, even at different urls. Configuration is documented here: Duplication Reduction Processors

Automatic form login (HER-2031)

With new processors ExtractorHTMLForms and FormLoginProcessor, heritrix can detect typical html login forms and submit a configured username and password to them. Configuration is documented at http://builds.archive.org/javadoc/heritrix-3.x-snapshot/org/archive/modules/forms/ExtractorHTMLForms.html

Option to forget all but latest checkpoint (HER-2051)

Enable periodic checkpointing without worrying that it will overflow the disk.  When enabled, earlier checkpointed logs are rolled up into new checkpointed log, earlier bdb checkpoint dirs are deleted and earlier checkpoint dirs are deleted. Related is HER-2056, option not to rollover warcs on checkpoint.

Handle stats consistently on checkpoint (HER-2048)

On checkpoint resumption, all stats resume counting from where they left off when checkpointed. In addition, dns lookups are not repeated in a checkpoint-resumed crawl (unless they're expired, same as in a normal crawl).

Very flexible extractor module ExtractorMultipleRegex, which can look for arbitrary regular expressions in the url and content of a page, and construct urls from the matching groups. http://builds.archive.org/javadoc/heritrix-3.x-snapshot/org/archive/modules/extractor/ExtractorMultipleRegex.html

Responsive web UI using freemarker templates (HER-1726)

Web UI uses freemarker templates to replace hard-coded html in java source, and foundation for responsiveness.

Significant tightening of speculative link extraction heuristics based on statistical analysis.

Through Heritrix 3.1.1 (May 2012)

Nicer code editor for crawl config and script console (HER-2001)

The crawl configuration cxml editor and the scripting console editor now use CodeMirror, which adds syntax highlighting, line numbers and other features

Fixed occasional mangling of DNS records in ARCs and WARCs (HER-1983)

A longstanding bug that caused some DNS records in ARCs and WARCs to be mangled, due to unsafe use of a shared variable among threads, is now fixed.

Remember all surts across checkpoint/resume (HER-1985)

Surts that were derived from seeds, or listed as surts in the seeds source, or that were added using a .seeds file in the action directory, can now be remembered across checkpoint/resume. For that to work the relevant SurtPrefixedDecideRule must be a top-level bean. The default cxml distributed with heritrix now includes the key decide rule as a top-level bean with id "acceptSurts".

Support for saving script state (HER-1984)

Added a shared map for arbitrary use during a crawl. It can be used for state persisting for the duration of the crawl, shared among ScriptedProcessor, scripting console and other scripts, or other purposes. In scripts it can be obtained with appCtx.getData().

Through Heritrix 3.1.0 final (October 2011)

More conservative speculative javascript extraction (HER-1951)

Heritrix 3.1.0-RC1 speculative javascript extraction produced many false positives, most of which would be 404s when crawled. As of 3.1.0 many of the common, obvious false positives, including strings containing characters that rarely appear in urls, strings that look like mimetypes, and a few other cases, are not treated as likely urls.

A few XML API tag names have changed to follow camelcase convention (HER-1953)

The tag names of some children of sizeTotalReports have changed to use camelcase, following the convention used everywhere else.

HTTP authentication type fallback (HER-1917)

Previously heritrix HTTP authentication would fail if the first authentication method requested by the server was not supported, even if another one was. Now fallback to the supported method works.

Heritrix now supports saving cookies to a file and loading them from the file.

3. All Tracked Changes

An exhaustive list of changes through 3.2.0 can be found here: https://github.com/internetarchive/heritrix3/commits/3.2.0

The following tracked issues are recorded as addressed in this 3.2.0 release:

Fixed in 3.2.0 final

Key Summary Created Reporter P Resolution
HER-2059 support url with two consecutive question marks "??" Dec 07, 2013 03:17 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-2056 on checkpoint w/arcs are closed and new ones started; add option not to do that Oct 11, 2013 00:37 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-2051 option to forget all but latest checkpoint Sep 11, 2013 20:23 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Done
HER-2048 checkpoint-resumed crawl job stats are inconsistent-- some start from 0, some resume from checkpoint numbers Sep 07, 2013 16:47 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-2042 url agnostic duplicate urls don't appear as such in stats if revisit record not written Jun 08, 2013 00:15 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed

