Hass Circadian Lighting Versions Save

Circadian Lighting custom component for Home Assistant


2 years ago
  • This adds color temperature as an attribute to Circadian Lighting switch entities. This is useful because different Circadian Lighting switch configurations can set different color temperature values when in "sleep mode". This will also likely remove some confusion about creating templates and automations to set color temperature using CL calculated values.
  • Replaced deprecated "device_state_attributes" property with "extra_state_attributes", should have no changes to functionality.


2 years ago

Replaced deprecated "device_state_attributes" property with "extra_state_attributes", should have no changes to functionality.


2 years ago

This adds color temperature as an attribute to Circadian Lighting switch entities. This is useful because different Circadian Lighting switch configurations can set different color temperature values when in "sleep mode". This will also likely remove some confusion about creating templates and automations to set color temperature using CL calculated values.


3 years ago

New options, async, fixes for 2021.5.x

Most of this work was contributed by @basnijholt - thanks also go to @KTibow @emansom @samnewman86 @rubdos

  • Simplified and rewritten a lot of the code
  • Adds only_once option to switch, which makes the light change to the correct value only when turning it on (or disabled_state, sleeping_state switch). This is useful when you want to manually change the settings of the lights sometimes and make it stay
  • Adds ability to make sleep_state and disable_state lists of options. For example when using an input_select where something should be disabled on multiple states. This is a non-breaking change because it also accepts just a single string
  • Switch is now fully async, which means that when adjusting the lights, all lights get the service call simultaneously
  • Removes timezonefinder requirement which relies on numpy, causing installation issues for a number of people on "non-standard" (Home Assistant Core) installs
  • Updates manifest.json to include a version as required by HA Core 2021.5.x, and also includes some other changes to follow the latest developer documentation. This update also includes changes to allow the component to work with Astral v2 while remaining backwards compatible with v1


3 years ago

Updates to work with Home Assistant Core 2021.5.x +

This updates manifest.json to include a version as required by HA Core 2021.5.x, and also includes some other changes to follow the latest developer documentation. This update also includes changes to allow the component to work with Astral v2 while remaining backwards compatible with v1.


3 years ago

Construct 'today' differently, should fix an issue with 2.0.2b at certain times.


3 years ago

Fix percentage calculation after code simplification.


3 years ago

Fixes and Improved Compatibility

This release is again entirely the work of @basnijholt!

  • Fixes some errors introduced in the move to async
  • Removes timezonefinder requirement which relies on numpy, causing installation issues for a number of people on "non-standard" (Home Assistant Core) installs.


3 years ago


This release is entirely the work of @basnijholt - all credit goes to him for this wonderful contribution!

I have simplified and rewritten a lot of the code.

In addition, I have added the functionalities:

  • add only_once option to switch, which makes the light change to the correct value only when turning it on (or disabled_state, sleeping_state switch). This is useful when you want to manually change the settings of the lights sometimes and make it stay.
  • add ability to make sleep_state and disable_state lists of options. For example when using an input_select where something should be disabled on multiple states. This is a non-breaking change because it also accepts just a single string.
  • The switch is now fully async, which means that when adjusting the lights, all lights get the service call simultaneously.


3 years ago

Timezone fixes

User actual timezone to fix configured sunrise/sunset, and use the same timezone for "now" and configured lat/long

Fix for home assistant changes

Change SwitchDevice to SwitchEntity