Hardhat Gas Reporter Versions Save

Gas Usage Analytics for Hardhat


2 years ago
  • Bug fix: add TS types for token and gasPriceApi config options


2 years ago
  • Adds support for alternate chains, fetching network specific gas prices and denominating costs in tokens besides ETH (via eth-gas-reporter PR 251, thanks to @lucaperret
  • Fixes race-condition when fetching remote data (#72, #60)
  • Updates eth-gas-reporter to 0.2.23
  • Updates solidity-parser/parser to 0.0.14 (supporting latest solidity)


3 years ago

This release:

  • Fixes a bug that made the reporter incompatible with the Waffle wallet. Transactions signed with wallet addresses were missing from the report.


3 years ago

This release restores the (accidentally broken) excludeContracts option and adds support for excluding folders.

The option now accepts an array of strings which are checked against Hardhat's list of fully qualified contract names for your project. If an exclusion string is a substring of a qualified contract name, that contract is filtered from the report.

Given the following qualified contract names...

  • ['DuplicateA'] would filter everything in the DuplicateA.sol file
  • ['EtherRouter/'] would filter the entire EtherRouter directory
  • ['EtherRouter.sol'] would filter only the contracts in EtherRouter.sol file.


3 years ago


This version:

  • Adds a new option, remoteContracts which lets you track the gas usage of contracts deployed to the parent chain of a forked provider.

  • Fixes a bug found at openzeppelin-upgrades that caused the reporter crash when querying the network for a non-existent transaction hash. (Contribution @frangio)