Showing 5 out of 32 issues

Fixed in 3.1.1 final

Key Summary Created Reporter P Resolution
HER-2006 option to set bdb cache size as an absolute number instead of a percentage Apr 20, 2012 19:36 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-2005 existing content length decide rule is not flexible enough Apr 18, 2012 20:11 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-2004 SEVERE error in FetchWhois on some government domains Apr 17, 2012 19:47 Kenji Nagahashi Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-2001 Nicer code editor for crawl config and script console Mar 31, 2012 06:56 Alex Osborne Minor{.icon} Fixed
HER-1993 Clean up HTML in web interface Feb 29, 2012 21:55 Kenji Nagahashi Trivial{.icon} Fixed

Showing 5 out of 16 issues

Fixed in 3.1.0 final

Key Summary Created Reporter P Resolution
HER-1960 kryo buffer can hog memory, lead to oome Oct 20, 2011 02:18 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1958 race condition on frontier inactive queues Oct 12, 2011 19:14 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1955 Some annoying interaction between new creation of latest link and disk full java bean Sep 30, 2011 19:04 John Lekashman Minor{.icon} Fixed
HER-1954 bdb closed at crawl finish instead of teardown Sep 29, 2011 00:17 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1953 all api xml elements are camelcase except sizeTotalsReport fields Sep 28, 2011 00:16 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed

Showing 5 out of 32 issues

Fixed in 3.1.0-RC1

Key Summary Created Reporter P Resolution
HER-1912 Kryo-deserialization of Robotstxt can consume excess memory by creating multiple copies of RobotsDirective Jul 22, 2011 00:22 Kenji Nagahashi Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1911 H3: make writer-pool 'maxActive' setting adjustable mid-crawl Jul 08, 2011 21:56 Gordon Mohr Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1910 H3: job-related pages very slow to render (pause mid-way through) in large crawls Jul 07, 2011 20:54 Gordon Mohr Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1909 H3: slow checkpoint resume, locking out web UI during resume Jul 07, 2011 20:49 Gordon Mohr Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1908 H3: upgrade to Spring 3 Jun 28, 2011 22:10 Gordon Mohr Major{.icon} Fixed

Showing 5 out of 29 issues

Fixed in 3.1.0-beta

Key Summary Created Reporter P Resolution
HER-1906 checkpointing gives error on Windows Jun 23, 2011 20:42 Hunter Stern Minor{.icon} Fixed
HER-1880 robots.txt less specific Allow overrides more specific Disallow Apr 13, 2011 22:49 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1878 NullPointerException when parsing (some?) WARC files over slow connections Apr 08, 2011 04:19 Erik Hetzner Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1876 Offer HTTP/1.1 option - for chunked transfer-encoding (but not persistent connections) Apr 06, 2011 20:27 Gordon Mohr Major{.icon} Fixed
HER-1872 PersistLoadProcessor preloadSource does not support url (regression from h1) Feb 26, 2011 00:25 Noah Levitt Major{.icon} Fixed

Showing 5 out of 88 issues

4. Known Issues

To be determined; follow the project JIRA issue tracker for the latest info.


5 years ago

Changes through Heritrix 3.1.0-RC1 (July 2011)

Distinct directories for each re-launch of a job (HER-1901, HER-1900)

Heritrix will now create a new subdirectory of the job directory at the moment of a job 'launch', to collect files uniquely related to that launch. The CXML at the time of launch will be copied to that directory, as well as any other files read as part of individual bean configuration. The default paths for logs, reports, and arcs/warcs are now set to subdirectories of the launch directory, though these may as always be explicitly set to any desired path.

