Hbase Orm Versions Save

A production-grade HBase ORM library that makes accessing HBase clean, fast and fun (Can also be used as Bigtable ORM)


5 years ago
  • [Enhancement] New set of increment() methods on DAO class.
  • [Enhancement] New set of constructors that take HBase client's Connection object as a parameter.
  • [Minor] Version update for Jackson


5 years ago
  • [Enhancement] Columns from inherited fields
  • [Enhancement] AbstractHBDAO: New constructor that takes custom HBObjectMapper
  • [Improvement] Java 8 build compatibility (but build is still on Java 7)
  • [Change] Renamed project to hbase-orm (artifact id and namespace remain same, to provide backward compatibility)
  • [Change] Changed signature of get(List<Get>) to getOnGets to improve clarity
  • [Change] Moved DeserializationException and SerializationException moved to package com.flipkart.hbaseobjectmapper.codec.exceptions
  • [Change] Renamed getHBFields to getHBColumnFields
  • [Improvement] Removed check of "all HBRowKey fields must non-null" to increase flexibility. You need to handle null yourself in your composeRowKey implementation.
  • [Improvement] Configurable timeout for test cases that use in-memory HBase cluster


6 years ago
  • [Enhancement] Added Get AbstractHBDAO::getGet(rowKey) and AbstractHBDAO::get(Get) methods to enable advanced/customized read access patterns on HBase. (e.g. "get all versions in the last 5 days", "get all versions between last-sunday and yesterday" etc.)
  • [Improvement] Documentation & test-cases improvement


6 years ago
  • [Enhancement] Ability to customise codec for random access of HBase rows (earlier versions allowed customisation in object mapper only). Use the additional constructor AbstractHBDAO(Configuration, Codec).
  • [Enhancement] Ability to customise serialization/deserialization behavior of HBase row key.
  • [Fix] Fixed mixed use of SERIALISE and SERIALIZE in identifiers and constants (now only SERIALIZE exists).
  • [Change] Renamed method HBObjectMapper.rowKeyToIbw to HBObjectMapper.toIbw (This method wasn't doing anything specific to row key. To compose row key of your bean-like class, use HBObjectMapper.getRowKey).
  • [Improvement] Improved Javadoc and test cases.


6 years ago
  • [Enhancement] Migrated to Hadoop 2.7 and HBase 1.1 (corresponding to Hortonworks Data Platform v2.4).
  • Removed obsoleted method getColumnFamilies() method from HBObjectMapper and AbstractDAO classes (Use the alternative getColumnFamiliesAndVersions() method instead).


7 years ago
  • [Enhancement] AbstractHBDAO class now implements Closeable interface. You can now use your DAO classes in try-with-resources statement (and not worry about closing the underlying connection).
  • [Enhancement] @HBTable annotation now takes column families and max number of versions. As an implication:
    • Introduced AbstractHBDAO::getColumnFamiliesAndVersions method. Deprecated AbstractHBDAO::getColumnFamilies method.
    • Column family names used in @HBColumn annotation now must be pre-declared in @HBTable
  • [Fix] In earlier versions, some methods of DAO class used to take rowkey input as a String, even when rowkey was declared as some other type (e.g. Long or custom class) in your bean-like entity class. This has now been fixed.
  • [Improvement] Encapsulated serialization and deserialization exceptions thrown by methods of Codec (be it the default codec or your own) into a CodecException
  • [Improvement] The default codec class (BestSuitCodec) has been supporting a flag "serializeAsString" (since v1.5). This String flag has now been made into a constant BestSuitCodec.SERIALISE_AS_STRING (to avoid spelling errors)
  • [Improvement] Upgraded underlying libraries
    • Jackson from 2.4 to 2.8
    • Lombok from 1.14 to 1.16, junit from 4.11 to 4.12 (These affect test cases only)
    • etc.
  • [Improvement] Improved test cases (Coverage = 85%). Improved Javadoc.


7 years ago
  • Fixed issue that prevented serialization of a HBRecord class containing member variables that are collection of custom classes (e.g. List<SomeClass>, Map<String, SomeOtherClass>). Added detailed test cases to prevent regression of this issue in upcoming versions.
  • Fixed issue that suppressed stack trace upon serialization failure
  • Fixed Javadoc warnings in HBColumn and HBColumnMultiVersion annotations


7 years ago
  • [Enhancement] Ability to pass custom 'flags' for your codec which allow you class-field level control of serialization/deserialization behavior. (e.g. You may write your codec to serialize field Integer id in Citizen class differently from field Integer id in Employee class)
    • Introduced parameter codecFlags in @HBColumn and @HBColumnMultiVersion annotations.
  • [Change] In earlier versions, irrespective of the codec, following data types were serialized using HBase's native methods: Boolean, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, String and BigDecimal. From this version on, you may customize serialization of any data type, including these. This allows you much higher level of control.
  • [Change] Removed parameter serializeAsString from @HBColumn and @HBColumnMultiVersion annotations.
    • The same behavior can however be achieved by passing serializeAsString=true as a codecFlag for the class field. The default codec (BestSuitCodec class) handles this flag. If you are using your own codec, you'll have to handle it explicitly.
    • By this change in design, we now have complete separation of concerns - all the serialization/deserialization logic is in implementation of Codec interface.
  • Further improved test cases
  • Further improved Javadoc.


7 years ago
  • [Fix] Methods valueToByteArray and rowKeyToIbw now accept input row key as Serializable & Comparable, instead of just Serializable (in line with signatures of rest of the methods). Internally, writeValueAsResult and writeValueAsPut methods now handle objects representing row key as Serializable & Comparable, instead of just Serializable.
  • [Doc Fix] Fixed examples and code snippets in README file to reflect methods introduced in v1.4


7 years ago
  • [Enhancement] Row-key can now be mapped to any data type that is Comparable with itself and Serializable. In earlier versions of this library, row key could only be mapped as a String. HBRecord interface is now a generic. AbstractHBDAO class now takes two parameters (row key type and entity type), instead of one.
  • [Improvement] JacksonJsonCodec can now take your own instance of ObjectMapper
  • [Improvement] Extended documentation (Javadoc) for a large number of methods. Improved detail in exception messages.
  • [Improvement] Refactored test-cases and included more use-cases and scenarios. Test case utilities in this library can be used (copied out) as a clean wrapper around MRUnit library. They provide good snippets for writing high-quality test cases for source codes accessing HBase (Coverage: 89% method, 86% line)
  • [Change] Migrated from Java 6 to Java 7 (in line with the minimum requirements of underlying Hadoop distribution).
  • [Change] Method to delete HBase rows by objects is changed from delete(HBRecord[]) to delete(List<? extends HBRecord<R>> objects) to avoid conflict with other generic method with same type erasure (conflict arose only in this version since row key is now a generic)
  • [Change] Integrated methods in Util methods to convert String to ImmutableBytesWritable and vice-versa into HBObjectMapper class (to keep serialization logic in sync with your codec)
  • [Change] Removed container writeValueAsRowKeyResultPair methods. Alternatively, use existing methods getRowKey and writeValueAsResult.
  • [Fix] Avoided double-validation of input bean-like classes. (no change in behaviour)