Haunted Versions Save

React's Hooks API implemented for web components 👻


4 years ago

This is a patch release of Haunted, that enhances Type definitions as described in #116.


4 years ago

This is a small fix, ensuring that everything is exported from core.js so that the hooks can be imported from this entry point as well.


4 years ago

👻 Haunted 4.5.0 is out 🎉. This is a pretty big release as it introduces some nice new features:


the new haunted/core entry point is ideal for those who are using a templating library other than lit-html, for example lighterhtml. This has been one of the most requested features for Haunted for a long time. Although Haunted has always worked with hyperHTML, lighterhtml, and others, it always included lit-html even if it was unused.

I didn't like the idea of not including support for a templating library out-of-the-box and forcing configuration on everything, so Haunted still works the easy way with lit-html. The new haunted/core is for people who want a little more control. The haunted export is a function that wires together a render function and produces the component function, createContext, and a few other things. Here's a simple example:

import haunted, { useState } from 'haunted/core';
import { html, render } from 'lighterhtml';

const { component } = haunted({
  render(what, where) {
    render(where, () => what);

const App = component(() => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return html`Using lighterhtml! Count: ${count}`;

Here a codepen using haunted/core with lighterhtml.


The useRef hook has been added. It's a simple way to create a mutable value. An example usage is like so:

function App() {
  const myRef = useRef(0);
  return html`

Better docs on importing Haunted

We're revamped the docs that go over all of the ways that Haunted can be imported. We've also simplified things so that there's the haunted.js bundle that is useful from a CDN for things like demo pages, and the haunted and haunted/core entry points for use with bundlers / other tooling. See the new docs for more.


4 years ago

Now supports the delegatesFocus option in Shadow DOM via the new shadowRootInit option.

function App() {
  return html`delegates focus`;

customElements.define('delegates-focus', app,
  HTMLElement, {shadowRootInit: {delegatesFocus: true}));


4 years ago

Haunted now includes the module field in package.json and works with tools (like pika) that use that field.


5 years ago

This fixes useEffect typings.


5 years ago

This is a minor release adding TypeScript typings as an officially supported thing in Haunted. 🎉


5 years ago

This fixes an issue with useEffect teardown functions not being called in virtual components.


5 years ago

This patch release fixes the web.js build.


5 years ago

This is a minor release adding 2 new features.

First, it's now possibly to disable the use of Shadow DOM:

component(() => html`...`, HTMLElement, {useShadowDOM: false}))

Secondly, dash attributes are now correctly converted to camelCased properties:

function Drawer({ isOpen }) {
   return html` ... `

Drawer.observedAttributes = ['is-open'];
<my-drawer is-open></my-drawer>

Big thanks to @jpray for developing these!