Use of Spring 3.0 (HER-1908)

Heritrix has moved to the Spring 3.0.5 inversion-of-control framework. Operators should update their custom configurations to be based on the new default template. (In general, simply updating the declarations in the top <bean> element, along with any other properties renames as required elsewhere, will be sufficient to bring an H3.0 configuration forward.)

CrawlController pauseAtEnd option replaced with runWhileEmpty (HER-1776)

Previously, H3 offered the ability to auto-pause a crawl when it appeared to have exhausted all eligible URIs. Thus, if desired, an operator could add more URIs and 'unpause' the crawl to continue crawling in the same job launch (or simply terminate or 'unpause' while empty to end the crawl). Instead, H3.1 now offers the option for a crawl to continue in an active running state even while empty (indefinitely), via the runWhileEmpty property. The default value for this property is false, meaning the old behavior of automatic termination when the frontier is empty of any eligible URIs. The benefit of the new approach is that URIs can be added at any time and crawling will continue, without the need to 'unpause' in some situations. A crawl with 'runWhileEmpty' set will only end when explicitly terminated by operator action.

Optional logExtraInfo in crawl.log, such as name of ARC/WARC file (HER-834, HER-1790)

If the CrawlerLoggerModule's 'logExtraInfo' property is set to 'true' (default is 'false'), extra information in JSON format will appear after all other crawl.log fields. (Since the JSON includes whitespace, fields are only whitespace-delimited up to this field.) This extra info will include the target ARC/WARC file, if any, to which a URI's contents was written. (Other processors may also add info here in the future.)

Discover charset as declared in content (HER-741)

Heritrix HTML and XML extractors will now try to discover and use a charset declaration appearing in the content, as long as it is sufficiently self-consistent that the same charset declaration is discovered once it is in effect.

Support for HTTP proxy authentication (HER-915)

Heritrix can now be configured to crawl through a proxy that requires authentication. Contributed by Adam Wilmer.

Allow fetching to begin before full load of large seed list (HER-1905)

TextSeedModule has a new property, 'blockAwaitingSeedLines', which if non-negative will only block the beginning of active crawling for the given number of seed lines to be enqueued into the frontier. (The remainder of seed lines will be loaded in the background, while other processing of the already-loaded seeds proceeds.) The default value is '-1', meaning the old behavior, only starting fetching after all seeds have been loaded. An example use of this new property would be when you are starting with hundreds of thousands or millions of seeds, to begin network fetching after only a few thousand have loaded.

Important caveats of this feature include: (1) if your scope is derived from your seeds (not recommended for giant seed lists), URIs may be discovered before the seed is added which expands the scope to accept them, which may lead to unexpected undercrawling; (2) the background thread loading the seeds is unaffected by crawl pauses and checkpoints, and may take many hours to complete its seed-enqueueing. This thread's completion is only confirmable indirectly (via a JVM thread dump, or observing no further growth of 'queued' while paused).

(Crawls using large numbers of seeds also probably want to disable the 'trackSeeds' property of StatisticsTracker, as its dynamically-updated 'Seeds Report' is expensive to maintain with giant seed lists.)

Spring-configurable reports (HER-1812)

The reports that are available during a crawl, and that are written at the end of a crawl, are now configurable, and new types of reports can be created and added to the configuration.

Persisting of history optionally dependent on fetch having been archived (HER-1791)

PersistStoreProcessor and PersistLogProcessor have a new option "onlyStoreIfWriteTagPresent", enabled by default. Writers such as WARCWriterProcessor set "writeTag" on the current fetch if it, or an earlier identical fetch, has been archived. PersistLogProcessor/PersistStoreProcessor need to come after the writer in the processor chain if onlyStoreIfWriteTagPresent is enabled, or fetch history will not be persisted.

Through Heritrix 3.1.0-beta (April 2011)

Optional Support for 'chunked' Transfer-Encoding, HTTP/1.1-identified requests, and 'gzip,deflate' Content-Encoding (HER-1876, HER-726, HER-1053)

Heritrix will now properly decode the 'chunked' Transfer-Encoding when encountered – even if encountered in a response to an HTTP/1.0 request, when technically it should not be used. Additionally, the FetchHTTP processor now includes the parameter 'useHTTP11' which if true will cause Heritrix to report its requests as 'HTTP/1.1', which (among other things) allows sites to use the 'chunked' Transfer-Encoding. (The default for this parameter is false for now, and Heritrix still does not reuse a persistent connection for more than one request to a site.)

FetchHTTP also now includes the parameter 'acceptCompression' which if true will cause Heritrix requests to include an "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" header offering to receive compressed responses. (The default for this parameter is false for now.)

As always, responses are saved to ARC/WARC files exactly as they are received, and some bulk access/viewing tools may not currently support chunked/compressed responses. (Future updates to the 'Wayback' tool will address this.)

Easier robots-policy configuration and new capabilities (HER-1803, HER-1861, HER-1620, HER-1880)

The robots policy in effect is now primarily switched via a single short string: CrawlMetadata's 'robotsPolicyName' parameter. The names 'obey' and 'classic' are synonyms and always available and mean strict compliance with standard robots.txt conventions. The name 'ignore' is also always available and means robots.txt rules are not considered. The parameter is Sheet-overlayable for individual sites, to allow the common case where robots-rules are followed by default but for a small number of crawl-affiliated/permission-granted sites, robots rules may be ignored. Changes to the name during a crawl take effect immediately, rather than upon next fetch of robots.txt for affected sites.

The robotsPolicyName may also be the bean name of any instance of a RobotsPolicy subclass declared in the crawler configuration, to allow more fine-grained (or even custom) policies. The FirstNamedRobotsPolicy is a new policy which checks a series of User-Agents in order, and follows the first to match any specific User-Agent directive in a site's robots.txt.

Our robots.txt parsing now tolerates trailing '*' wildcards in Disallow directives (a common deviation from the original standard) as being equivalent to the same path-prefix without a trailing '*'. We do not yet support the internal '*' wildcards or trailing-anchor '$' introduced by Google, but there is an issue, HER-1621, to eventually address this.

The handling of overlapping 'Allow' and 'Disallow' directives has been made to match other crawlers and webmasters' likely intuitive understanding (more specific/longer-in-length directives win) (HER-1880).

Liveness of frontier and settings-overlay information improved (HER-1768, HER-747, HER-1823)

Handling of queue-budgeting and rotation/retirement operations has been refactored to ensure mid-crawl changes (via new overlay sheets or direct editing with the bean-browse tool or scripting-console) take effect immediately. Additionally, CrawlURIs may be marked to force the retirement of their source queue by Processors, and the DispositionProcessor has an (sheet-overlayable) setting to apply this marking. More generally, settings changes via new Sheets and Sheet-associations during a crawl (as inserted via scripting until a separate UI is developed) now take effect on all URIs being dequeued for processing, rather than just newly-discovered URIs.

Infer '/favicon.ico' and optionally root page ('/') (HER-1799, HER-1010)

The ExtractorHTTP processor will now consider any URI on a hostname as also implying that the '/favicon.ico' from the same host should be fetched as well. Optionally, the 'inferRootPage' setting, if true, means to infer the '/' root page from any other URI on the same hostname, as well. (The default for this setting, matching the old behavior of only fetching the root page is it was a seed or otherwise discovered and in-scope, is false.) Discovery via these new heuristics is considered to be a new 'I' (inferred) hop-type, and is treated the same in scoping/transclusion decisions as an 'E' (embed).

New global ExtractorParameters settings 'extract404s' and 'extractIndependently' (HER-1848, HER-1836)

The interface for crawl-wide extractor parameters, ExtractorParameters (usually provided by the Frontier), includes two new settings. To avoid extracting links from 404 ("not found") response content, set 'extract404s' to false. (Default is true, matching the old behavior.) To encourage extractor processors to always perform their best-effort extraction, even if a previous extractor has marked a URI as already-handled, set 'extractIndependently' to true. (Default is false, matching the old behavior.)

Improved string-might-be-URI testing (HER-1763)

The tests used to determine if a string (such as may be found in otherwise unparsed/uninterpreted Javascript) is sufficiently likely to be a URI that it may warrant a fetch attempt have been unified into a UriUtils class and slightly improved. Note that this technique is still error-prone, and likely to generate some false requests that occasionally cause problems or annoyance at target websites. To refrain this approach, either on a full crawl or on a site-by-site basis when you notice it causing problems, disable or remove the ExtractorJS, and set ExtractorHTML's 'extractJS' and 'extractValueAttributes' settings to false.

DiskSpaceMonitor component for detecting, pausing in low-disk-space conditions (HER-1811)

The DiskSpaceMonitor may be added to a crawl, and configured with a list of paths to monitor. When free space at those paths drops below a configured level (checked at the same interval as the progress-statistics.log is updated), the crawl will be paused. Contributed by Kristinn Sigurðsson; replaces the LowDiskPauseProcessor.

New formula and default conventions for ARC/WARC naming to better guarantee uniqueness (HER-1727)

Instead of specifying the formula for ARC/WARC naming in code and using a supplied 'prefix' and 'suffix', a template with variable interpolation may be used. (The configured 'prefix' remains an available variable, as well as other useful local machine, crawl, and writer properties.) The default template is:


Compared to previous practice, this adds the local process ID, and the 17-digit timestamp is provided via a service that will always ensure that each timestamp is at least 1 millisecond after any others previously offered. These new conventions, in this default template, thus protect against inadvertent ARC/WARC name collisions even when many crawls, in many JVMs on the same machine, using the same prefix, are launched/crawling simultaneously. Although the names so generated are long, they are extremely likely to be unique under usual conditions. We recommend against changing this template unless you are certain your alternate naming system also generates unique names, as downstream tools for indexing ARCs/WARCs often assume or otherwise benefit from ARC/WARC filename uniqueness.

Fetcher for 'whois' information (HER-1645)

Heritrix includes an optional fetcher for domain 'whois' data. A small set of well-established 'whois' servers are preconfigured. The fetcher uses an ad-hoc/intuitive interpretation of how a 'whois:' scheme URI should work.

Frontier queue-reporting more configurable (HER-1827)

The standard BdbFrontier (via its superclass WorkQueueFrontier) has two new settings, 'largestQueuesCount' (default 20) and 'maxQueuesPerReportCategory' (default 2000). These control how many of the largest queues are tracked and reported in the textual 'frontier report' and the maximum number of queues per category listed in the textual 'frontier report'. Note that the largest-queues information may be approximate when queues shrink out of the top-N, or the value is changed mid-crawl. (The list is updated only when a queue is noted growing into the largest group.)

Where available, 'hard' links will now be used to collect the BerkeleyDB-JE files required to reproduce the crawler's state, and automatic deletion of outdated files not needed for a checkpoint (the ".DEL" files) has been reenabled. This eliminates the need to manually delete unneeded files, and makes saving-elsewhere or clearing of old checkpoints easier.

SurtPrefixedDecideRule 'surtsSource' may use file path or inline String (HER-1857)

To match the flexibility of TextSeedModule's 'textSource', the SurtPrefixedDecideRule 'surtsSource' parameter may now be any ReadSource, such as a ConfigFile (to read from a local file path) or ConfigString (to read from the text inline in the crawler configuration file).

Workaround for Java 6 update 23 GZIP incompatibilities (HER-1865)

Java 6 update 23 (aka JDK6u23) made a backward-incompatible change in how GZIP streams built from multiple concatenated GZIP members were handled by Java's GZIPInputStream. Additionally, it introduced a serious new bug in how GZIP members with 'extra fields' are processed. (Conventionally all ARCs and WARCs use some kind of GZIP extra field.) As a result, the ARC/WARC reading code from earlier Heritrix releases will not work in Java 6 update 23 and update 24 (and possibly later). Heritrix 3.1.0's ARC/WARC reading code includes a workaround based on the non-buggy OpenJDK7 GZIP implementation classes, which also include the new multi-member treatment. The Heritrix 3.1.0 code should work with both pre- and post- JDK6u23 Sun/Oracle Java distributions.

Proper rejection of cookies on top-level-domains/public suffixes (HER-1864)

Heritrix 3.0.0 incorrectly accepted and returned to other servers cookies that some sites erroneously set on top-level-domains/public-suffixes (like ".com"). This was most likely to happen in very broad/national/world crawls, and could result in impractically long and inefficient (crawl-slowing) Cookie headers. This has been fixed.

Crawl.log 'hops path' now shows only last 50 hop-types (HER-1834)

The 5th field of the crawl.log is a symbolic representation of the path by which a URI was discovered, where each character represented the type of outlink followed. For example, 'LLREX' means two navigational links, a redirect, an embed (as with a frame), and a speculative (Javascript/plugin/media) reference. For crawls with no (or very large) limits on link-hops-followed-from-seeds, this string could become arbitrarily long, leading to memory and log bloat and crawl performance problems. This string has been converted to show only the last 50 hop-types, with a leading integer indicating how many prior hops are not shown. For example, a 62-hop path might now appear as "12+LLRLLLRELLLLRLLLRELLLLRLLLRELLLLRLLLRELLLLRLLLRELE".

(Also note that content which is only discoverable through long paths is increasingly likely, with path length, to be auto-generated material of negligible value – aka 'crawler traps', whether intentional or not. So most crawls should use some max-hop value, and we believe that value should be closer to 'dozens' than 'hundreds' or 'thousands'.)

Protecting operator login credentials from casual snooping (HER-1753, HER-1804)

If the parameter supplied to the '-a' command-line option at initial launch is a string beginning with '@', the rest of the string is taken as a local file from which to read the operator login:password. Thus, these credentials are not visible to all other machine users via process-listings. (Of course, if other users are a concern, the local file, and all other job/class files consulted by Heritrix, must also be access-protected.)

Additionally, the output echoed to the terminal and heritrix_out.log now only reminds how the credentials were set, without echoing them, in case the terminal or log are (or become) more widely viewable.

Remember, because of the flexibility of the web operator interface in editing/viewing all local files readable by the crawler process, and the ability to include arbitrary scripting code in multiple JVM languages in crawl configurations, access to the crawler operator web interface gives near-total access to the hosting machine. The crawl operator can do anything through the user interface that the user the crawler is running as could do at a shell. So be sure to secure your running instances of Heritrix, in accordance with the recommendations at Security Considerations and your own organizational practices.


5 years ago

Release 3.0.0 is a major release, the first of the Heritrix3 ("H3") series. It includes new features and issue fixes, and a significant reworking of the configuration system and user interface based on current and expected needs.

Heritrix3 is currently suitable for advanced users and projects that are either customizing Heritrix (with Java or other scripting code) or embedding Heritrix in a larger system. Please review the Current Limitations, below, to help determine if Heritrix3 or a current Heritrix1 (1.14.3 or later) release is best suited for your needs.

The 3.0.0 release is now available for download at the archive-crawler Sourceforge project.

Documentation for Heritrix3 is available via the Heritrix 3.0 User Guide , Heritrix 3.0 API Guide , and other notes on the Heritrix project wiki .

Please discuss questions, problems, and ideas at our project discussion list , and submit bug reports or feature requests via our project JIRA issue tracker .

1. New and Notable

XML Configuration Based on the Spring Framework

An XML file that conforms to the Spring Inversion-of-Control container framework (version 2.5.6) is now the mechanism for configuring Heritrix crawl jobs. This file exists for each crawl job and replaces the previous order.xml file. The file is called crawler-beans.cxml (or profile-crawler-beans.cxml to signify a template configuration which may be edited and test-built but not launched).

Unified RESTful Interface for Browser and Programmatic Control

The Web User Interface has been redesigned to generally follow REST architectural principles, allowing simple HTML GETs and POSTs to control crawler behavior, either with a web browser or other systems.

Apache 2 License

The Heritrix crawler source code, with the exception of a few files, is now available under the Apache License, 2.0. See the included file LICENSE.txt for details.

Pauseless Checkpointing

Checkpoints may be requested without requiring a full-crawler pause, and complete with a much smaller impact on the rate of progress. See (HER-1516   ).

Support for Millions of Seeds

Heritrix now robustly supports crawls with millions of seeds. See (HER-769   ).

Enhanced Scripting Functionality

Custom Processors and DecideRules may be implemented in Beanshell, Javascript, or Groovy scripting languages without adding other libraries or restarting Heritrix, and an enhanced Scripting Console in the operator web user-interface allows any kind of inspection or modification of a running crawl.

Action Directory

The new Action directory allows adding seeds and recovery URI data at any point during a crawl. See (HER-1660   ).

Fixed-Interval URI Revisitation

An experimental facility for directing the crawler to revisit URIs at a fixed interval after their initial fetch is available. See (HER-1714   ).

2. Current Limitations

No Guided-Form Configuration

Configuring a Heritrix3 crawl requires directly editing a textual XML configuration file. Simple changes are a matter of replacing or un-commenting existing values in a model file, while more extensive changes require understanding the Spring 'beans' container-specification XML format, and specifying implementation Java classes by their full names. An interface with individual fields and selection-lists of common options, as in prior versions of Heritrix, will be restored in a future release.

File Proliferation and Automatic Renaming

The new model of relaunching a job in its home directory, rather than creating a new directory for every launch, increases the likelihood logs and other files from later runs will attempt to use the same filenames as earlier runs. In general, Heritrix3 attempts to preserve the earlier files by renaming them aside, with a timestamp suffix added to their filenames.

Migration Tool Limited

The current migration utility, executable class org.archive.crawler.migrate.MigrateH1to3Tool, only works reliably for changed basic order.xml configuration values as reflected in our bundled default configuration. Also, it makes no effort to convert H1 per-domain/per-host settings overrides. By providing a model H3-based configuration with some values brought over, and reporting the values it cannot convert, it may still provide a useful base for other hand-conversion. Please let us know what advanced configuration in your Heritrix1 crawls is most important to support in the automated tool.

3. Moving from Heritrix 1.14.x

Operator Web Interface HTTPS By Default

The operator user interface is now accessible only by HTTPS, by default, on port 8443. A custom self-signed certificate will be generated (if a server certificate is not specified) and saved for reuse if necessary. As before, the interface is also only made available via the 'localhost' interface unless a non-default switch is used to listen on all interfaces.

Secure the operator interface

Important: Via its crawl-configuration and scripting capabilities, the operator web interface grants the ability to run arbitrary Java code, and make arbitrary filesystem changes, on the system running the crawler, with all privileges of the user account used to launch the Java runtime. As a result, securing the operator interface with network policies and strong password is very important. Please review the Security Considerations section of the User Manual for more details.

Changed Configuration Steps

All pre-crawl configuration is guided by a primary XML configuration file in the 'beans' format of the Spring framework. (It may import other files or refer to other paths that are consulted, as well.) By convention, this file is named 'crawler-beans.cxml'.As noted above, this file muse be edited directly -- either outside the web user interface, or via a file-editor page provided in the web user interface -- to change configuration parameters or the choice of implementing classes for crawler functionality.

The bundled default profile contains an initial suggested configuration with recommended values and modules, and should be used as a model to build other configurations. It is extensively commented to describe optional properties that may be altered from default values.

A migration program is also available to help operators migrate 1.x crawl jobs to 3.0 crawl jobs. See (HER-1641   ). It currently only helps map simple configuration values to their new equivalents, but will also display warnings about configuration that requires more attention.

A built crawl may be inspected and changed in new ways, including the Scripting Console and Bean Browser, but these changes will not be automatically propagated to the CXML configuration.

Build, Launch, Teardown In-Place

The general lifecycle of a crawl is now:

  • Compose the crawl job configuration as desired, perhaps starting from a bundled template or other earlier crawl job

  • Build the crawl, which serves to test many aspects of the configuration's validity (such as whether the CXML is legal and specified all necessary components and legal property values). A built crawl has had all its components created and connected, but has not yet started consuming disk resources or begun network activity.

  • Launch the crawl, which signals it to begin disk/network activity. Our bundled profile will begin in a paused state, requiring an un-pause for URI-fetching to actually begin, though this may be changed via a configuration property.

  • Monitor the running crawl, pausing/unpausing/checkpointing as desired. The job's detail page may always be reloaded in the browser for the latest running statistics.

  • Allow the crawl to reach its end or use the Terminate option. Even after termination, the crawl components remain alive in system memory for inspection/reporting.

  • Teardown the crawl to discard all crawl components, to free memory or allow the job to be freshly 'built' and 'launched' again.

A crawl job may be relaunched repeatedly in the same job directory. (A new directory is not created for each launch.)

Seed-derived SURT Prefix and SURT Prefix Syntax Changes

There have been some small but important changes in the syntax by which SURT Prefixes are specified.

First, when deducing an 'implied' SURT prefix from a seed URI, the presence or absence of a trailing '/' after the URI host portion (or more precisely, URI authority portion) is no longer significant. The trailing '/' is always assumed to be present – just as it is in browsers and on HTTP requests, and the deduced SURT prefix is always limited to that exact host (or authority). For example, in H3, either the seed "http://example.com" or "http://example.com/" (note trailing '/') are both treated as if they have the trailing slash. They both imply the SURT prefix "http://(com,example,)/", which is only a prefix of URIs that begin exactly "http://example.com/". If you want to accept all subdomains of 'example.com', you must supply a suitable SURT prefix yourself, for example "http://(com,example,".

Second, they syntax for supplying SURT prefixes is the same whether they are included in your seeds-source text, or a separate surts-source file. If you are going to provide a hand-crafted SURT prefix, it should be on a line that begins with the '+' directive, for example "+http://(com,example,", whether it is in your seeds file or a separate surt-prefixes file specified via the surtsSourceFile setting.

If you want the SURT prefix to be deduced from a normal URI or even naked hostname, these may be supplied in the seeds source text, with the seedsAsSurtPrefixes setting on, or in the surtsSourceFile. For example, consider the following short text file:


If the above is supplied as seeds source text, then the first two lines will be interpreted as the seeds "http://images.example.com/" and "http://sounds.example.com/". Further, the two lines beginning '+' will be announced to any SURT-prefix-sensitive scoping rules – usually just a single one – and result in that rule including the SURT-prefixes "http://(com,example,videos,)/" (accepting any URLs on the videos.example.com domain) and "http://com.exampleresources," (accepting any URLs on exampleresources.com domain and any subdomains).

If the seedsAsSurtPrefixes setting is true on a particular SURT-prefix-sensitive scope rule (which is the default), then those two seeds will also result in that rule accepting URIs fitting the SURT-prefixes "http://(com,example,images,)/" and "http://(com,example,sounds,)/".

If that same text is supplied directly as SURTs-source-file, all lines supply SURT prefixes. (The 'seedsAsSurtPrefixes' setting is irrelevant.) Those lines beginning '' are considered to already be in SURT form; those without '' are first coerced into URIs (adding "http://" if necessary if a scheme isn't present) and then SURT prefixes are deduced.

4. All Tracked Changes

The following 111 tracked issues are recorded as addressed in this 3.0 release:

Fixed in 3.0.0


Fixed in 3.0.0-RC1


Fixed in 3.0.0-beta


Fixed in 3.0.0-alpha


5. Known Issues

"Create new job" gives NPE

The 3.0.0 "Create new job from recommended starting configuration" feature will produce a NullPointerException. A fix has been submitted (HER-1725   ) and will be included in the next incremental release. The recommended workaround is to navigate to the default jobs directory starter profile, and use its copy functionality, then revisit the "Engine" page, and press rescan. Your new job should appear in the list of job directories.